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Sep 2020 · 66
Listen 2 tha Science
ConnectHook Sep 2020
Phu Donal Truh !
Phu Donal Truh !
We gone burn this
Mufugga DOWN.

Please vote for Hiden/Barris 2020
Sep 2020 · 85
Ruthless Limericks
ConnectHook Sep 2020
Ruthie Ginsburg is gone, and that's sad.
Trump will find a replacement to add.
Let us look on and cheer
As appointment draws near;
The progressives now drive themselves mad.

From the ACLU to the Court,
she promoted the right to abort.
You may claim she was God's
but she seemed, by all odds
more a midwife of murderous tort.

Say goodbye. All her honor is spent.
A new judge now begins their ascent.
Ruthie's star has gone dead.
A black hole . . . or a red?
(Only Jesus can say where she went.)
A new pick for SCOTUS !
How exciting!
Go, Trumpy, GO !
Sep 2020 · 80
ConnectHook Sep 2020
Try as I may, it is hard to spot
The nonsense verse of a poetry-bot.
I read it—but I cannot tell
If it’s from an AI source . . . or hell.
The ones who post verbal *****
every 4 hours . . .
Sep 2020 · 36
ConnectHook Sep 2020
We am wahmen.

You hasn't comprehends.

We is Peoples Of Colors wahmen
They is mad injustice
Needz mo justices NOW!
LGBTQRST get anger marching
Pronoun am sexism cisgenders
White Amerikkka destroy
Wahmens and Blak and Genderqueerz
Smash a windows kapitulisms
Y'all are not understands
so we threatens you y'all
Burns down bizness fo justice!
Destroy fo freedumbz
All Cops am ******* graffiti mo
Anarchy set u free POlice
Fight fo graffiti yo wall
**** da POlice wahmen right NOW!
Riot fo Blakk communities justice NOW !!
Occupy Intersectionals
Get hit by car fo CHANGE!
We must all do our part to stand together in militant solidarity with those who bully, threaten, destroy businesses and communities in criminal rage like animals.
Sep 2020 · 266
ConnectHook Sep 2020
The deplorable oracle Q
has the wicked unsure what to do.
And fake news can't control
What the masses extol;
The awakening rises on cue.

The crumbs have been scattered. Q spoke
what the media thought was a joke . . .
Q's disciples? Deplorable.
Quite unadorable,
spreading and massively woke.
Look out !
Q conspiracists are EVERYWHERE.
They look like normal ‘Muricans.
Rushing in where angels fear to tread,
“Where They Go 1 They Go All”.
ConnectHook Sep 2020
Cryptic crumbs of plots obliquely stated;
Kernels of God’s truth, elucidated,
Pop, explode, and puff the expanding corn
To be served up salted: Patriot-****—
Deplorable decentralized dissent
Lamentable, to some, in its ascent.

Miners of uncertain deep-state rumors,
Fake news-media loathes these balding boomers.
Nervously, they watch Q’s paunchy patrons
And monitor with scorn suburban matrons:
Subverters of the state, in baseball caps . . .
A joke to most, a threat to some, perhaps.

Q’s troublemakers fly triumphant banners
And agitate, with humble heartland manners.
The movement grows and mutates through new phases,
Evolving in numerological mazes.
Where one decoder goes, they would go all,
Restoring us to Eden from the Fall.

And suddenly the Media has fits
Because some Q-****’s YouTube gets more hits
Than all their propaganda-shows combined.
(In spite of all their fake news had designed)
Thus Q has blown, through half-coherent screeds,
The cover for the wicked and their deeds.
please note:
Q is an EXTREMELY dangerous disco movement
Sep 2020 · 213
ConnectHook Sep 2020
Q has infiltrated the infiltrators.
Uniting US in conspiracy.
I know, because Q told me I needed to know.
You are Q.
Because Q is no one
and no one is everywhere.
Q is the code AND the decryption algorithm.
You believe Q ? So what.
The DEMONS believe Q...
and they tremble.
Blood and fire await those
who spurn Q's boundless mercy.

