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 Jan 2015 Deenah
Joe Cole
Yes there is social and religious hatred spreading
like an incurable cancer across this world
We the ordinary people, the masses have no
control over that

That same cancer is now infesting the pages
of this great site and yes I was part of the disease
But I have turned the page and the abuse I hurled
at one person has I hope turned more
towards kinder words

Will that make a difference? I'm not sure
but I can only try
We have a comments section so we can post
our views on the poetry we read
That if you like is democracy

We all know that there are world class writers
posting here
Just as there are some who perhaps will never
be able to attain those high standards

Is it then not true to say the good should encourage
the less good?
Note I did not say bad simply because there
Is no bad here

Most people recognize their weaknesses no matter
what walk of life they come from
But on this site they are the people of courage
because against the odds they are prepared
to put their work to be judged by their peers

What then is the answer to the question, the problems
that we're seeing here on a daily basis?
A better understanding, more humility?
Yes but that is purely my point of view

I liken the better writers here to college professors
others as high school teachers
So teach, don't let the hatred show through
your students need educating not humiliation

Can things change
I hope so given time
 Jan 2015 Deenah
Jesse Madison
Once the depression becomes routine,
Happiness never really feels comfortable again.
It comes around
now and then,
like an old friend.
You laugh and drink
and reminisce about all the plans you had that never panned out.
All the hope you invested,
in the jobs, the relationships, the dreams and goals.
And you laugh at how foolish you once were for ever having such ideas.
But the laughter dies out
And your smile fades
And you know in the back of your mind
that soon, your happiness will be gone again,
and you can never quite forgive it for leaving.
You cant blame it,
All you ever did was hold it back.
Maybe somebody else could make better use of it.
And the depression,
Well the depression is no Stranger.
 Jan 2015 Deenah
Jesse Madison
Oh but how could you
cut me down the way you do
and say you love me
 Jan 2015 Deenah
Jesse Madison
And then the leaves changed
and everything was lost
in hues, red and gold
 Jan 2015 Deenah
Hand Signs
 Jan 2015 Deenah
It’s not easy when I was five
It’s not easy to grasp everything
Learning these new ‘signs’
So others would empathize
Demoralized only to be scrutinized
Wondering why they always laughed
I never knew how it sounds like
But it hurts me deep inside

It’s not easy when I was ten
They wrote on the board
How I always pretend
I keep smiling despite everything
I did pretend
Pretending tomorrow
Everything will end

It’s not easy when I was fifteen
Almost everyone doesn't comprehend
These hands I use to eat & speak
I can read their lips saying,
But this time I didn't pretend
Mama always told me before she left
"Your voice is louder than the rest!"

It’s easier now that I’m twenty
It actually gets better if I believe
I found true friends along the way
They get furious if I get played
Diminishing negative thoughts to dust
I know now life has its eminence
There are more others like me

What my mama meant before she left
Help those who are in need
Especially to those who are-
*Special like me.
(I didnt expect it to get featured as the daily poem! I'm so happy I get to share this message with everyone. A better understanding to these gifted individuals:) And if u have a friend who's deaf or learning ASL. Let them read this:)
And once again. Thank you so much To everyone who liked and comment!)
Give your love.
Even if you're the one being received.
I just had to write about this.
And i don't see it as a disability,
I see it as a gift.
(Dedicated to this young girl i saw in the train helping a guy in a wheelchair. She was showing directions! I stood there appalled in awe)
P.S: I need a suggestion whether to name this title 'Gift' or 'Hand Signs'??
I think both stood out.
Comment below.
And I also would like you guys to check out this website.
If you buy their headphones you would be giving hearing aids for the   less fortunate.
And I'm not sponsored to do this. I just want to make a change and help to raise awareness:)
If you can help them, please do.:)
 Jan 2015 Deenah
Play Pretend.
 Jan 2015 Deenah
My favorite thing to do, is to pretend I'm a writer.
When reality I only write so I can sleep at night.
Sometimes I pretend my old friends still care about me.
When I already know they would rather get high than hang out.
I used to pretend that I didn't care about anyone, or anything.
But as it turns out I care about almost too many things.
I used to pretend to dream to have everyone know my name.
But I only dream of having a enough people know my name,
and that maybe something I write could help someone else get some sleep at night.
Under my skin,
Your words are digging in.
Ripping, tearing,
Pulling my flesh away.
Peeling back the skin
And settling in.
To a host of which
They are unwelcome.

Under my skin,
Your words are digging in.
Lying, defying,
Numbing the realities.
Peeling back the skin
And settling in.
Whispering nothings to which
There are no meanings.

Under my skin,
Your words are digging in.
Confusing, undoing,
Ignoring all truths.
Peeling back the skin
And settling in.
Crafting lies which
Are filled with sin.

Under my skin,
Your words are digging in.
Mending, fixing,
Stitching the wounds.
Peeling back the skin
And settling in.
Making a home in which
They shouldn't be existing.

Under my skin,
Your words are digging in.
Peeling back the skin
And settling in.
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