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 Jan 2015
Shhhhh keep quiet I'm trying to think.
Get out of here I'm trying to be nice.
Shut up I'm trying to hold on.
My demons can't drown they know how to swim.
And no mater how much I try getting rid of them they don't go.
It all started with a heartbreak betrayal.
It started with little tears a bit of anger and paranoia.
It grew bigger I ignored and know its destroying me.
I'm losing my mind because of these demons.
I seem to cry every chance I get but they don't drown they just swim around everything gets more complicated.

My demons tell me to hate so much they give me all this bitterness.
I can't look at my wrist because of the scars I have.
Caused by me can't stand the girl I see when I look in the mirror.
Hating on everyone who loves me.
My demons don't trust no body.
Mt demons are horrible I hate them I try to do everything to chase them but its hard.
I Can't drown my demons they know how to swim
#demons #mentaly #sad
 Jan 2015
Andrew Durst
And when you
            love someone;

their name
to sound like
a song that
never leaves

-Andrew Durst.
 Jan 2015
Emma Pickwick
I can't stop thinking about how everyone is someone, but at the same time everyone is no one.
 Dec 2014
Liz And Lilacs
You can't breathe.
Gasping for air.
The panic as your lungs  fill with water.
You'd never think  water could burn so much.
The cacophony of your mind, screaming at you.
The disbelief that you are drowning.
The mind and body do not know how to die gracefully
The very process of drowning makes it harder and harder
Not to drown.
 Dec 2014
Men and women all born to a creed
no creed an advocate for evil deeds
Savagery of the Peshawar kind
has more to do with an evil mind
that does not think nor analyze
blinded it is  by  emotions unwise
Biochemical imbalances of the brain
and a body bereft of a conscience
is that what makes them take an AK47
and wreak havoc on defenseless innocence

a satanic act born of frustrated cowardice
that seeks to hide in dark disguise
behind the shroud of distorted beliefs
that seeks revenge as heavenly relief
Those that make their own earth a living hell
Which God and what paradise waits for them pray tell?
 Dec 2014
Lone Wolf
One... two... three... four...
You can see the spot on her floor,
Where her blue-green carpet is worn
Wishing she could walk out the door
Forget how bad her heart has been torn

One, two, three, four
She has music blaring
Supposed to keep her from losing her mind
Supposed to keep her from caring
If only her tormentor weren't so kind

One two three four*
He's still unaware of his slight
She's pacing, reciting Poe in her head
He's unaware of her pain every night
She's wishing her heart was dead

Her fingers twine through her hair
Berating herself for thinking of him
She hears a few strands tear
But paces on, ignoring them
My typical day I spend at least an hour or two (sometimes more) pacing and listening to music. Lately it's been more.
 Dec 2014
Emma Pickwick
Ethereal feel,
Bright lights,
*** appeal.

Tattooed chest,
Short dress,
Trying to impress,
Took too much,
I'm a mess.

Laughing too loud,
Escaped the crowd,
Numb limbs,
Dancing way out.

Nineteen seventy five,
So alive,
Apprehensive about the drive.

Talking out of context,
I forget what comes next,
But that song is ******* cool,
Goodnight text.
I went to a concert with fellow poet  joe adomavicia and I am a handful per usual.
 Dec 2014
Emmanuel Boyd
I'm actually happy today....
Something I can't always say.
It feels like a regular day
Life is too hard too anticipate.
 Nov 2014

You stole the key
that is needed
to unlock
what used to be
my heart
 Nov 2014
Elizabeth Squires
he espied our poems
on the internet
so fetching they'd look
in his pilfering net

without so much
as a by your leave
that thief did stow them
up his ****** sleeve

he twas like an incessant
plaguing parasite
taking those fab writes
which did so invite

none of them were
his intellectual property
they'd been nicked
with much impropriety

he got his fingers
caught in the honeypot
making off with works
which were not of his own slot

such brashness he did exhibit
for all to see
pretending that the pieces
were of his tree

he shall be recalled
for the loot that he took
of this deed he should be
bought to book

no person with a conscience
would ever steal
what isn't rightfully theirs
in its creative deal
#plagiarism  #thief  #creative
 Nov 2014
Maggie Emmett

        ­                                         is good
                                            for business
                                       both big and small
                        Profits will rise and make inflation fall
                        But soldiers, sailors, airmen, warriors all
                                        must heed the call
                                             face fighting
         ­                                        Death
Revived poems to honour Musarrat Bte Salam and her use of this highly unusual form
‘War’ won equal first prize in the Tetractys section
It was first published in Yellow Moon Issue 17, Winter 2005; p. 47.
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