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 May 2014 Dr Mike OConnell
Like a young child losing grip of his balloon,
I let go

I wonder if the child was sad as they watched their favorite balloon,



I wonder what the child had done to get the balloon
Oh, what excitement it must have been
Now just a forever memory
I released everything
All the emotions I had felt began to escape into the sunny sky
forever being a memory

I slowly started losing touch,
but quickly realizied I had never even touched
I thought I knew you,
now I feel like I don't know
who stands before me

A stranger in stance
ready to take my life; he
who once adored me

A wave of sadness
speaks of humiliation;
the trust is long gone

This is all madness;
you seek retaliation
and don't think it's wrong
(C) Maxwell 2014
we .......fade
anyone can "fall in love"
who can LOVE?
the WAR is here
sweet songs play
(and the young girls' *******
and eyes)
the mountain reveals itself
and its immortal strength
we are gentle creatures
of morn
the WAR songs play
we must go see
and know
everyone and everything
Silence, it's not much to ask for
banging before 8am
loud after 10pm
never shutting up, never been silent

With all its negatives
been deaf as one advantage
no noisy neighbors
no noisy traffic
total silence, something so rare

A house in the country
a boat at sea
a shuttle in space
places to finally get some sleep
places to finally get some silence
People who are deaf would love to be able to hear their neighbors and traffic and really deserve a cure, the purpose of making the comment about the one advantage to been deaf was for the purpose of the poem and also to explain how noisy the world is and can be.

Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed it, if you have any questions please ask them and I will try to answer them a.s.a.p.

If you would like to follow my on Twitter, search for
Here I am falling helplessly uncontrollably arms flailing breath ailing screaming silent waves of terror while you sing amazing ******* grace and release white doves into this space of nothingness you refer to as happiness
Here I am a living walking breathless lifeless corpse paying dues blindly searching for the fork in the road while you skip down the golden brick path in your ruby red shoes
Here I am riding the horse of death and there you are a shining fairy drop of sun
Here I am wondering what went wrong
and wondering how you won

Here I am

barely breathing

and I am

(C) Maxwell 2014
I can feel the tears building
as my eyes remain fixated on the night
aiming to focus on a vision I cannot quite see
I know I am tired and that I should sleep but what joy would fill my emotions if I could just hang my head and cry

But I cannot

And it is for that exact reason why I lay here in the darkness waiting to see a sight of satisfaction in my dreams
I know I have nothing to lose and all to live for and my blessings are en route but sometimes you have to let the water run dry

but I just cannot

I've become far too numb to cry

I can feel the wretched pain crumbling my insides and the butterflies have gathered in a heap of smoke
I can feel the abandoned broken pieces of my heart slowly coming together to make a sound of any life

And yet as I try to speak of foreshadowed unruly motions the words get hung on my teeth and the sounds never leave my throat
And yet the pit of my pain keeps boiling over in my head it is in my chest where these horrors reside

And all of this happens
because I am far too numb
to cry
(C) Maxwell 2014
Overrated ******* cheap bitter whine out of mouths of overworked undereducated individuals searching for achievement
Family nosing into business of other family they don't even speak to but need to know who's better off or worse off so most keep in touch for fake reasons
Friends claiming to be friends even though Bobby slept with Joe's sister Kim when Kim had a baby by Bobby's cousin Jim who's sister beat the *** of that ***** Karley for sharing a photo they were in
In a relationship today because you love to watch the haters hate but make 27 statuses about how ****** ain't **** and how you're 3 months late
Hypocritical comments followed by one hundred twenty seven likes
attached to a photo of a kid that died thirteen years ago twice
but to send a prayer or save a life all you have to do is click

I hardly remember the world before
I wonder what the world will be after

Just poking fun at America's favorite social media monster.

(C) Maxwell 2014
A hammer to the gut
A bludgeon to the brain
Cut the innards into pieces
Before I go insane!
Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome
(C) Maxwell 2014
I still blush when you kiss my forehead
and when you pinch my hip or nudge my back as you walk past
I still get butterflies when I make you laugh
How could I know love at such a young age?
How could I have known?
The moment my eyes found you
I knew
The moment I gave my all when I had nothing and we turned that empty void into something
and even though there was pain and anguish and heart ache I would do it
yes, I would do it all again
just the same
I wouldn't change a thing
Because there's no other place I'd rather be
than right here with you
Beneath your chin atop your chest listening to the sound of your heart
and feeling your fingers in my hair
listening to your dreams and stories of joy
Speaking about future endeavors that we wish to seek together
The wind carries a song you may not hear for I know that God is speaking and He is saying our blessings are already here!
My love, my sweet
Skin against skin
Kiss on your lips
Hold on for dear life as we live life and love life in love

Forbidden to others and I realized others will never understand and I realized it's not for anyone or anything or others to understand
Because it's you who holds my hand
Because it's you who brushes my cheek
Because it's you who chases the demons away
Because it's who wipes my tears
Because it's you who makes me smile and dream and be not afraid to seek

My love,
You make me feel such a way that I could fly without wings
If an angel could expel the feathers of her being without seeing then I could represent my heart in a thousand shards of emotional delicacy

For that is what you create within me
The most poetic thing I think I have ever written for the love of my life. Our anniversary is coming up so hey, why not?

(C) Maxwell 2014
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