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 Dec 2014
mark john junor
others say there are no more pages
in our romance novel
but we just keep writing beautiful songs of the heart for each other
endings and beginnings
places others don't dare go

to get lost in each others gaze
as the sun and moon walk over the sky holding hands
we keep dancing in the ballroom long after the music stopped
while the night fades away
cause your heartbeat is all i hear

to dance moonlights glow wrapped your arms
cause you make me crazy with dreamy eyed memories
to live moonlights dream wrapped in your eyes
all the nights mysteries to show themselves to me
to be found only by you at long last

so we can run fast and laughing in the fall leaves
so we can breath quick in lovers embrace
wrapped in each others heartstrings
cause you are my song
and im ready to sing
 Dec 2014
Ian Simpson
I don't mind
spending my evenings
and weekends
deciphering scrawl
and providing
inspiring words
to build your confidence
sometimes I wonder
if my own scratchings
can be understood
 Dec 2014
Yasmin Greenfield
Step off the beach
And step in to the dark, starry waters
Do you feel the cold unforgiving waves?
Still ****** after their slaughters

They reflect something so unreachable
That it becomes something beautiful
For we all want
What we can’t have
So we submerge ourselves with the galaxies
And let the cosmos steal our last bubbling breath
As we slowly sink under the waves of this world

Waiting for a celestial death

Like a heavy pair scared, aliened hearts.
Let's hope the numbing pain of heartbreak and loss
Will slowly suffocate along with us
We are being crushed
Under the pressures of perfection
Most without hope of a resurrection
This is a genocide
Of the mind
And of all those who were kind

The cold teeth of ignorance will surly **** us
Because the media sugarcoats
Because our parents don’t know how to raise us
Because we have teens slitting their throats
With the rest of us sitting here taking notes
Using their last words as quotes

They say that beauty is only as thick as the skin

Tell that to the corpses
Floating on what could have been.
Just thought I would improve my last poem.
 Dec 2014
Silent Thoughts
I don't want you to see the beauty in me
I want you to see beauty

— The End —