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Girl On The Wing
love your whole self
Wonderland    Just trying to find my place in this rather large world
Montreal    "Love is a universal language and if you don't understand it then you've had your heart broken too many times."
Utilisation of a proto-dystopian aesthetic and thinly veiled political allusions, how awfully original. I write garbage and I do it sporadically. As in life, …
27/F/Not Boston, Almost Hell    ✝ (also known as WistfulHope) Read, message, or whatever • My work is protected under copyright © • HP member since 8-24-14
Pushing Daisies
Blinded by the heavy rain
Christian Ek
I write, I create, I imagine and I manifest it into reality. Only love can drive away hate. Read and you will live more lives. …
Kristian Alexander George
26/Other/Spiritual Infinity, θεός    Gender Fluid.
William Barry
Nashville    Bark when you see the mailman, shoot the messenger.
Illinois    Meghan 20 Lover of life Knitter Extraordinaire Getting healthy Day by day Depressed and Anxious Getting through this mess That we call life
Portland, OR    Closet poet - Lacrosse player - Star Wars What is sexuality?
Joshua Haines
26/M/Father, Husband, Writer    Wear a mask.
Karl Franssen aka Bryson Flegg
That Place Where I'm From    "I am the very model of a scientist salarian" “I don’t care about anyone, and the feeling is quite obviously mutual.” Sylvia Plath, The Unabridged …
Seth Connor Jackson
New Jersey    I am a 24 year old guy just out on his own adventuring this big and beautiful world. I'm from a small town in New …
Andrew Durst
Tarentum, PA.    I am 23. Instagram: @andrewdurst
Michael Pick
Waiting Room    Waiting Room Sitting still in an empty room, waiting for nothing to happen tomorrow. My life has been a waiting room, I watch as people …
Fadi Shaker
- I can't really write poetry... but I love to read it!! Ps: English isn't my first language, so you can always correct me(:
Jazmin Huey
Charlotte, North Carolina   
I have hurricanes in my windpipes.
Loud Introvert
Texas    I was quiet for a long time, but my mind was full of thoughts, ideas, and observations. So I wrote them down. Now I'm loud …
Jeramy Allen Thompson
The Mitten    Writing supplements sanity. For me, some might believe it to be my "drug". Love until your bones run dry.
Daniel Magner
I write about anything I feel or see that sets my pen a'working! Enjoy!

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