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 Jun 2014
SG Holter
My friend Kaia has these
Marbles that she hasn't lost

A few of them work together
When we discuss my
Alcoholic Anger  

You have to vent the things that
Irk you. Before you get drunk.

"Get it out and over with.
You'll have nothing to be
Angry about when you

So clear.
I am such an

Guys. It's too late for me.
But save yourselves.
No drunk anger ever.

The **** you say...
So glad our mothers will
Never hear us like that.
They'd cry for days.

"Don't go to bed angry," they say.
I say "don't drink a drop with a

It'll **** your
Everything if you keep
Dancing with it; the

House always wins.
You'll never be yourself

It'll all go away, and it'll
Never be
 Jun 2014
Poetic T
I am justice in blood,
You think that you are free,
No bars have you seen,
A smile
While others cry tears.
Walking the streets
A breath taken,
While those laid to rest
Never again to taste air, Exhale a breath.
You will not see justice, it finds you
When you sleep I will be there,
Your on borrowed time,
Till you wake.
I am justice, you may now pray,
For I am the only one who will hear you
There is no
In this room there are scales,
Now justice needs blood
A life for a life must be paid.
I will take you apart,
"But first eye lids off"
So you can witness justice tip the scales
I do this not out of hate or lust
I am the messenger of justice
"I punish the unjust"
Screams of the guilty
Then there is none,
For justice was served
The blind lady got the blood
For no one is above her,
**"Scales in need of justices blood"
 Jun 2014
Cigarette smoke curls upwards,
spiralling into the ether and downwards into my lungs.
I sit looking at the cigarette packet
reading the warning:
Smoking seriously harms you and others around you
How true.
Except, it isn't the cigarettes that have harmed me, it's your lies.
Did you think you'd be able to keep me in the dark?
Did you think me that stupid?
Tut tut, lending me your car, not emptying the ashtray,
didn't think you wore lipstick whilst driving, just sunglasses.
The colour wasn't mine, too brash.
I take the last drag, watch the tip flame orange, and feel the nicotine calm
I pick the Marlboro's up flip the box over, and smile at the irony,
there in bold reads Choose freedom, we'll help you
if I rang the free phone number will they help me dispose of your body?
Your staining my kitchen floor, the nicotine is staining my fingers.
 Jun 2014
Andrew Durst
When every sound
          becomes silent
and my eyes
        become useless,

find me
Sight and sound.
We take them for granted.
 Jun 2014

I loved you like there was no tomorrow...
there wasn't
 Jun 2014

If I could come to you ..

be there for you
speak no words,
just hold you
in my arms,
place my hand in yours ..

I would

If I could be there ..

let you know
with my eyes
that all will be well,
just sit with you ..

I would

If I could be at your side

take your pain,
caress the hurt,
kiss your tears
with my hand on your heart ..

I would

 Jun 2014
elizabeth capital
In my despair will you be there tonight.
 Jun 2014
must be a local now,
and doin something
just got my logain  badge
my work dreck to his sight
redundant too

whoo!!! hoo!!!
 Jun 2014
You just never know
what is waiting on that hook
 Jun 2014
John Stevens
Just a story.
When I was a kid... yes there was a time I was a kid, the garden was just South of the house.  Mom and I worked in the garden a lot.  Sometimes when she was not in the garden I would lay between the carrot rows, pull a carrot out of the sandy soil, brush off the sand and have a very fresh yummy carrot.  They were soooo tender they seemed to melt in my mouth.  Anyway, when I was finished eating the carrot I would put the top back into the hole.  No one was the wiser.  No one knew the difference or so I thought.  I did notice the carrot top would wilt which looked a little suspicious but... there was a gopher problem so maybe the gophers ate the carrots.  Sounded like a good story to me.  "Did the gopher eat the carrot mom?" "Yes probably so."

I found out years later.... Mom knew who the gopher was.  BUSTED.

I was telling this story to my grand daughter Lucy after school one day.  Her eyes brightened up and said, "That is a funny story grandpa."  So here it is added to the memories of a grandpa.  Lucy keeps telling people, strangers even, "you should hear this. Grandpa tell them about the carrots."  The story has latched onto her 5 year old brain and won't let go.

So... the next time you are eating a carrot... don't fib to your mom.
I remember that when the gopher pulled carrots too small, mom admonished the gopher "must let them grow bigger". I passed that bit of information on to "sir gopher".  The gopher listened. What luck.
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