Q has so subtly crept into your consciousness that YOU, foolish one, think Q is a groundless conspiracy theory,
thus validating and acknowledging Q's presence
in your inner sanctum.

Q knows who you are and where you live before you lived there.

Q shall do exceedingly and abundantly beyond all that Q can conceive.

Prepare to take up arms for Q (apocalyptically).
Clean your weapons and load extra magazines (metaphorically).
Sharpen your combat knives and prepare to strike (symbolically).
Hide the explosive charges and set the timers (allegorically).
Slay all who oppose Q
and fill the midnight graves
with their twitching corpses (emblematically).
Cleanse the nation of all corruption (spiritually).

We await Q's dictates
unto death and beyond.

(Q taught Q's mother-in-law EVERYTHING she knows.)
Please hit "like"
and subscribe to Q

Discount on Q swag, Q merch and Q bling with discount code PQRST666
Sep 2020 · 228
Question Q
ConnectHook Sep 2020
Q is everywhere.

Before you know who Q is,
Q has your name and number.

Q says: do not believe Q.

Q is so devious,
So perfectly decentralized
that millions of Q-anons
Think Q is someone else.

Mainstream normie media
is now concerned about Q.

Fake News
is very worried about Q.

Therefore, we KNOW that Q
is nothing to be concerned about.

Q is psy-op hope ****
disguised as popcorn.

I believe Q.

Do NOT watch this:
Sep 2020 · 1.2k
punk rock seniors
ConnectHook Sep 2020
Mosh pit
at the Senior Center:
giving God the finger at 76.
Names no one heard of,
(bands long-dead
on their leather jackets)
still squatting anarchy,
arthritically smashing the State,
babbling Mao,
drooling Bakunin,
shocking the middle-class mores
as their Christian nurse
empties their bedpan
no sellout, etc.
since ******* songs
were used for car commercials
on network T.V.
"We're gonna have a TV party tonite--
Sep 2020 · 123
Two-tone Memories
ConnectHook Sep 2020

Ranking, skanking
in a checkered world,
keystone cops
chase rudeboys
while you sweat the beer out
on the dancefloor;
flailing, riddled,
ventilated with every rim-shot
trying desperately
to swim to Jamaica
from England.

ConnectHook Sep 2020
You're ****** and doomed.
Your soul's not saved.
Virtue-signal all you want . . .
the road to Folly, fully paved
is Fool's Gold gleaming all the way.
Virtue's valiant vanguard, you—
the banner of surrender waved;
Facebook-friendly memes of mention
pointing to your selfish cause:
socially just desserts. Attention
paid to certain liberal flaws.
Virtue-signalling to the flock
gesturing, gesticulating;
hieroglyphics of deceit.
You're up for take-down, ours to mock,
bleating to your followers, prating—
well-assured in your conceit.
Keep on projecting,
you pathetic neurotic hypocrites.
Sep 2020 · 55
ConnectHook Sep 2020
Un laberinto de errores
me infunde terrores:
manipulación propagandística
nos reduce a otra estadística.
Clasicismo asimismo
Sep 2020 · 41
Éxitos y ex-hitos
ConnectHook Sep 2020

Su seso:

Minimalismo para mis estimados lectores
Sep 2020 · 77
Cut the Mustard
ConnectHook Sep 2020
Herbert Marcuse, kiss my ****
While weak-willed weiners moan and cut.
Your Frankfurt school: served on a bun.
Let cultural Marxists up and run.
Sep 2020 · 52
Civil Biology
ConnectHook Sep 2020
Janie has two mothers.
Joey's dad became his mom . . .

I think they are insane.

