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 Feb 2023
Carl Joseph Roberts
Cupids Days Are Done

Well it's the day after Valentines
And Cupid did not come
Now I'm waiting at my bedroom door
Putting bullets in my gun

I waited until midnight
Then today rolled around
Now if Cupid ever shows his head
Cupid gets knocked out

At first I planned to scare him
For all he's put me through
But ****** seems a better choice
Since I've had a drink or two

Now I could be drinking way to much
Because I think I'm seeing things
Or Cupid may have slipped me drugs
Just to get away from me

Did I just see a Santa
I'm hearing reindeer on my roof
My drinking could be trouble
Giggling Goblins are afoot

I think I saw a Bunny
Is that a beer orna green elf
Cupid he won't raise his head
Afraid to show himself

Did I just hear a Turkey chuckle
I'm seeing pink arrows everywhere
Maybe I should take a nap
Or I could just have another beer

Well it's the day after Valentines
And Cupid did not come
He gets maybe one more year
The Cupids Days Are Done

Poem by; Carl Joseph Roberts  (Joe)
 Feb 2023
we use or misuse each other
we don't ask as often as needed
the eye of the needle
the sky is closer
storms are wiser
waters sleep in the seeds of wind
everything so holy entangled
sweet deceit in lustry illusions
glamour for amour
cover up for unforseen
the unbearable unknown
everything so wise
like the eagerness of colts

So it goes, said Vonnegut

casually I am your anything
a strange causality a presence
this cocoon of desire
of course, urgent lover
next day another mirror
friend in the afternoon
a simple woman in the morning
slippery oblivion by midnight
unearthed hieroglyph
all night wide
foe and moan &
foam of laughter
SOS in a bottle
but not of wine
******* from time to time
not a dime piece, but she is
a penny for your thoughts it is
you can make and you can take
the cinema on/of my skin
let's speak with our ribs
for the sake of mimes
I could be your slave, but wait
when bus sirens fade away

incandescence is my name,
the patience of graves
of grapes
 Feb 2023
“when you get up in the morning you must take your heart in your two hands. You must do this every morning.” Grace Paley

fall into me
on blackout days
for something beautiful
is here is everywhere
is nowhere
you knew it
Borges used it
beauty is a physical sensation
the axis mundi piercing
the palms of my hands

memory like a gipsy woman
who reads palms
beauty, yes, it draws the soul
I figured it out in the smiling of your sleep
like babies smile to angels, they say
this game that keeps us alive is hers
golden beetles die for it
of for the love of dust

pastimes of gods its archives
everyday the light tastes differently
the body moves where the mind is
or the other way round
I'll read Cartarescu to you half naked
one page a day

beauty is the quest,
this spiral of wonder
filling up the rest &
my nails
A child was born
And he was crying
Until he heard the voice of her Mama
It was a breath that beats like his.
And for the very first time,
He looked into someone's eyes.

On the other side,
The boy heard a husky voice
With a low tone and suddenly,
It was a voice of an expert.

A loving yet not so tender like the first one.
The boy gazed at him
As he carries him
It's as if he's facing his likeness
And it's kinda weird
Having some hair on some areas of his face –
It was the first time he saw that.

You become like the Sun —
Everyone stirs up to the heartfelt rays
And the sparkling light that It conveys.
They are indebted for Its existence.

But the sun doesn't try to draw attention to Itself.
It just appears in the morning —
Giving Its warmth and light inaudibly but graciously,
And sets Its time bomb by the evening.

Then It appears the succeeding day.
Everyone goes to bed –
Always looking forward to Its reappearance.
And they are frantic every single day.

You are a light in Christ Jesus –
You have been placed in the center of the room
And on top of the hill.

Don't you use that divine position
To show off your sheen,
Or entice any attention to yourself
So people can see how bright a light you are,
Or so you can intimidate them with your glow.

Instead, let ALL your vigor appears naturally
As you come back tomorrow with no other agenda –
Except to luster for someone’s road.
Giving off that deific balminess
And sunlit to the whole world – and all creations.
Be their warmth, then call it a day.
And you’ll be glad to rest in your sleep.

