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Who am I?
Where am I?
Where am I going?

What's my purpose?
What's lifes purpose?
Does purpose have a purpose?

I'm falling, deeper and deeper
It's getting darker and blacker
I can't seem to stop it

Where is the light? What is the light?
Can I find it? Does it exist?
Does anyone else know this feeling?

No, stop. Stop falling, please I can't take it.
Where's the end? Is there an end?
Make it stop!
STOP with the questions! STOP.

I can't take this! I'm going berserk!
My mind is running away from me and I can't stop it.
I'm slipping away, and there's
nothing I can do.
Losing hope, I no longer care if I crash.

Let the bottom envelope me like the wrapper over a lollipop. Swallow me.
I don't care if I hit rock bottom, let it happen.

Just as I'm about to give up and let the darkness swallow me, I hear a voice.

ENOUGH! I've witnessed enough.
Open your eyes, look at yourself.
Your accomplishments, your desires, your life.

Bring it back, connect back to where you belong.
Do you want to just let yourself slip? What are you doing?

You have so much going for you, come back.
Is this what you want?
To let yourself wither away like this?

Give yourself some credit, you're better than this.
Only you can stop the falling.
And you can do so, by opening your eyes.

Realize what you have going for you, get out of your rut.
Listen to what I'm saying, look at the good in your life.
You don't have to fall like this.

Do you understand why I punished you?
Do you understand why you were falling?
Letting your head, mind, doubts control you, will defeat you.

So from here I let you go, as long as you learned your lesson.
Control your mind before it controls you.
Or you will keep falling deeper and deeper, and ultimately get to a point of no return.

So, my job is done.
Yours is simple,
Open your eyes.

An overwhelming blast of light fills what feels like my soul and cleanses my mind, I'm awake. My mind isn't racing, I'm not falling into blackness, I'm just...still.

I found the light, or...the light found me.

I'm at peace, and that's how I'll stay.
This is about the power of overthinking and how it can make you feel, and your conscience bringing you back to reality

— The End —