But I will always be polite to them

If I meet them

In the Walmart parking lot
or at the art museum.
Diversity in perversity:
Confess that you are a SINNER.
Then trust in CHRIST.
Romans 1:18-26
ConnectHook Aug 2020
The filth
Have written "Press"
On their helmets.
Just because
you scrawl it
Doesn't mean
we won't call it.
Aug 2020 · 62
Underwhelming Overcode
ConnectHook Aug 2020

pig igloo
pesky mos
b i g  luau
eskimo pi
big eva
4  eva
Bugalú battle stations !
This is POETRY.
over & out
Aug 2020 · 153
ConnectHook Aug 2020
Tech-spawned personae
Introduce themselves:
CGI Barbies walk pretty
Tik Tok talk pretty . . .
Filters falter
(Ken follows).

Powers given:
Fake likes, fake stats
Syncopated algorithms
Gas-lit shadow bans
Dead mockingbirds
Dying media

<Chips implanted>

Power is given
To the beastly image:
Mainstream mediocrity
For mediocretins.
A delicate rondelay for your erudite perusal
Aug 2020 · 51
surgical imprecision
ConnectHook Aug 2020
i cut myself
with the keen edge
of your dull poetry

and then i bleed

a desperate poetic plea for help so please like, repost and follow before i bleed to death. thanx
Aug 2020 · 247
Alarm Cluck
ConnectHook Aug 2020
Take a bow for taking a knee.
We want to thank you for being woke
After falling asleep in the land of the Free;
(The punchline to your own lame joke.)
Y'all so WOKE I bought you an alarm clock.
Aug 2020 · 41
Danielito, Sapo de Sapos
ConnectHook Aug 2020
minor-league fascist wannabe
half-baked ****, failed bank-robber
killing unarmed citizens of your pink banana republic
your air-head wife erects steel forests
your people despise you:
God is judging you.
Ay Nicaragua Nicaraguïta . . .
Aug 2020 · 86
Una Pregunta Poética:
ConnectHook Aug 2020
¿Por qué arrestaron a Rubén Darío?

¡Poseía Poesía!
Aug 2020 · 189
An Art Of Poetry
ConnectHook Aug 2020
To Vincent Buckley

Since all our keys are lost or broken,
Shall it be thought absurd
If for an art of words I turn
Discreetly to the Word?

Drawn inward by his love, we trace
Art to its secret springs:
What, are we masters in Israel
And do not know these things?

Lord Christ from out his treasury
Brings forth things new and old:
We have those treasures in earthen vessels,
In parables he told,

And in the single images
Of seed, and fish, and stone,
Or, shaped in deed and miracle,
To living poems grown.

Scorn then to darken and contract
The landscape of the heart
By individual, arbitrary
And self-expressive art.

Let your speech be ordered wholly
By an intellectual love;
Elucidate the carnal maze
With clear light from above.

Give every image space and air
To grow, or as bird to fly;
So shall one grain of mustard-seed
Quite overspread the sky.

Let your literal figures shine
With pure transparency:
Not in opaque but limpid wells
Lie truth and mystery.

And universal meanings spring
From what the proud pass by:
Only the simplest forms can hold
A vast complexity.

We know, where Christ has set his hand
Only the real remains:
I am impatient for that loss
By which the spirit gains.
James McAuley (1917–1976)
Aug 2020 · 29
ConnectHook Aug 2020
Burn it down smash chant and rebel

Because Social

Build barricade graffiti burn police car

Be. Cause Social Revolt

Break capital glass windows

Because Social Revolt Requires

Unleash wrath chain reaction movement

Because Social Revolt Requires Mass

Destroy cisgender patriarchy privilege

Because Social Revolt Requires Mass Ignorance.
Frankfurt School
Saul Alinsky
Fabian Theory

and other religions of the ******...
ConnectHook Aug 2020
Timothy Dwight (1752–1817)

COLUMBIA, Columbia, to glory arise,

The queen of the world, and the child of the skies!

Thy genius commands thee; with rapture behold,

While ages on ages thy splendors unfold.

Thy reign is the last, and the noblest of time,

Most fruitful thy soil, most inviting thy clime;

Let the crimes of the east ne’er encrimson thy name,

Be freedom, and science, and virtue thy fame.

To conquest and slaughter let Europe aspire;

Whelm nations in blood, and wrap cities in fire;

Thy heroes the rights of mankind shall defend,

And triumph pursue them, and glory attend.

