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There's always,
Always light
at the end of the tunnel
There's always a way
Out of the jungle
Peace and rest lie ahead
After every struggle

After the heavy storm
comes the calm
April showers
bring forth
May flowers

After the darkest night
The sun always shines
In the morning
Bringing out of mourning
Exchanging frowns
With smiles for adorning
Those afflicted and in pain
In need of fresh annointing
Drying all tears,
Driving away the dark
Leaving all clear

Rain and pain
Never last always
They are just but a season
And a phase

Hold on, be strong
Never lose hope
It won't be long
Keep the faith
At all times

April showers
Bring forth
May flowers.
Inspired by a late night phone-pillowtalk.
our lives are fraught with numbers

so many fractions of a second faster in a race  
most wins on record   best jury votes
highest flight   deepest dive   most goals
meters of rising sea levels
millions of refugees   and more displaced
tens of thousands  honor killings
thousands of deaths with Ebola  
millions of Zika virus victims next year
billions of deficit or profit in import/export
    or the stock exchange
votes in elections    or for beauty queens

polls    tweets   virtual friends  & followers
likes on the social media    on hellopoetry

we have been taught to measure our status
our importance   and the significance of our lives
in clicks of other peoples’ digital devices

even our time has been reduced to numbers
the digital has long replaced the comprehensive
instead of the round dial that shows 12 hours
    suggesting the duration of a normal day
we have a punctual display  without the whole
the cyclical has lost against the linear

we all look forward to our numbered future
no past  and very little present

our hands on smart phones    homes    TVs
    pushing a button makes things move
    swishing a screen displays the world

over all that we easily forget
that we ourselves have been reduced to numbers
    of customers for businesses
    of voters for the politicians
    of workers for the corporations
    of citizens for our nations
digital quantities we have become

and if we take a global view
we are part of the seven billion plus
that currently inhabit our earth

all of which do expect their individuality
be honored  and their dignity respected

numbers don’t  honor individuality
they simply count the units
items  or people  are for them the same

it’s left to us to find a way
that leaves the numbers in their place
yet guarantees us dignity
as individual members of the human race
david mungoshi Jul 2016
in this age of modern wonders
a new outflow of ideas thunders
and lo and behold before too long
we assume new names *****-nilly:
@david and so on and so forth
a name for my facebook timeline
where i tag such strange people as
motherless, yesterdaychild, rude,
sweetness, jawbreaker and so on
i have other names in numerical form
my mobile number, my atm card number,
passport, national identity card, social security
and medaid number; and when i pass on
i shall be an anonymous number on a grave
no-one will remember me or any of my antics
and i shall dissipate in the profusion of identities
  Jul 2016 david mungoshi
anonymous winds
bend tall Timothy grasses,
wake rabbits napping
in the brush

they ripple the surface
of the stock tanks, tickle the haunches
of the beasts who wade there
to slurp the tepid waters

they birth red dust devils
for my eyes to follow, as they scud
through mesquite, and hopscotch over canyons
older than time

one day, soon, they will blow
over a shallow earth bed; I will not hear
their sibilant song, but my sleep will be deep,
unperturbed by their mystic music
david mungoshi Jul 2016
puffed up eyelids
chapped dry lips
and sombre face
drooping shoulders
and sagged countenance
but honest truth be told
though you weep like a willow
nobody knows why you weep
your tears are shreds of red
your arms hang by your sides
like a flag furled and abandoned
you are a perpetual mourner
adrift on the rough seas that life brews
and though you weep in torrents
in truth nobody knows why you weep
I am fascinated by the metaphor of the weeping willow tree
david mungoshi Jun 2016
outside the makeshift camp
in uncommonly high spirits
sat an ageless greasy *****
with a song for the drunken
said the enigmatic *****
'can i get one if i want one?'
'you can get two if you want to'
the ***** with the huge eyes
waxed lyrical and melancholic
and, shaggy heads together
in wry musing and pondering
they asked what it was, really, that
floored them so very permanently

david mungoshi Jun 2016
he had little to give, but gave it still
from his warm and generous heart
beating with a love pure and good
for his sister's children
so he seized the moment to stamp a value on my mind
gave me his prized bronze bottle opener
a fringe benefit from some fat kitchen where once he worked
with hot spices, sizzling grills and artistic salads
and now i have lost it, a thing of more than sentimental value
these gestures can never be repeated
they are the products of inspired moments
when somehow you know there can never be another chance
to leave some evidence that you too were here
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