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Let's make this our day...
a day with smiles and love
that touches the other souls of one
of merriment that has to last, because I insist it so...

Insist of others to back away, hold the hearts of one I say
then pray with all your might, that love will last one more day..

Oh yes this has to be our day
that folds around each adoring way
to reach for eternity that makes me laugh
or cry which ever my heart leads towards array...

Can't you see it has to be my day???
nothing can stop me now I say.. my prayers can't go unnoticed
my hopes and dreams cant be dashed, my darling I need you, so much
so much, has to last....

My tears are vanished, my heart has stopped
I just don't care what is said.... you see its mine,
all mine to keep, don't go away.. I pleaded once again ..

So if you want to go away.. it's fine, go, I say...

But guess what???

This is still my day, and you can't take it away.....

Debbie Brooks 2014
To taste the moon,

as it sings at night

a generous portion

of dark colored  sun filled glass

causes this somber sad depression

fills this anguish of mine

to melt....

Let me feel the moon in my bones
behind my wounded heart of mine
a ballad, oh moon, you do sing
from the deepest part of my mind
harbors the past of missed opportunities
of events...

The moon is raining my tears at night
feeling the sadness of many a years
bounds to my very soul
to take the pain of the disturbed peace
the world has gone mad
my life is your equalizing song
rain moon rain, with all your might...

Debbie Brooks 2014
On the day you called me yours
my world turned upside down
as I am blown away,
with your world
that holds me close ...

On the nights I can feel your desire
I get to kiss those lips of yours,
a comfort pours over me
as my soul opens up to let you in,
with lustful emotions taking hold
something lives inside me
as you take me so passionately.

The nights you hold me close
and wake me to love again
my burning flame takes hold
as the days bring forth
I struggle to take control:
on the days I touch your face,
I just want to stare as you look back
and take my breath away ...

On the days I can't see your eyes
I don't want to open mine
my heart hurt my love
until you walk into my life
just one more time,
I'll sit and wait awhile
on the days I get to bask
in your light,
my smile brings forth happiness
only you bring to me.

As each day passes,
you hold my hand
so gently,
I hold every moment
we share together,
so perfect, without a frown
the day you hold me
forever, that's the day
I will be the proudest
and happiness will always be ...

The Nights I can feel your desire as time stands still, I just want you to know you mean so very much to me...

Debbie Brooks 2014
Beautifully written,  full of passion, are our songs of love
they sway with tenderness,  ripe with emotions
so tender are the nights, a kiss for a kiss, lips for lust
a description of the two joined are fused together
a rhythmic heartbeat forms the song, written from
lips of passion, a kiss can inspire  hearts of words
written from a poet to join a song ..

The soft kiss of song, just a slight peck please
its sweet and polite and lets you know it cares
they smile at each other as the song develops
so sweet, the smile touches the others words,
its nice to know to these words
can inspire a song ...

The harder kiss, with the song open slightly
rubbing each other together, no tongue is given
a more sentimental touch of words that makes
the body shiver, when the tingle flows to the toes
its nice to know the song is almost perfect,
that it can move one to tears ...

Last is the french kiss that brings full explosion
the words build up to mouths wide open,
massaging of tongues builds the song of love
to lust, and each holds the other, with no letting go
this kiss is never wrong, as the song builds the kiss
to bring our hearts to write that passionate song...

Debbie Brooks 2014
Hush momma, please do not cry
Hush momma, please do not die
Please stay from deaths' cold touch
Hush momma, please hush

Hush momma, I am here
Hush momma, do not fear
Into Heaven do not rush
Hush momma, please hush

Hush momma, you are cold
Hush momma, you I hold
My heart is going to crush
Hush momma, please hush
The bottomless abyss grows
As she craves the admiration and
of every sunrise of the soul
that shelters and protects her
love ...

It is about hope and healing
for the passion of life and
all the adventures past and
that connects to her very
life ...

She feels like she is brave as she stands
but fragile as life passes her by,
each word of smite, breaking
her heart
oblivious to her surroundings ...

As she hears the rustling of
her blood boils from thoughts in her head
as it rages through
her body
her need starved to be fed ...

She is Woman!

Debbie Brooks 2014
Soaring through the sky, going higher
Roaring with a breath of fire
He is searching to rescue his mistress
He knows somewhere she is in distress

He looks so majestic high in the sky
Searches around the land with a lizard's eye
He would give his life to save her
He begins to seek so much further

Three knights have caught the maiden in a field
They will force her and they will make her yield
But the dragon comes roaring with a ball of flame
Putting and end to what would be their wicked game

She is so happy to see her brave loyal friend
On her dragon she knows she can always depend
Climbs on his back, and they ride through a cloud
He takes her back to the village, a dragon so proud
 Aug 2014 Deb Harman
you grow up and work yourself into old age
never making much more than minimum wage
if we're really free why does this feel like a cage-
where all the important issues are handled backstage
just thinking about it brings on so much rage-
and the only thing that gives me assuage
is writing words out on this blank notebook page
August 29, 2014
 Aug 2014 Deb Harman
on this pale blue dot that we all populate
to each other our stories we begin to communicate
some stories get aggressive and begin to dictate
believing we all should share a similar state-
of mind, and simply cannot tolerate
to see others whose ideas they cannot relate
will make them go mad, make them all irate
they want their own story to completely dominate
but no ideas last forever, our minds were built to create-
explanations to what happens after our expiration date
the meaning of life may still be up for debate
i think we make our own and there's no such thing as fate
perhaps the whole point of this is just to procreate
is there a such thing as nirvana or a heavenly gate
there's no way to know these things we all have to wait
death will always be a mystery so make this life great
August 27, 2014
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