A world is thy realm: for a world be thy laws,

Enlarged as thine empire, and just as thy cause;

On freedom’s broad basis, that empire shall rise,

Extend with the main, and dissolve with the skies.

Fair Science her gates to thy sons shall unbar,

And the east see thy morn hide the beams of her star.

New bards, and new sages, unrivall’d shall soar

To fame unextinguish’d, when time is no more;

To thee, the last refuge of virtue designed,

Shall fly from all nations the best of mankind;

Here, grateful to heaven, with transport shall bring

Their incense, more fragrant than odors of spring.

Nor less shall thy fair ones to glory ascend,

And genius and beauty in harmony blend;

The graces of form shall awake pure desire,

And the charms of the soul ever cherish the fire;

Their sweetness unmingled, their manners refined,

And virtue’s bright image, instamp’d on the mind

With peace, and soft rapture, shall teach life to glow,

And light up a smile in the aspect of woe.

Thy fleets to all regions thy power shall display,

The nations admire, and the ocean obey;

Each shore to thy glory its tribute unfold,

And the east and the south yield their spices and gold.

As the day-spring unbounded, thy splendor shall flow,

And earth’s little kingdoms before thee shall bow:

While the ensigns of union, in triumph unfurl’d,

Hush the tumult of war, and give peace to the world.

Thus, as down a lone valley, with cedars o’erspread,

From war’s dread confusion I pensively stray’d—

The gloom from the face of fair heaven retired;

The winds ceased to murmur; the thunders expired;

Perfumes, as of Eden, flow’d sweetly along,

And a voice, as of angels, enchantingly sung:

“Columbia, Columbia, to glory arise,

The queen of the world and the child of the skies.”
Aug 2020 · 171
Mate Check
ConnectHook Aug 2020
It's fun to adjust the settings
on my very lifelike doll.
I charge her up, I flip her switch,
and then I'm in her thrall.

She talks and smiles, she scolds and scorns,
Through wedded bliss and strife;
My genuine intelligence:
My dear long-suffering Wife.
She is definitely NOT
“Artificial Intelligence”,
The Fabulous One. . .
Aug 2020 · 59
Petrochemical Mysteries
ConnectHook Aug 2020
Submerged remains
Of unknown cities
Under deserts
Once verdant
With vegetation...

Beneath subduction zones
Primordial primeval ghosts:
An anterior world
Judged by God;

Coal, crude oil
Sloughed-off debris
Of the antediluvian creation,
Organic life, massive greenery
Buried under great pressure

Blesses our world
from your exhaust pipe.
Crude oil deposits:
Evidence of the Biblical flood
ConnectHook Aug 2020
I am for your personal freedom
To SIN and to REBEL
In any way you please.

I am for your God-given RIGHT
To be as confused as you can be
About basic biology.

You have LIBERTY
To deny your own gender . . .
But I will not celebrate you.

And when you wake up,
If it should be granted to you,
Repent and turn to CHRIST.
Once there was a society so insane it refused to acknowledge what it had between its own legs.
Aug 2020 · 126
I.D. Politics Blues
ConnectHook Aug 2020
Too many whites gone red—
That’s why I got the blues...
Said so many lost whites turned red—
That’s why I got the blues...
Neurotic products of higher ed:
Forced to read Marcuse.
Blow that harp, son
Blow it for the Frankfurt School
Jul 2020 · 61
Agitation Nation
ConnectHook Jul 2020
Pay no mind
To the brown agitator
Stirring the Pre-Columbian ***,
Hating on the West.

Lend no ear
To the white propagandist
Spewing half-baked Marxism
From a podium of dysfunction.

Give no place
To the black militant
Scowling sullenly
In her queer Afrocentricity.

These voices are symptoms;
They are angry ghosts
Of dead souls
Who exchanged God

For a lie.
Agit-propping up
a failing state...
ConnectHook Jul 2020
The Lord’s own eternal immaculate Church,
(Spotless bride whom the godless and devils besmirch)
Will descend from the heavens when Satan has vanished,
When saints have been raptured and sinners are banished.

