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 Jul 2016
There is no saving the human race
We are running towards destruction
And even if we do not do it
Something else will destroy us
 Jul 2016
Our life for all its sorrows
thick thorny burning bushes,
bruised and bloodied heartbeats
ripped open with razor heartbreaks
is the only thing we truly own.
 Jul 2016
I will not walk the road to war
not succumb to fear
or become numb to what my ears hear.

Truth is humanity.
Compassion is the highest morality.
Violence is the ultimate failure.

I live to live,

Thrive to give what I have to give
forgive when I can,

what I can of each woman, child,
and even you my friend
a war like man.

But, I will not trample the masses
to satisfy the wicked desires
of a handful of old corporately corrupted men.
 Jul 2016
It has been ages
Dyslexic pages
Words blur
And never find
Their proper place
From my mind
To the blank space
But I am not ashamed
I write when I want to
When I feel like it
And if the faucet is dry
Well that’s ok
Because tonight
I’ll probably pop out
Three or four more pages
Or not
 Jul 2016
Who can judge the sin of it
When sorrow turns to rage
When grief runs red
Such spirits dead
And flesh will not
Come home again
You will name him enemy
See his sand streaked skin
Miss the heart and human
That lives within
With all that hate and judging
Lose reason and empathy

Who can judge the pain of it
When bombs lay children to rest
You will call them enemy
Or collateral damage
I call them all my family
And resign myself from your inhumanity
 Jul 2016
Tis' what we read on the papers
Tis' what we see on the television
Their vision and perceptions*
Their stereotypes and plans

What is the truth?
Tell me, show me, down in the valley
Tell me, show me the reflection of the river
Tell me, show me the hope I long to touch
Tell me, show me the wicked terrorists

Who are they?
Those who claim to be the heroes
Those that aim to pain the human race
Those whose politics is like poly-tricks
Those who control the media and sell reality

In the galaxy whisper.......
Whisper, as these mercenaries are ruthless
Whisper, as these crazed creatures rule the world
Whisper, as these ***** sell the same old story again
Whisper, as these lies they give are well spent to confuse

A reflection in the mirror glare
It's not ironic that my fuse is blowing in trips
It's not a rant, but open the wider realms and eyes
Its not a truth but the hamster wheel they rotate
It's not a lie that the manipulation they fixate aches

Edward Snowden, John Lennon, Noam Chomsky, Bob Marley
Whisper because if you speak loud as Snowden
they won't pardon but promise to crucify your flesh
Whisper because if you speak as John Lennon
they will sacrifice your fresh to the turbulent rivers
Whisper because if you speak loud as Noam Chomsky
they will eradicate you from the facade institution
Whisper because if you sing the truth as Bob Marley
they will put you in a volcano as it cries eruption

Attack their gravity of lies ??
My beautiful people, I am sick of the system
My body is weak and my soul denied it's nature
My mind knows that it is ridiculous, the blues
My heart rules but it is slowed by the dishonesty
My beautiful people, I am you, you are me, we are we
My tongue justified as it tears cloud in the dark alleys
My lungs are deprived of the radiant oxygenated air
*My all knows that the democracy they sail is an autocracy
For the recording follow the link:
 Jul 2016
It is another year gone
Another day lost
And we children left
Have naught bought
A single shillings more
Of old dreams and sunlight

A bomb blast
A bullets blooming branches of blood
Stole another poet
Stole another kind heart
In pictures seen the ****** scene
The curdled young souls
The so called foreign fiend
Cannot find her scream
Cause photos are silent things
I scream in silence

Empty face, not metaphor
But ****** mess
Her face is ******* gone

The mother holds her child close
To pose for such a picture
A photo that will not find a smile
Because her face was hit by a bomb

Another child
Another parent
Mind blown
An empty crater
Folds of flesh parts left and right up and down
I wish I could burn these images on your brain
Because a father cannot un-see such horrors

I want you to look
******* look
And see what happens when you dehumanize
Spread hate and lies
******* look
 Jul 2016
Blood has sown its sickly seed
Sought to plant born to bleed
And in the photos that I see
I observe the devastating crop
 Jul 2016
How kind any mercy would be
Instead I lived in her shadows
Ever changing moods
More tempestuous then
Any restless sea
And ten times as dangerous
Stupid to the point of cruelty
Ignorance and violence intertwined
Making bad bed fellows
I spent my childhood on the gallows
Begging for the headman’s axe
Or a naked noose to set me loose
 Jul 2016
There is no room for caring
for daring in sharing
to release the ensnared
and help those strangers
lost in their despair.

There is no room for hope
expecting that directing
better angels to action
will make this world
A better place.

There is no room for attachment
for living in this sad hard life
in doing my best I let
everything else just glide by
 Jul 2016
I am not the dark one
But I do not run from
The black sun
I take those onyx rays
Twist and turn grey
****** filled days
To hopeful affirmations
For our young struggling
Human nation
 Jul 2016
There’s no heart left to break
There’s no home for the bank to take
There’s no food but scraps that I ate
I lost my rights the American way

Corners cut, I avoid main streets
can’t believe in your deity
Life is hard as the cold concrete
Where I rest my head to fall asleep

I had a life I had a love
I had a family but now they’re gone
There's no one left who knew me then
Only dream scenes that see
Right through to the death of me

You put me down you call me ***
But I was just passing life from
Childhood to the end of this bad one
 Jul 2016
It is a spectacular explosion
Of strange puffy whiteness
Daring to duel against
Huge light grey blue hued
Storm clouds
Descending into night time
Star strewn colors
Till the cool cumulous disappear
And the evening rain falls here
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