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 Aug 2017
I'm slipping...

Winds from the past had blown hard.
Heavy clouds have returned.
Bearing gifts of broken shards,
memories discarded and mementos burnt.

I'm falling...

Footfalls fail as they sink in clay.
Fingers tremble as they grab at nothing.
The words are lost and the voice couldn't say.
The pills seem to have stopped working.

I'm regressing...

Into an all familiar territory.
A place I thought I had left far behind.
But I feel reconnected to a mirrored me.
The part I've missed since a new state of mind.

 Aug 2017
I have forgotten all that was said
Except for the love, you shared
In my eyes, are your tears
You should know, how much I cared

Why should I complain?
When you didn't understand me
How could I make others understand?
When you left my side to be

The promises on oath, you made
In a gust of time, you broke them all
Just the good old memories stayed
You never even bothered to call

Many long years have passed by
Today we come face to face
Our love still glitters in my eyes
But it seems you've lost all faith!

 Aug 2017
I was suffocating in my grave
So I sat up on my tombstone
All others seemed to be sleeping
Only I was sitting all alone

A soulless spirit of a dead
Is what I have become
After meeting with my death
I became useless and numb

My body lay covered in blood
And went unnoticed for hours
Till then rigormortis started
Wilting like the fallen flowers

I was stabbed multiple times
Before being thrown in the drain
Robbers snatched everything
And left me dead in the rain

It surely was not my death call,
To die early than my actual time
Now I dwell in this spirit form
Remembering the hideous crime...

God is watching!
 Aug 2017
Gabriel burnS
Don't keep this
hidden inside
behind the windows
beneath your eyelids

You shy away
from the flare
in my gaze,
the light bulb
in your room,
lit blindingly
between the
osseous walls
 Aug 2017
Sheyla X Donatt
“Your so lucky”

The words come at me like daggers

If only you knew.

Spend a day walking in my shoes
Drowning in my thoughts
Pushing down the lump in my throat.

Spend a day with the sinking feeling in my stomach
Watching your back
Fending off strangers who think they have a right to your body.

Spend a day waking up with tears in your eyes
Wanting to run away at the first sign of danger
Laying in bed with tears streaming down your cheeks.

Spend a day choking back sobs because no one can hear you crying
Putting on a fake smile when someone asks if you’re okay
Putting up with people telling you how lucky you are.

Spend a day in my shoes
Then tell me how
I’m so lucky.
 Aug 2017
Pooja Shah
Hope is a door, a window or
a tiniest space, a thinnest line
between being and vaning
into obscurity.

Hope is a victory, a triumph or
a feeling of it, over not just  fear
but over the depth and darkness that
shrouds courage.

Hope is a word, a small word
in a huge world, an infinite world.
But he who has hope
rules infinity.
I just found hope and I hope that you find hope as well :)
 Aug 2017
Ma Cherie
I saw a lovely frog today
a hopping in my garden
he stopped a sec -
to quickly say hello

I said hello to Mr frog
how do you do you do
how do you do,
my lil' hopping fellow?

he said I'm fine
no point to whine
this life is good
so why not be just mellow?

I said good point
just like the sun
in happy summer yellow

we both just sighed
a tad misty eyed,
so grateful for the lovely warmth
becuz in the light we are freed
and as we looked up- agreed
it is what we all need,

that it is always best
to just allow

Ma Cherie © 2017
Lol ; ) love you poets
are just
of fallen Gods.

for these Gods
will never learn
the art of falling,
so they just leave
the falling
to crystal  clear
I decided that every written poem will have it's own translation in both English and Romanian. For how could I forget where I am and where I come from?  

Despre ploaie

este numai
zeilor cazuti.

intrucat zeii
sti-vor niciodata
arta caderii,
asa ca lasa
 Aug 2017
Love can be like
trapped light
existing like dusk
the likes of which we can't see
physical but not optical
gravesites for stars
a waystation for dreamers
a delta to cruise through
paradise on Sunday
cold as ice on Monday
a hundred pound block on tongs
with a butterfly at its center
your temple of madness
or the Egypt of your ***
lands of mystery
an island of death
proven theories of sorrow
your lineage, children, tomorrows.
 Aug 2017
Jackie Mead
Eyes to the left
Eyes to the right
Looking to read you with all their might
Looking deep under your skin
Studying to work out where you begin

Eyes to the left
Eyes to the right
Learning your inner secrets and keeping them tight
Learning how you think; with the slightest nod, wink, and blink.

Eyes to the left
Eyes to the right
Looking deep through to your soul
Reflecting the feelings of your inner portal

Eyes to the left
Eyes to the right
Never letting you out of their sight
With you to the very end, keeping your secrets like your very best friend
inspired by street art
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