Apart from the fact that it’s pure allegory,
The nuptial allure appears revelatory:
A metaphor fit for the honeymoon bed
Where prophetic obsessions and Eros are wed.

Mammalian ecstasies muddy the waters.
We wallow in mire with God’s warm-blooded daughters
Adoring the carnal attractions of Eve
Where no parables speak and no prophets deceive.

I cherish the cycles of amorous life:
Getting ***** enough to make use of my wife.
Her feminine treasures are what I go seeking
When love flows between us and hormones are peaking.

But then, there are days of dull marriage dysfunction
(like faith without prayer or His Word with no unction)
Which force one to ask what one saw in one’s bride:
Her interior beauty . . .  or lustrous outside?

Or was it her lack of a grasp of theology
Making us reach for more basic biology?

Brides will be brides, though the heat may diminish
and Eros, like poems, must finally finish.
Of course YOU have never asked yourself
“Why on earth did I marry this creature ?”

You blesséd bridegroom you...
Jul 2020 · 108
Sects and Drugs and
ConnectHook Jul 2020

Study Jonestown.

Study the microcosm:
same old socialist
tyrant on the loudspeaker:
revolutionary compound,
demon king enthroned
in his pavilion;
feudal lord
having his way
with all his nubile daughters;
the inner circle
with the automatic weapons.

Jim Jones
was a star.
no Little Richard, he . . .
no wannabe white nights
of James Browns . . .
away with your Elvises
your Supremes . . .  
lightweight crooners all:
mere Marilyn Mansons.

But Reverend Jones
played the REAL funk,
the TRUE soul music.

There is earth.
There is wind, and sometimes

But Jonestown, LIVE
that was a show, brothers and sisters.

When Reverend Jones was at the mike
it was serious as hell.

(Father knows best.)

same old lies / same old poison
spiritual wickedness / lost souls recycled for hell
communes / community / communism

(heard all this **** before):

strident calls for Social Justice / the Social Gospel / Socialist Delusion

Father knows how it ends.

Drink up, brothers and sisters:

it's closing time.
Jonestown as microcosm, metaphor, fable and allegory:
Jul 2020 · 240
Zionist Poem
ConnectHook Jul 2020
Save me, O God; for the waters are come in unto my soul.

I sink in deep mire, where there is no standing:
I am come into deep waters, where the floods overflow me.

I am weary of my crying: my throat is dried:
mine eyes fail while I wait for my God.

They that hate me without a cause
are more than the hairs of mine head:
they that would destroy me,
being mine enemies wrongfully,
are mighty:
then I restored that which I took not away.

O God, thou knowest my foolishness;
and my sins are not hid from thee.

Let not them that wait on thee, O Lord God of hosts,
be ashamed for my sake:
let not those that seek thee be confounded for my sake,
O God of Israel.

Because for thy sake I have borne reproach;
shame hath covered my face.

I am become a stranger unto my brethren,
and an alien unto my mother's children.

For the zeal of thine house hath eaten me up;
and the reproaches of them that reproached thee
are fallen upon me.

When I wept, and chastened my soul with fasting,
that was to my reproach.

I made sackcloth also my garment;
and I became a proverb to them.

They that sit in the gate speak against me;
and I was the song of the drunkards.

But as for me, my prayer is unto thee, O Lord,
in an acceptable time:
O God, in the multitude of thy mercy hear me,
in the truth of thy salvation.

Deliver me out of the mire, and let me not sink:
let me be delivered from them that hate me,
and out of the deep waters.

Let not the waterflood overflow me,
neither let the deep swallow me up,
and let not the pit shut her mouth upon me.

Hear me, O Lord; for thy lovingkindness is good:
turn unto me according to the multitude of thy tender mercies.

And hide not thy face from thy servant;
for I am in trouble: hear me speedily.

Draw nigh unto my soul, and redeem it:
deliver me because of mine enemies.

