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It's a curious thing to be seen and heard
To find one who "gets you"
Without saying a word
Rarer than precious stones
And Harder to find
Is a person who understands
The enigma - My mind

Being an empath, I care for their view
But painfully powerless,
There's nothing I can do
To make them see,
with my eyes, with my heart
I can only sit back.... and watch.
As misunderstanding, tears them apart

I have to learn to allow them to be,
To misunderstand, Until they're ready
But it still hurts

Each of has our own journey to take
Each of us has our own choices to make
I can't deprive someone of their own pain
I can only hold space for them,
And then try again
Patience and perseverance
 Dec 2016 Dave Williams
 Dec 2016 Dave Williams
i want to stand
underneath the clouds
as the rain   f
in  s l o w m o t i o n
to feel
every single drop
as they hit
my upturned face
and   r     o    l    l
down my neck
in serene streams
that take away
all my thoughts
leaving me
and *blissfully empty
I'll tell you a tale of two parts that were one
A sentient energy. A choice to become
Something more, for a moment, by splitting apart.
Each piece gained 6 senses… A body… A heart.

The lure of experience, of the human condition
Rediscovery of self; the noblest mission
But there was a catch! They must choose to forget
The oneness they once knew, A gamble... And yet

The choice to be human, to experience the mother
Until they would once again Find one another
Was filled with such promise, and freedom and choice
Joy, Love and friendship… all things to rejoice

Millennia had passed, through life and rebirth,
a thousand incarnations, Returned to the Earth.
They grew through the ages, knowing not their true goal
to find what they gave up, to become again whole

These fractured pieces, though complete on their own
Had within them a sense that, despite how they'd grown
Through epochs and lifetimes, Experiences true
One journey remained, each had to pursue

And then came that day, this last iteration
Through whispers cosmic, And familiar vibration
Two self-aware humans, A meeting by chance,
Saw their reflection in a momentary glance

There in that moment, they sensed the archaic
Connection to source; Universal mosaic
Their gaze pierced the veil of their lifetimes before
To the essence within, the kin at their core

Questions were answered, True purpose revealed
Both part of the same soul that longed to be healed.
Though physical distance would keep them apart,
Each recognised, the telepathy of heart

Knowledge familiar, the quest to be whole
Would drive and inspire them, to unite their one Soul
This lifetime perhaps? They wished it was so.
Certainty elusive; For Neither could know.

The true gift, however, this knowledge would yield
Was awareness itself, In the great cosmic field.
Aware once again of their Soul's counterpart
The sacrifice made, way back at the start

Magnetically drawn, as they always had been,
To reunion of spirit by forces unseen.
Enriched by experiences they'd gained in each round
The goal was now simply; to seek what they'd found

To discover the self. To meet their twin soul
To make, what was fractured, Once again whole
Time was irrelevant. Space mattered not.
Henceforth remembering what once was forgot

The gamble paid off, though the cost it was great.
They would find one another, for this was their fate.

And then when, at last
their moment did come
Imbued with new Love
Their two became one

-- for My Moon
Somewhere I know
Far across the seas
Drift the dreams of tomorrow
On this crisp winter breeze
The stars are the cat's eyes
That light up their route
The Moon
She guides them...
on The Cosmic commute
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