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1.5k · Aug 2019
Singeing Heart 13/365
The sadness that resides within me is gone;
there is hope etched on my every rib
that combusts my fuel of desire
to burn the negativity of this world!
365 Poems for my 365 Days

13 of 365
How painful are the hornets' stings!
A flickering sensation through my veins
that introduces me to my own doomsday.
My blood slowly infused with their venom!
365 Poems for my 365 Days

1 of 365
746 · Jul 2019
Your rain has come 6/365
Rainy seasons are not always the best seasons.
Some use the rain for their crops;
Some use the rain to induce their sleep;
Some use the rain to hide their tears.
365 Poems for my 365 Days

6 of 365
731 · Jul 2019
Cloud Congas 5/365
The smell of raindrops is like perfume.
Droplets bounce each and every passersby's umbrella,
mimicking the rhythm of their pulses.
It feels as if time is slowing down.
365 Poems for my 365 Days

5 of 365
Prologue: The Devil and the Nymphet

There she ran to the moon lighted alleyway.
Her heart beat fast, blood pressure hyperventilated.
She might be a runaway from somewhere else.
This nymphet seemed to be lost in thoughts.
There by the lamp post stood a coffee shop.
Inside, a silhouette sitting figure awaits.
Every sip dictated the nearing of the nymph.

Suddenly, the door's chimes sang like their head's insanity.
A lost soul meeting a devil of liberty!
Pier Cafe at Schicks st.
Prologue: The Devil and the Nymph

A Poem Series
Here witnessed the haven of the nymphet-
the pure embodiment of physical struggle;
an angel that was thorn off of its wings.
"How much trust are you willing to feed me."
With anger on his lips, the barista answered
"Trust me you do; trust him answer your own!"
While pointing a finger at the figure.

Her lungs suffocated, as well as the atmosphere;
the development of her being is now shaded with fear!
Pier Cafe at Schicks st.
Chapter 2: White nest in hell

A Poem Series
555 · Jul 2019
Boredom's Residue 2/365
Here I am sitting on my college armchair
numbing my **** for the sake of waiting.
Spoiling my breath for there's no one around.
Hearing my own pulse for it is too quiet!
365 Poems for my 365 Days

2 of 365
There it ended in the coffee shop.
A ****** of a nymphet by someone's hands,
or rather a death by a demon's will!
It is utmost tragedy that it was evil
chasing the helpless nymphet-
a young girl blinded by trust,
a pure soul stained by betrayal!

It is without a doubt a ****** killing-
not neverending but also not always occurring!
Pier Cafe at Schicks st.
Epilogue: ****** snow

A Poem Series
Chapter 1: How do you do?

A lovely night it was for the barista;
tranquility of the resting shadow by the table;
desperation from the asphyxiation of the nymphet.
Through the night, there encountered strangers;
scattered by time, gathered by fate!
"What been shall delight that tongue, my dear?"
Offered by the old man.

"Moment may only tell why the three of us meet."
"But don't worry, it's safe; outside is the threat!"
Pier Cafe at Schick's st.
Chapter 1: How do you do?

A Poem Series
Today's a little bit different than usual;
my mind feels dreamy to clouds above my head;
my tummy feels like bursting with butterflies;
I might've been embraced by someone from afar.
365 Poems for my 365 Days

12 of 365
"Everything will be irrelevant when the angel dies!"
Shouted by the black figure.
The room was shrouded in inner darkness;
shadow engulfs anything that it touches;
lights were flickering at every heartbeat,
exposing wrathful demons smiling!
The black figure unzips his fangs!

"Pandemonium it may seem to your eyes
but hell is better than paradise's lies!"
Pier Cafe at Schicks st.
Chapter 3: Hatching Hatchet

A Poem Series
I'll ignore you until I die!
My heart had never been the same
since the last time you broke it.
I'll ignore you until one of us is dead!
365 Poems for my 365 Days

11 of 365
367 · Jul 2019
Morning Moon 4/365
Is it sunrays? Or is it just decaying moonlight?
Are those stars? Or is it just dying light?
Is it love? Or was it just lust?
Are you 'you'? Or just somebody I knew?
365 Poems for my 365 Days

4 of 365
A yellow dandelion flew across my face,
and it made me smile.
You, my love, walked towards me,
and it made me love.
365 Poems for my 365 Days

14 of 365
For the last previous five days of my life,
I had been questioning my very own existence.
Is it do we live to die?
Or is it do we die to live?
365 Poems for my 365 Days

9 of 365
I dream that someday life may be fair;
the forests know how to eat fire;
the oceans capable of saving men;
the skies may speak my words to you.
365 Poems for my 365 Days

15 of 365
334 · Jul 2019
Sweats and Candies 3/365
Hundred people walked beside me
with different faces, different scents.
Every step is a manifestation
of dripping sweat from burnt calories!
365 Poems for my 365 Days

3 of 365
The nymphet's limbs were held by him.
Slowly tearing her tendons and cartilage!
Her body fluids were pouring out of every joint.
"It is I, your demon, that feeds from your fear!
O my dear nymphet, you are a delicacy!
A delicacy beyond my palate!"
The nymphet's severed body was cold on the floor.

Fear in one's heart is a curse
but fearing it a lifetime is worse!
Pier Cafe at Schicks st.
Chapter 4: The Gluttonous Feast

A Poem Series
The ice king awaits in his frozen vestibule.
No staff to tend; no knights to protect him.
In months, he cried and cried; no one cared.
There his sadness eternal at his floating kingdom.
365 Poems for my 365 Days

8 of 365
288 · Sep 2019
Birth of tomorrow 16/365
Our morning dew turns to rain;
our spotlight turns to star;
our decorations turn to monuments;
our love turned to life.
365 Poems for my 365 Days

16 of 365
244 · Aug 2019
Eros' Conspiracy 10/365
Today beholds a mysterious ambiance.
It is as if death had been watching me.
If tomorrow might not ever come again,
then today is no better than yesterday.
365 Poems for my 365 Days

10 of 365
There are butterflies in my stomach;
Scorpion's sting on my chest;
thunder rolling on my lips;
fireflies to light up my life.
365 Poems for my 365 Days

7 of 365

— The End —