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J Lee Apr 2015
With out you I would have never known what it was like to love.
Never known what it was like to have the world around me melt away
Never be able to see how bright the sun truly is..
Or even how much I hate myself for falling in love with you.
With out you I wouldn't be able to say I was happy.
Ot that your a big part of who I am now.
With out you you I wouldn't have survived the past two years.
With out you I wouldn't have learned how to breathe.. or fly
with out you I wouldn't know how much I wish I had died....
Without you.. I wouldn't Be Me.
J Lee Apr 2015
My pain
is a fire that burns me..

My mind is inside out.
..take me off the edge of this bridge
Wake me up from the nightmare that Is you.

Im dead to you..
I was never really alive to start with.
But for some reason
how I still managed to love you..
Is a mystery both magical and terrifying..

You cut me like a knife
and my secrets spilled like blood..
You even told me to run.
there was just so far I could before I would break down
I'm just trying to stay one step ahead.
Your claws dig deeper into my soul
tearing out what remains of my heart.
  Apr 2015 J Lee
Chase Allen
There is no haunted house scarier than the place I speak of.
No creepy woods late at night compares.
The scariest place a human can be, a place no one is safe from.
To be alone with your thoughts can be the most devastating place anyone could be.
You are trapped with only thoughts and feelings and nothing can save you but yourself.
Some people are easily able to evade the thoughts and move on to other things, but some of us aren't that lucky.
For those of us who are trapped inside the tunnels of our minds we constantly are interrupted by overwhelming thoughts and nothing can stop them.
It's easy for people on the outside to think we can just turn off these bad thoughts but for us trapped there is no escaping this horrifying place. It's a constant battle of worry and misconceived ideas that we aren't good enough, that everything we do isn't enough for someone.
But never give up the internal battle with the demons that hide in your tunnel. You are good enough.
J Lee Apr 2015
My family, Well they think I’ve lost my mind.
I tell them i keep seeing you in my dreams.
Where,nothings changed.
Side by side, my hand in yours.
You have that smile that makes my heart race.

I know as long as you love me I’ll be okay.
But, your not here and Im alone now.  
I think I’m lost.
All I have are memories.
Ill start to fell better then i trip over myself.
Am I fool for loving you?

— The End —