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  Nov 2016 The Dedpoet
Brent Kincaid
We all could have equal rights
If the world would only grant them.
We could all sing a brand-new
A truly joyous national anthem.
We could sing about at last
The words of the Constitution
Finally will match with reality
Without another revolution.

This is the tale of the autocrats
And how they got badly out of hand.
They decided they knew more about
Things they could never understand.
They decided they knew better than
The people with proper education.
So they elected their supporters to
Lay waste to their own fine nation.

This is a morality tale about greed
And what it can do to men’s minds;
That turns them to skulduggery
And makes them act as if they’re blind
To reason, decency and even honor
Taking advantage of the weakest
Who then grow weaker by the hour.

As many times in history, they promise
A shopping list of impossible dreams
And the weak think they’ll come true,
Say reality is not quite what it seems.
They think by listening to carpetbaggers
They will all get rich and supported
By each elected lying *******.
But those dreams are soon aborted.

For a while they believe the woes
Are made by their predecessors.
They’l blame the losers, the gays
The blacks and finally the electors.
They won’t question themselves
About the choices they all made.
By then the path of doom and death
Will be almost permanently laid.
  Nov 2016 The Dedpoet
Julia Jaros
Eu disse que você ficava linda
com aquele óculos pink;
você não acreditou, extravasou,
de mentirosa me chamou.

Disse que sua bota amarela
caía muito bem com o chapéu verde limão;
você começou a usar apenas cinza,

Que sua lingerie bege contrastava bem
com o tom escuro de sua pele;
você apareceu com um sutiã vermelho,
rendado, ao banal destinado.

Disse que seus pelos ficavam engraçadinhos
arrepiados no frio;
você podou todos, rodou,
virou, trocou.

Minha paixão a transformou
chama apagada de desilusão.

Eu disse sim,
ela disse sim não sim,
cala a boca,
vamos comprar feijão.

Amava sua breguice,
não se contentava com a mesmice.

Voltaria no tempo
revê-la pela primeira vez,
na praça na noite de natal,
de vermelho e avental,
blusa estampada com um neandertal,
metendo moral no ******* maioral.

Ah, que visão surreal.
Ali eu te amei. Ali eu te beijei.
  Nov 2016 The Dedpoet
Julia Jaros
Partículas minúsculas de uma história
no espaço-tempo
Não há registros de sua década
ali ela está, aglomerada
levada pelo vento.

Um pensamento ou um fato
Um cheiro ou um tato
Sensação perante a multidão
Inigualável pela escuridão.

Baú protetor de todos os momentos
Infinito finito da madeira acobreada
Inexistente aos olhos que buscam a razão
Inexplicável pela língua falada.
  Nov 2016 The Dedpoet
Jeff Stier
Gunpowder blue sky
yet no blue, really
except for the blue
wrapped into the spectrum
of black to grey to white

A storm blows in
the sea in an uproar
no holds barred
no remorse for the cormorant
or the gull
in these fierce swells

We know nothing of power
until we know the sea.
We know nothing of journeys
until we journey upon waters
as wild as these.

Odysseus would have shied
from this salt caldron
from these wind-tossed waves
stayed on some pleasant rock
imbibing the lotus.

And who would blame him?
Only a fool
or a sailor without hope
would venture into the teeth
of this tempest.

And that sailor would have cause
to regret his choice
would understand the depths
of his folly
as he slipped into darkness
and clasped hands
with the legions of the drowned
asleep in the swirl of the sea.
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