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God and I do everything together
we talk
we laugh
we sing
we rejoice

Every little thing I do He does with me
take a walk
the dishes
the laundry
household chores

When I pray He answers
when it's His time
when the moment is right
when He says so

But even when He doesn't
I know
there's a purpose
for everything
and I
have faith

Why would I have faith
when He says 'no'?
it was the time in life
when I had to learn
that the best things in life
aren't always
what I want
but what He says I need

So God and I
do everything
and I
wouldn't have it
any other way
1:08 p.m.
I couldn't help but think of those that went on before us, fought for us, defended us, and their lives were taken. They were strong so that we could be strong. They fought so we wouldn't have to fight. Their love for us and for their country was so intense that it made our love stronger as well. I couldn't help but think of those that fight even now, in hopes that we can have peace, hoping our dreams will be fulfilled, and life would be more tolerable. Then, and only then they know they can come home and relax with little or no worries. It is an honor to have known some of those men and women that fought in the past or continue to fight now. One of those men in which I am so proud of is my father. His life was long and hard, but will be remembered, just as so many others that fought in the wars over the years.
Love you, Dad! Hugzzzz!!
3-2-2015 @ 7:07 a.m.
Love comes in a variety of colors. Blue, red, pink, orange, yellow, all the bright colors that lead me directly back to you. You send my heart twirling in circles, and in return, my world is turned upside down, inside out and round and round. I cannot express everything that my heart is trying to say. There are words I'm not sure of; unheard names of emotions that have skyrocketed so high. If I had my say, I could only say I love you more than you'll ever know.
You often hear 'Love makes the world go around.' Let me tell you this: I have to agree, but I had to say it in a different way.

why did you leave me
what did I do wrong
I tried to comfort you
I tried to help you
I lent my shoulders
so you could cry on them
I lent my heart
so you could pour out to it

now tell me
what did I do wrong
Inspired by Deborah Brooks Langford's
''Throw Away Friends''
written on: 2-28-2014@ 1:04 p.m.f
I don't understand it
from one second to the next
they just disappear
as if I wasn't there
but I heard them
their voices and what they said
I knew them
I knew them all too well
that's what hurt so badly
perhaps it would have been easier
if they were strangers
if I had never met them
but I still go on
left standing all alone
maybe not as strong
perhaps stronger
one thing I do know
I was left
wrap my wings around your breast
let me hold you tightly
so you can rest

lay your head upon my hand
let me guide you safely
through promised land

bring me your heart to show the Lord
let me read to you now
from His Holy Word

wrap my wings around your heart
and just know I'm watching you
as I was from the start
it's soaking the streets
the horror within
pain left behind
crying tears
but it goes on
no stopping it
guns fire
stabbed wounds
the blood sheds
and it keeps going
person after person
victim after victim
when will it end?
Gang violence is very disturbing... not just to one another, but to friends, family, neighbors, and anyone else nearby. It has a strong toll on those we love, and those left behind. Help me spread this! It must be stopped!
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