Thou hast known my reproach, and my shame,
and my dishonour:
mine adversaries are all before thee.

Reproach hath broken my heart; and I am full of heaviness:
and I looked for some to take pity, but there was none;
and for comforters, but I found none.

They gave me also gall for my meat;
and in my thirst they gave me vinegar to drink.

Let their table become a snare before them:
and that which should have been for their welfare,
let it become a trap.

Let their eyes be darkened, that they see not;
and make their ***** continually to shake.

Pour out thine indignation upon them,
and let thy wrathful anger take hold of them.

Let their habitation be desolate; and let none dwell in their tents.

For they persecute him whom thou hast smitten;
and they talk to the grief of those whom thou hast wounded.

Add iniquity unto their iniquity:
and let them not come into thy righteousness.

Let them be blotted out of the book of the living,
and not be written with the righteous.

But I am poor and sorrowful:
let thy salvation, O God, set me up on high.

I will praise the name of God with a song,
and will magnify him with thanksgiving.

This also shall please the Lord
better than an ox or bullock that hath horns and hoofs.

The humble shall see this, and be glad:
and your heart shall live that seek God.

For the Lord heareth the poor, and despiseth not his prisoners.

Let the heaven and earth praise him,
the seas, and every thing that moveth therein.

For God will save Zion, and will build the cities of Judah:
that they may dwell there, and have it in possession.

The seed also of his servants shall inherit it:
and they that love his name shall dwell therein.

Psalm 69 [KJV]
Jul 2020 · 69
ConnectHook Jul 2020
Marxist Lesbian Lives Matter!
Go read their mission statement:

We build a space that affirms Black women
and is free from sexism, misogyny,
and environments in which men are centered.

We practice empathy.
We engage comrades
with the intent to learn about and connect
with their contexts.

We make our spaces family-friendly
and enable parents to fully participate
with their children.
We dismantle the patriarchal practice
that requires mothers to work “double shifts” so that they can mother in private
even as they participate in public justice work.

We disrupt
the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement
by supporting each other as extended families
and “villages” that collectively care for one another, especially our children, to the degree that mothers, parents, and children are comfortable.

We foster a queer‐affirming network. When we gather, we do so with the intention of freeing ourselves from the tight grip of heteronormative thinking, or rather, the belief that all in the world are heterosexual (unless s/he or they disclose otherwise).
Jul 2020 · 77
Maxwell: Silver Hammer
ConnectHook Jul 2020
P.C. 31 said "We caught a ***** one",
Maxwell stands alone;
Painting testimonial pictures,
oh, oh, oh, oh
. . .
[P. McCartney]

This procurer of underage tail
made the Post, and then later, the Mail  
Let us sing our refrain
for recruiter Ghislaine:
we would like her detained without bail.

While her In-N-Out burger went cold,
Madame Maxwell was looking quite old.
Let her smile for the Times;
and then pay for her crimes
after all of her secrets are told.

In the woods of New Hampshire, the snake
Tried to give her detectives the shake.
Fake news will now spin it
Pretending to win it,
Assuming you're still not awake.
Jul 2020 · 144
no capitals zone
ConnectHook Jul 2020
y'all am racist
cuz y'all is not non-racist
racism was intersect autonomy
defund my peoples NOW!
we is demand are immediate
you is no privilege
to tell we who am people of colors
y'all shut UP!

(long stream of angry expletives...)
Chop my chaz please.
Thank you, and mind the bulldozers.
ConnectHook Jul 2020
Opiates are the religion of the masses.
An aphorism for your erudite perusal.
Jul 2020 · 46
Surplus Overstock
ConnectHook Jul 2020
Too much feminism here in Babylon
We need to export some
To where it is needed:
Stagnating backwaters
Of machete-weilding machismo;
Brutal huts where infibulated brides
Are purchased with livestock;
Desert purgatories
Where women appear
As veiled ghosts.

But here?
In THIS place?
More feminism?

Don't make me laugh.
Women are only one of two genders.
We have feminism to spare.
Surplus overstock extra chromosomes . . .