As long as you remain God-centred –
Allowing Him to spring His Nature through you
Without any selfish interest as the Sun does,
Then your life is full, firm, and accomplished each day.
 Feb 2023
hands sliding
sounds gliding
minds swirling
in this dance
of stillnes

gaps filled
 Jan 2023
it's got to be the right time
the right one for the
trance of dance
of crying
of love
or prayer
stay awhile to feel
the breath of hours
or the pilgrims breathing
near darkening forests
zebras forgetting their
the pulse of far riders
blown away
by a mirage caravan

blessed those who
pray for the calmness
of rain
 Jan 2023
Travis Green
Your lustrous monstrous untouchableness
Has me lost in your lekker luminous lovingness
Your effusive smooth movingness
Your brilliant enchanting takingness commands me
Apprehends and entrances me
Exhilarates and motivates me

I lapse into your everlasting magical savageness
Where your incessant incandescent incredibleness
Leaves me flabbergasted
Entrapped in your vast extraordinary rareness
I love the way you stare at my gaytasticness

The way you smell so supremely sensual
So delicious, rich, and ****
So mouth-filling, pleasing, and tempting
A legendary high-quality dish
That fulfills and whips my system

Silken shimmering skin
Peachy passionate pink lips
Charming and sparkling eyes
Full, flawless, and macho beard
Sinfully succulent and expressive gent
A perfect treasure to cherish

Edible and sexible flex to respect
Lustful, licentious pleasure lover
A honeyed crunk confection
You hold me spellbound
So hung up on your bold ghetto soul
 Jan 2023
maybe the earth knows or
the body knows first
what he or she dares
immersed in sunsets
and adverbs
lions make themselves
prey in blue windows
outside the fle/ash  of words
the verbs of the world
inside a shepherd whistles
a love song
to the sweetness of grass
 Jan 2023
there is something good
and some light
in this desire
enraging my cells
with divination chanting
sculpting my shape
in violent curves
I don't recongnize the hues
of mornings
because of frenzy:
the new definition of gravity
along the lines
mesmerizing visions of
softness and caring

love is a whirlwind
in any language
a clear water
so you can see
how translucent
nakedness can be

hers is
the bending of space
to smaller and smaller
atoms of delight,
fusion, diffusion, infusion

it holds you tight
from the very centre
when it breaks you
and then these traces
the swarming of photons
in the fabric of skin
sweet radiance,
energetic warmness
an arch, a cohort of waves
crushing everything
like cherries' sense
reality sense
roads' sense

a scarring refusing
to scream/bleed
defiance of stillness
music of laughter
sun raising in your hands

there is something beautiful
for the poetess in me
it just describes herself well
for the never-day
it transmutes
beauty into horror
horror into despair
despair into words
even thought into
singing birds
“For beauty is nothing but the beginning of terror
which we are barely able to endure, and it amazes us so,
because it serenely disdains to destroy us.
Every angel is terrible.”

― Rainer Maria Rilke
 Jan 2023
Chris Saitta
She kisses like the reading of an ancient poem
With lips clouded by their own sighs,
So too with all her mock moons, paraselenae,
Obnubilations over her luminous mind,
Her last desperate pulchritude of night,
Chaste labors of assembling unspoiled dew:
Just crumbs of breath at the Greek feast of wind,
New sun pouring in to the clay flowers of our lungs.
“Obnubilation” means to cover with clouds
“Paraselene” is a mock moon like a sun dog
 Jan 2023
one into many &
many into one

the bird of paradise
half truth and half lie
it's not pure fiction
but pure singing
or intensity of the dark light

this vibration of your U(nconscios)
is a floating vessel
(sunk into mystery)
for my dreams
mine is for yours and for her
and for them
this is the way we meet
It's scary and wonderful
to recognize each other
some mirrors are crazy
light hides itself best in the dark
and darkness hides itself
best in the brightest of lights

there are too many layers
of liquid meanings in this
creature called life -
the same way
the ocean is carrying
different layers of
pressure and dark

the bird of paradise
dissolves itself
into singing cause
this is the only way
to meet its music
a bird constantly changing
the shape of its wings
to accomodate danger -
the danger of being alive
on your own
day after night
the bird of paradise exists only
in poetry which distills the irrationality of life
reality protects itself with boundaries
for poetry not to destroy its might
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