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 Oct 2011
michelle reicks
the best sound in my entire world
is heavy breathing
and the soft swishes of fingertips brushing over back-skin
and little gasps

of pure happiness

and i don't have to wonder anymore
if i am making music

or even if we're making love
because i am lying on beautiful cream colored clouds
in the back of your parents' van
and i don't think it really matters.
 Oct 2011
Bruised Orange
when i first lifted my glass
and nosed your polished aroma
i hadn't realized then, how your
perfumed bouquet would intoxicate me

you, accessible one, with all your
heady complexities, deserve to
be brought out from the cellar

and no mere tasting will be enough
bright and clean you would be
upon my tongue

held midpalate, i'd swirl you about,
swallow you down, your finish
lingering, demanding of me
another sip

to me, you are at peak flavor
no mere tasting would ever be enough.
pour me a glass, i will drain you
to the last.  pour me another
until my cup runs over

stain the tablecloth,
i don't care about that
let it spill.
it's been a long time since i've had any wine.  now it's all i can think to write about.  lol ;-)
 Oct 2011
Luca Molnar
Slowly slip into me. Stay.

Feel my heart beating and pumping blood and life everywhere.
It is your heart now too.

Feel my skin heating and protecting life in me.
It is your skin now too.

Feel my hair tickling and hiding the sparkles of life in the eyes.
It is your hair now too.

Feel my ***** moving and ******* life through the nose.
It is your ***** now too.

Feel my life shining.
It is your life now too.

 Aug 2011
Krissy Schiller
So                   you were
So much of a wolf was
We lay
                       sharpening our claws
Things began in love                      seen through a filter
Numbed by
                        and tamed by drugs

Of the lingering calmness of a

                                                              ­                 comedown
And the
                       ricochet of our fingers

My sweet dope,
You                        were
Your last pull was

                                                         It's beat.
 Jul 2011
Krissy Schiller
Caution, lost in the motion,
The tender lapse of green sea waves
The scent that has become you,
Sweet, sweet summer rain.

Like magnets, the polar pull, subsequent and building
The silent seize of your stomach muscles
Oh honeycomb.
Wrapped in cellophane, and the fleece in our ears

Your chin, the small hollow in which rests my head,
The cradle of your Adam's apple.
For hours I studied the color transmit in the darks of your eyes,
Of subtle change and shade

The soft, downy wool of your legs,
Warm blankets rescued from the creaking loft.
And your slow, sleeping breaths, of wind whistling through wheat fields
Shared dreams of barefoot gardens, sweet peppers in springtime

The gentle obstinacy of your fingers,
Extended forward in the thaw of shallow slumber.
The difference between oak and pine,
This nest you constructed, we lay in.

Nestled underneath the galaxy you installed, pin by pin.
 Jul 2011
In one brief moment, everything changes.
For a split second, thought becomes something distant.
Sensation is full, yet innocence gone.

A feeling of nothing, but everything.
Paternal elders understand, yet shy away.
They know how everything works in their head.

Brief, pure bliss attained through primitive acts.
Maternal elders understand, but blush
like it is something to be ashamed of.

Higher powers tend to condemn this void,
but all show what this signifies, even though
they don’t like to speak of it. One pure word.

I haven't touched this poem in many, MANY years. Any comments, concerns critiques are welcome.
 May 2011
My Warrior Woman
With every inhale I pass through you
each cell of your radiant body ignites
with your every exhale I am reborn
as a vague image in a mirror's light
held in the eyes of a single Angel
and so I ly my head in your arms,
close my eyes,
and awake as a single syllable
passing through your lips
grateful to spend a mere moment
within your mind and mouth
and even as my flame flickers and fades
as your breath blows it away
I search your longing eyes like scripture
for Salvation never present,
never saved.
 May 2011
Lee Turpin
Do something you’re afraid of

Like the night I lay my head on your shoulder,
I needed you to stay alive,
I needed you in order to stay alive.
The night we saved each other’s lives.

It was everything,
and your heart kept beating (against my ear)
and the tv talked to itself.
We went to sleep afraid that it was nothing.

Like that night you told me you were in love with me.
It was nowhere special.
It was the couch in your room.
And thats what made it real.

I said nothing back
and the trees tapped against the window
and eyes around the world were closing.
I did not speak, but I kissed you.

Like the night you drove me home
after the world broke our hearts.
It was 1am
We were two, two was one, and one was alone.

I wanted to stop moving
and the floating snow brought silence in through the open windows
and the street lights made moving shadows on your skin.
The earth moved as black pavement rushed beneath us.

Like tonight as the weight of moments that were years is breaking our necks.
I’ll pick up my eyes and look at you
waiting for me in the openness of the street
brighter than a star.

Standing there like an open door
and the wind is blowing through your hair
and when every breath is a leap of faith,
I will never stop falling.
 Feb 2011
Kimberly Gillespie
In the absence of temperance,

I indulge in you.

Submerging myself into the depths of your being,

With an insatiable thirst for your flesh.

Drinking your essence with my lips,

Becoming intoxicated,

Dominated by the power of your skin.

A servant to your body.

I worship you.

In the absence of temperance.
Whenever I'm with you,
I don't hear our clothing fall.
nor the change in our breath,
or the neighbors down the hall.

There is no sound in between us
the heat then speaks instead
it dances with us, back and forth
leaving sentences in sweat.

I have never heard hesitance,
or shame when we are close.
I hear nothing but the sweet nothings
that we already know

So to me we lay in silence,
which is strange to all but us
but our true love is deafening
if you listen hard enough.
 Oct 2010
D Conors
My golden honey-***,
sweet fruit of the bees,
I'd love to lick you
in the spring-time breeze;
drink from your luscious golden jar,
and love your taste,
just as you are.
A honey-***:
D. Conors
06 October 2010
 Sep 2010
D Conors
In the sky tonight hangs a perfect Half-Moon,
when I looked up above, I thought about you,
in your paint-stained clothes and all your artwork, too,
memories of our friendship flourished and bloomed.

With your hands so hearty and your talents unbound,
I saw close up how you artistry astounds,
I remembered our fights, disagreements and tears,
but we always remained close friends over the years.

I sure miss our talks about art over wine,
snacking on crackers and cheese every time,
yet the thing I treasure most about you, my friend,
is the respect and love that will never end.

See Nolan's toilet here:

See Nolan in his paint-stained clothes here:

See all the amazing artwork of Nolan Haan here:
The "Half-Moon Inn" is the historic building/art gallery I lived in that Nolan had restored with the help of his partner-at-arms, Mitchell.

Read my blog story for all the exciting details and breath-taking photos of The Half Moon Inn and it's lush, tropical gardens!
D. Conors
14 September 2010
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