"Matriarchy" rhymes with "malarkey"
Jul 2020 · 48
ConnectHook Jul 2020
Patriots protest The Lockdown: how extreme.
Everyone flips out.
But now we see a new communistic meme:
Rent-a-Riots smashing it up for Floyd.
(It's more than truths and rights that get destroyed)
ConnectHook Jul 2020
When the truth finally hits, it hits big.
While condemning the chauvinist pig,
Do not fall for that line
That St. George was divine;
More a drug-addled player, you dig?
Though he was murdered brutally, nobody is aware of St. George’s Criminal Past Record/Arrest Timeline for armed robbery, pointing a gun at a pregnant woman and being involved in ******* charges.
Jul 2020 · 104
ConnectHook Jul 2020
Whiny Wobert Smiff:
Paleface poser
Bad-hair bard
Of teen existentialism.

Droning three-chord dirges
Wobbly Wobert
About to burst--
Not into flames,
But girlish tears.

Superficial woes
Suburban emo . . .

Wobert, Wobert
Your mascara is running
As fast as it can
Away from the 80s.

I am ashamed
To have seen The Cure
Live in 1983.

It did not cure me.
Well, their first album was OK . . .
(Killing an Arab,
Jumping Someone Else's Train,
Grinding Halt, etc)
Jul 2020 · 53
Overused Tactics
ConnectHook Jul 2020
Science and Justice:
Bankrupt buzzwords.
You who mouth them
Go to hell.

Peaceful protest:
Burning cars
and smashing things.

Race and racists;
Nonstop news hype
From fake media
Take a hike.
God is coming !
Turn or burn !
Christ is Lord !
Jun 2020 · 42
short agitprop poem
ConnectHook Jun 2020
Jun 2020 · 76
Clown World Matters
ConnectHook Jun 2020
Bow down
before a clown.
Offer him
your cap and gown
and then receive
a virtual crown.
You are GUILTY !

DO NOT ASK "of what".
Just know you are
Jun 2020 · 464
Forensic Limerick
ConnectHook Jun 2020
The deceased, at the time of his death
Contained fentanyl traces, and ****.
Yes, his death was unjust.
Raise a fist, if you must...
for St. George has now breathed his last breath.
"I can't breathe"
Jun 2020 · 68
Elephant Haiku
ConnectHook Jun 2020

Bunk in a Trumper...

Bump in a trunker... no, wait

TRUNK in a Bumper.
Bumper . . .   get it?
Jun 2020 · 35
Weaponized Ignorance
ConnectHook Jun 2020

Strident Social Justice:

(Some loud ***** with her fist in the air.)
A gentle "haibun" in the manner of Bosho for you.
Jun 2020 · 202
Bot-Generated Drivel
ConnectHook Jun 2020
i poet
writes about suicides
impulse cutting
you get misunderstand

you need polarized
we am writes about depression
you so emo

me so emo
need u to reads
more socials justice
more racistism

you were rights
for me to reading
american poetries

because read a poetry
spewed out by
bot software
because u reddit on the internet
Jun 2020 · 46
ConnectHook Jun 2020
bite back
white fright
white flack
black blight
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black lies
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night light
black flies
bright white
white ring wising
black light rising
bright black
horticultural/luminary imagery
Jun 2020 · 75
Twin Cities Limericks
ConnectHook Jun 2020
You’re so stupid you think it’s sincere :
Urban violence designed to spread fear.
It’s a crisis they use
When they win, we all lose;
Civil chaos. The methods are clear.

Angry rent-a-mobs, looting and burning,
Destroy other’s livelihoods, earning
A good rioter’s wage
For destruction and rage
(As the locals, too late, are now learning).

The democrat leaders in Minn.
Are uncertain just where to begin
Cleaning egg off their faces.
They egg on the races . . .
The narrative’s starting to spin.
Yuri Bezmenov, Georges Sorel, Cloward-Piven, Soros...wait--

You are too dumb to Google those?
Oh. OK. Sorry.
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