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I scratch a couple of lines
on a old notebook cover
about a beautiful girl
and her soon jilted lover

He stays out so late
til the break of dawn
the jumps into bed
with his britches on

he smells like beer
and farts in the air
pulls the covers over his head
like he doesn't care

his phone is open
a new ******* speed dial
she finally caught him
and starts to smile

she packs his bag
as he snores away
he has to go
he can not stay

grabbing him by the ankle
she pulls him to the floor
tells him to get out
holding open the door

he stumbles out
into the grass
"STAY OUT" she yells

he takes off quickly
in his fancy car
got nowhere to go
he heads to the bar

he tries to call her
she's done with him
his chances with her
are rather slim

he made his bed
it's where he'll lay
that's what happens
when you try to play
  Jul 2016 CRAZY DAISY
Little Bear
a real person took me to one side
and said
"look at your feet
firmly planted on the ground
see how my eyes
see yours
hear my voice"
looking away he said
"they are all just words
made into verse
pointing, he spoke softly
behind the screen
there is nothing that can harm
press the button
and they simply disappear
he gently brushed my hair
from my eyes
"there see
they are but wisps of cloud
halls of mirrors
where nothing is real
and it's reality...
an illusion
kissing me gently
he whispered
and the only dreams you need live in
are the real ones
*you share with me"
Don't live life
Full of regret
High expectations
Never met
Love letters
You did not send
Broken fences
You wouldn't mend
Hurtful words
Unable to take back
Feeling your heart
Start to crack
Pushed people away
Now your alone
No one to talk to
On the phone
It'll be okay
Don't be sad
Things can't really
Be that bad
That is why
When things look bleak
You must turn
The other cheek
Don't let life
Get you down
Turn your frown
Upside down
You must have done
Something right
Because I am here
With you tonight
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