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 Apr 2014
I am like a penny in a well
Falling for forever
Yet filled with hopes and wishes
 Apr 2014
down and *****
in an unlit street
her heart beat
double time
collecting coins
from grasping
dollar bills
would make her
but her heart beats
for just coins

Something to place
over her eyes
when sleep
wants to come calling
So she's not unprepared
when on her knees
she's crawling
in her despair

towards salvation
at the end
of her damnation
she'll take a nation
who never cared
unless her legs
were in the air
 Apr 2014
Each day I let you go
leave the 'idea' of you behind
already in the past
like the love letter I signed

It's drifting helplessly around
upon the warmth of the air
not realising its importance
within it, my soul lays bare

You feel lost to me now
just a vision in my mind
Never to touch or caress again
the lost love I was denied

Another day destined for the past
but how I wish it wasn't so
One last look at a fading memory
and this new day to let you go
 Apr 2014
Green peppers
Red peppers
and shallots
Get ready for some intense flavor to hit your pallets

A splash of vinegar
And garlic
Your tongue will dance for joy and actually seem to frolic

Sos Pwa
And baked chicken
The taste buds in your mouth wont know what hit them

Four hours later and I've enriched in my culture
I'm almost like a new woman
Because today I learned to cook food from my parents native nation
The time and effort was so very worth it
And now I feel a little bit more Haitian
Creole Translations:
Epis = herbs and spices
Sos Pwa Rouge = Red bean sauce puree
 Apr 2014
Daniel Magner
someone once told me,
"you're not one for drinking"
but there's a beer in my hand
because I've gotten sick of thinking
rather wake up with a twist
in my stomach
Oh, how was I to know
that highschool holds heartbreak
how was I to know
that college does too
no one ever told me
that home is not a place
it's a feeling inside you
which sometimes gets erased
these words taste sour
let's face it
Daniel Magner 2014
 Apr 2014
First line says it all
Second line says more
Third line is a little different
Forth line makes you sure

Fifth line takes you places
Sixth line has never seen
Seventh line is hasty
Eight line is a little obscene

Ninth line grasps the tone of Eight
Tenth line will make you blush
Eleventh line will stop and pause
Twelfth line will fall into the hush

There may be a thirteenth
or fourteenth or fifteenth line
a sixteenth or seventeenth
that might have left you blind

An eighteenth line that made you yawn
A nineteenth that made you smile
A twentieth that made you stop
reading for a while

A twenty first or twenty second
that commanded you go back
to the start

Or a twenty third and
twenty forth line
was what grabbed your heart

The twenty fifth line
undid all your beliefs
The twenty six line
walked down old streets

The twenty seventh and twenty eighth
crossed paths that were parallel
The twenty ninth and thirtieth line
knows stories it will never tell

Yet only the first line is read
the last line is the lie
that forces all the other lines
to just sit idly by
 Apr 2014
On the stage
under the lights
in front of the auditorium seats
Sneering, jeering, laughing
audience at
one on the stage
The spinning shimmering
all my fears
guard rails
concrete barriers
victims too

Connected to me
a long tether
along that tether
power flowed
away from me

Into the performing
that stage.
Who was the puppet master?

In a moment of freedom
or was it just pique
with my golden scissors
tether was

The shimmering stood
for a moment on stage
the crowd became silent
looked away.

In my moment
of release
I wished it well
compassion and peace
I was finally free.
 Apr 2014
A wisp of gray cloud slips by
like a passing doubt.

A fleeting black thought flies
with the shadow of a wasp.

An unfelt feeling of cold fear
seeks warmth through window light.

Striped feral cat creeps too near,
sees red-tailed hawk in flight.

Time spent with toes in sand,
washed by water clear and cold.

Empty thoughts to understand,
one wave comes, another one goes.

r ~ 4/11/14
 Mar 2014
She was 12 years old
She was really bold
and she never did what she was told
one day she was walking down the street when someone came up to her
now she wasn't alarmed
of course because she was strong
but she wasn't strong enough to stop the man when he grabbed her arm
She screamed and kicked and cried for her mom
but that screaming didn't last very long
because she was thrown in to the trunk
she hit the bottom with a thunk
and that little girl
with curly hair
was never seen again
then right down the road
right at the end
a 3 year old girl walked up to the man
and asked where are you taking my friend?
 Mar 2014
Chloe Cresse
She suffers from mental flurries inside her head
Questions and worry keep her awake in bed
Looks that paralyze, statements that can make you numb
People don't realize the habits she can overcome
Wishing for an end of this unreasonable pain
Causing tears that fall like rain
Tears like crystals, concealing the hurt she suffers
Standing for herself relating to no other
Obsessions that **** her slowly with nothing to hide
With everything lost, her hope never died
Shes stands with a strong will and courage to shed
Nothing can stop her, not even the questions and worry inside her head
this poem is about a friend who suffers from OCD
 Mar 2014
Water wives live sheltered lives
Amongst the coves where pirates rove

Daily catch is makers match
Where red hot stoves hide fresh baked loaves

Water men are thick and thin
So often strove where shipmates hove

Water child is often wild
The treasure trove where pirates roved

r ~ 19Mar14
All in fun, my village friends.
 Mar 2014
The cannibals only come to me
in my dreams,
when I’m breathing
another lie,
hiding behind
living seams of another life
I lay awake, while I’m devoured
I’m alive, even as I die

I can’t trust the screaming monkeys
or the elephant that sat on my lungs
or the crows that come to pick at my liver
even though the scarecrow that I erected
between my eyes is just a lonely figure
that waves in the breeze
with all other thoughts
that have drifted
into the eternal,
before they have begun

Be Quiet!

you monkeys
with long noses
what stick their face
into my dreams and
shriek at me
You’re lost in your head,
come back to us
so we can mask
your tortured screams

I’m already there inside this life
but facing a loaded gun
when every picture
that passes my eyes
is bathed in the molten glare
of an oft abused, setting sun

Each fond memory fades
into a living nightmare
I may move with the grace
of someone less catatonic
but you can see the state
of current my demise
in my vacant stare
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