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 May 2015
Richard Riddle
Written for a school project*

September 09, 2013

To: Evan Riddle
From: Granddad

Well, I understand that you would like to have a letter from me, recognizing certain traits, and accomplishments, and so forth. Begging your pardon, I will begin in this manner.
A couple of years ago, during a"pre-game warmup" prior to the start of one of your games, I was standing behind the glass watching the pucks bounce off your chest. A young boy, perhaps a year younger, came up, stood beside me, also watching you. He then turned, yelling to a friend, "here he is, #41!"  He was quickly joined by his friend and another, all three watching you at close range.You have no idea how that made me feel. How proud of you I was, that apparently your reputation was developing among your peers within the "ice crowd."
In my home, on a wall, is a photo of you, taken during the All-Star game in Ottawa, Canada. You, wearing the red and white All-Star jersey,  standing in front of the net watching and observing the action that soon would be coming at you.
This is my favorite photo. The expression on your face silently reflects your abilities to "focus" on what you are supposed to do, the "determination" to do it, and the "perseverance" to get it done. Three traits that have followed, and stayed with you, and guided you to be successful, in all you have accomplished in both sport and academic activities in which you have participated. You are respected by your team, your coaches, your teachers, and your classmates. You can't have better than that.

Love you,
Although this is not a poem, per se, for personal reasons I find it necessary to post. Circle photo taken during All-star game at a tournament in Ottawa, Canada, 2012. His team won 4-3 in a shoot-out.
 May 2015
The wind whipped
The rain
Upon your face
As they carried you out
Of the mangled
The elements gave
No thought
To your dignity.
Nor did the drivers
Who slowed
(ever so slightly)
To catch a glimpse
Of a fantastically, horrific
Twist of fate
That smashed your bones
And stole your breath.
My heart bleeds
For people
I've never met
Who may not yet know
of the end you met.
I grieve with them
 May 2015
The band tightens
Around my chest
And I struggle to breathe.
Tears build up
Behind my eyes
But I cannot cry.
The room closes
In upon me
But I cannot move.
He asks me
What's wrong
But I can't find the words.
Locked in a cage
Of my own design
And I've lost the key.
Let me drink myself
Into oblivion
That I may forget
Where I am
Who I am
How I am
 May 2015
Adam Childs
Please do not tell me
I am a God because I
tell you I am only human.
And I am really pleased
that your God really loves
Make a wish and he will
supply you lovely job, beautiful
wife he will give you  
And how it all really worked
out for you and your respectful

Look I really am delighted for
all that has been given you.
But can you please please
go over there because we
are drowning over here.
And do not say we do not
paddle because we really
do so very fast.
And we are still sinking not
sure how long we can last.

I know by the look in your
face that you do not trust
that I am sincere when I
say I am joyous for your
But what I will say is that
I am really trying
And when you wear your
happiness like a golden robe
I really try hard not to pull
on you.
As am sincere when I say
I want to be a good friend
as you seem so much better

They say knock and he will
come and I am glad your
God came.
But my hands gone numb
I now having bruised
and bleeding knuckles
and no one came.

I am truly really happy
for you but please
Remember some of us
are still drowning
I was really not sure whether to post this just exploring some feeling of despair I apologize if it does not give a positive enough view maybe I should keep my processing to myself.
 May 2015

Upon a sunrise serenade
She sings within my heart
A distance stands between us
I stare into the dark

My eyes now cast the north
Horizon’s beckoned creed
Of lonely days I wander
To reach my every need

An echo on the morning
My words on clouds above
In harmony her singing
A sonnet of my love

When this melodic morning
My weary eyes can see
My life it shall be nothing
*Till she is here with me
Good morning Beautiful
 May 2015
Amitav Radiance
Repose on the dreams
Cushioning your thoughts
Soft touch of soul’s assurance
Nurturing the chosen path
Willful traveler will step out
Leaving footprints on life
Soaring higher and higher
Embrace the pinnacle of life
Once you repose faith
On the wonderful dreams
Pleasant reality
Will open the window
To the world
 May 2015
I'll wait for you forever
till stars forget to shine,
and oceans become puddles,
words no longer rhyme

Till deserts turn to gardens
where flowers go to bloom,
the grass is red, the skies are green,
the dawn brings out the moon

Till rain is something very dry
and butterflies drive trucks,
when every pond is chocolate sauce
with candy coated ducks

Till basements have a penthouse view
with windows three floors high
and stairways are a place to swim
no matter how you fly

Till mountains are a level path
that you will go to walk
and silence now becomes a way
for every one to talk

Till everything we've ever known
is gone and disappeared
The world does end, there's nothing more
just like we always feared

Till broken hearts are happy,
tears a welcome site
Night comes at the break of day
and daytime looks like night

I'll wait for you forever
until the end of time
It matters not how long it takes
if I can call you mine
 May 2015
To many times forgotten
To many times passed up
By the very ones you reached out your hands
Helping pull them up
To many times thank you never came your way
To many times frowned upon for doing what was right
And not what was popular
The ones closest to you may not ever tell
How much they appreciate you for your help
Those words may not ever come from their lips
I personally have seen and experienced
The kind of person that you are
I know what family means to you
So on  behalf of those you help
For all those you drop by to see about
I say to you
Thank you
Keep up the good work
 May 2015
elizabeth capital
R. Remedy my heart make it beat again.

A. A painful reminder of a past I wish I could forget.

I. Insecure thoughts taking me back to that place I know so well, I fell so safe hiding in my soundproof shell.                                      

N. Never again shall I fall for your sin your sugar coated lies your honey dipped temptation, you caged me in once but never again. I'll make my own sunshine, I'll start new again.
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