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"Oh, I'm so sorry;
I didn't intend to interrupt
your self-loathing boredom.
Please, do carry on;
I can see how very important it is to you."
Where is the sun?

Somewhere between commentary and dialogue. Inner monologue, perhaps? Call it following a whim~
"I can understand the reservations
some of us obviously have
when it comes to turning attention inwards:

it takes great courage to face those inner Beasts
from which we've all run and hidden;
but just imagine the crazy freedom
were they to be tamed and ridden."
The passive voice, *******; is it spoken?
Edification and Profanity
are not mutually ******* exclusive.
I acquiesce
not because I must,
but because *I love you.
An important distinction.

Love is more or less synonymous with respect in this case.
"O, how Light
doth so verily well as Ink
upon canvases of Darkness,
as Darkness
doth so verily the same
by Light.

do I beseech of thee
to speak at any length with me
of this 'good' and 'bad.'
over which you toil yet so."
Let's call it "following a whim~"

*Just in case anyone's curious: the asterisk in the title is wholly intentional as a facetious appeal to a theoretically-requisite-though-nevertheless-inescapably-non-existant footnote of a disclaimer signifying that this is, in fact, somewhat likely to be a hypothetical scenario where someone, for some senseless reason, actually wanted to know the author's viewpoint; or, that it could indeed be otherwise fictitious.

Resemblance to any person, myself or otherwise, is favorable.

Just to clarify. ;)


It is.

What is it?

That's just it:
it just is.

Fight it if you will.

does have certain power that knows no known bounds,
but Will is nigh useless unless you act.

can be a step in the wrong direction
if you don't stop to consider the implications of the choice.

is both a gift and a curse,
for we can never know with certainty.

is a generalization for a particular probability
that we see to be in our favor.

is a slippery *****
inexorably leading to isolation.

is what mind felt
when saw itself as the pilot of matter.

is frozen energy-
potential en potentia:


Everything is potential.

Create the future you wish to reap.
Have the courage to blaze your own trail
if none you've found is as you desire;
there's nothing wrong with that:

It isn't selfish
to seek what it is for which your heart and soul cry out.
It isn't selfish
to refuse to follow a Path laid by another.
It isn't selfish
to pursue happiness;
rather, I find it to be quite the contrary:

If we all, independently, could bring about our own ecstasy
try to fathom what a rave life could be.

Puns may be intended;
ne'er forget to read between the lines-
read between the words themselves,
and look within them as well as thyself
for comprehension;
for understanding.

Words are such funny tools.
Such is a theme of mine.

be not at fault
for the evil that is so often wrought by them;
they are a catalyst; a medium:
a sort-of transmittal of intention:

A hammer can build or ****
with similar effort and ease
if only the Will is so inclined.

That is the boundless power of Will.
That is our responsibility as conscious beings.

One must seek construction of the Self,
rather than destruction of the Other.

what is destruction of the Other
if not destruction of the Self
from the outside

(All off my questions are rhetorical and not.
Answer them. I dare you. They are my challenges.
Therein lies the journey to understanding the Self;
or, as they call it in academia: "Philosophy.")

I find that One finds what One seeks,
whether it is harmony or dissonance
or anything else in between.
(Or, maybe that's a product of my own bias!)

Thy every moment may differ,
but t'is of thy Path that I speak.

Tread lightly, my friend.

Only you can bear thy torch-
but, the true crux
is refusing to drop it
until you no longer require it.
I just sat down and wrote this. No forethought.
Lots of afterthought, though!
There's somethin' kinda 'zen' 'bout that:
if you will not actively seek meaning, you deserve it's absence.
It may sound harsh, but if you think about it, it likely doesn't apply to you.
Also, humor is a wonderful multi-key for the door of understanding.
Have the courage
to never stop learning.
For One to be Open,
all One must do
is not be Closed.

Aye; indeed t'is the rub
that such is so much easier said
than t'is done.

Yea, tho that be true;
t'is but the knowledge thereof, itself,
that arms the worthy Ones with the potential
to be Aware,
and thus
to overcome.

T'is not a matter of innate ability:
t'is rather a matter of choice;
of practice;
of attention:
of Openness.

Seek that you may become Open
(not that you aren't,
but I know I  so often forget
and thus I assume
that others must as well!)

by attempting to train yourself
not to be Closed;
try to remember
to not be Closed.

It only shrinks your world.
Trust me: I've been there.

I sometimes forget to leave.

Moral of the story:
Seek to be an Open Person
rather than a Closed one.
I don't mean extroverted or introverted,
I don't mean monogamous or polyamorous,
I don't mean liberal or conservative,
I don't mean religious of atheist,
I don't mean anything like that;
It's much deeper:
more fundamental to your Self:

*Do not close yourself off.
That is damnation.

Remain in pursuit of Openness.
It is the best path to Awakening.
"I'm not so much of an enabler
as I am a reducer of inhibition."
Or so I try to be
and so I forget to be.
If you bother to seek,
you deserve to find.

The Universe knows this.
It's a divine property:

Use thy Mind,
thy divine property.
The only thing I find more enjoyable
than meeting outrageous expectations
is defying expectations outrageously.
If you find it so offensive
that I don't passively accept the *******
you so zealously defend
with phoney statistics and appeals to irrelevant authority,
perhaps you should try to empathize
with how offensive that ******* may be
to a person who values and respects
individuals' divergent opinions.

Then again, in thy defense,
they don't really seem like thy opinions,
they've just been programmed into thee
from a malleable age
by others
who cannot stand a bit of honest dissent
for the sake of earnest
social and spiritual progress.

You're a proper product of your environment.
Your upbringing is bringing you down.

If you want to overgeneralize
and make less options available
that many have fought so hard to make possible,
go live somewhere where you won't have the freedom to choose for yourself
even if it does tend to be an illusion.

But, I know
you don't want to have fewer choices,
you just want others to have fewer choices.

As a philosopher,
I find that ******* disgusting.
Evil, even.

If your school of thought
is said to be so 'holy,'
how can it produce such evil people?
I guess it's *******,
either on the teachers' part,
or on the students' part,
or, not unlikely:

A boat that cannot be rocked
is probably an unsafe boat.

A boat that can take a rocking
is more likely to be seaworthy.

It is worth it to find out which boat you're in
before you're committed to it on the open seas of Life.

(Maybe they put you in the unsafe boat on purpose..)

Thy traditionalism
binds thee to a bygone era
of sexism, feudalism, and prejudice.

If it is thy choice
to sacrifice thy free will and curiosity
to that ages old cult,
I venture to claim that you deserve to,
just don't expect any sympathy
from this devout skeptic;

I rock the boat
not to destroy what's good,
but to try to **** out what isn't healthy.

It's nothing personal,
I'm just fond of Devil's Advocacy
in the face of a straw-man argument.

The only thing more blaring
than the fallacies in your claims
is your blind and willing ignorance.

We all seek comfort,
but allowing your intellect to be usurped
for someone else's benefit
is a self-sacrifice seldom worthy of existing.

Some falsely believe that knowledge brings comfort,
but I know that it is only the willingness to deny such comfort
that makes such comfort attainable.

You aren't comfortable,
you're just shut off from the world.

Have the courage to step outside your own mind,
have the courage to step back from yourself and your ego
even if for just a little while,
and perhaps you shall find
that it was only you holding you back,
all along.

Do not hate:

seek to understand.
before it's too late
to reconcile yourself with your truest self.

Stop being used by your mind
and start utilizing it's potential:
be yourself and become the greatest possible actualization of your Godself.

No philosophy is an enemy,
only One's philosophobia is.
Written to no one and everyone. Especially myself.
Written for no one and everyone. Especially myself.
I hope the good outweighs the bad, as well in myself.

There's a colorful backstory to this, but I don't want to delve into it too much.  One of my friends recently revealed a rather unflattering, extremely closed minded, gender-role enforcing atrocity of a stance on women's rights. What's worse about it is that she's female!
who is possessive of Love
is nothing shy
of Narcissistic:
what is selfish Love
but externalized vanity?

lets 'as is' be.
Not because it yields or compromises,
but because it knows
that to alter another
for oneself
is a form of vanity.

True Love
is unconditional.
Which, itself, seems uncaring.
But, quite the opposite is true.

You must change yourself instead.
Have the courage to be your own control group.

get in whichever over-generalized, socially acceptable line
suits you best
and wait your turn
in somebody else's
rigged game.
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