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 Mar 2014
Dave Blanco
Age 9
I will make you proud Dad
You just wait and you will see
I will travel the world Dad
Walk tall and drink coffee for you to see

Age 13
I will make you proud Dad
If you stay here you will see
I will go to your college Dad
Play baseball and football for you to see

Age 16
I can still make you proud Dad
Can you not leave this time for me
I will improve my grades Dad
Date girls and work harder if you don't leave

Age 18
I'm still trying to make you proud Dad
If you won't open your eyes to see
I will take my life Dad
With this knife in my hand you will notice me
 Mar 2014
Ryan Galloway
Little girl
Is your sky still whole
Still held together by the stories you are told
Can you still see without boundaries
Gaze at the horizon and claim it as yours
Gather the stars and call it your kingdom
There will come a day
When the slumbering dragon awakes
And steals you away
Your nights will burn and your sky will break
But don't you worry
For with every dragon comes a knight in shining armor
 Mar 2014
suicidal twitch
Eyes darting round, so wide and scared,
This mustn't happen, you're unprepared.
All you loved gone and dead,
All so quiet you can hear him tread.

step step step

He's getting closer, not long now,
Sweat is dripping from your brow,
You're terrified, heart beating fast,
If you don't go now, you're not going to last.

step step step

Oh so close, not very far,
You can smell the smoke from his cigar,
With one last breath you start to run,
With one pull of the trigger and you're done.


Your pain filled body hits the floor,
Now you know you are done for,
With colour fading from you eyes,
You whisper your last goodbyes.


That last bullet through your head,
Now you know you are dead,
As he left your blood soaked body alone,
He whispered, 'You tried to run? Should've known...'

step step step

As he walked away, rain started to pour,
Leaving you on the now cold, wet floor,
Now your dead body was cold and misshapen,
You knew it was ****** waiting to happen.
 Mar 2014
Gray permeates day\
   Bluebirds dancing in puddles
   with raindrops splashing.

r ~ 16Mar14
 Mar 2014
I have scratched out my journey across a mountain of pages and each and every time I’ve filed away a book, I’ve mourned the trees, compassion is not something I lack.

I have been thankful that they took each and every step with me and as each notebook closes I retreat to my back yard to plant another seed.
I’m happy to give back.

The million litres of ink that have been bleed beneath my fingers and have spread to stain my hands as my life raced across the pages has not been spilled in vain if one day the moldy old box is opened and the dust is blown from the covers and a futuristic version of me delights in the find, and hears beyond the echo of the scratching of tortuous proportions to see a life that was fun filled pain.

So much chatter, most of it doesn’t matter, little tidbits float along on a swollen creek that has never actually seen much rain.

Tiny little letters run across a barren land and accidentally collide into one another because they have no coherency while all the Big words sit in their gilded towers and watch, and wait, drinking the finest Port they can find while mocking the chaos below with ridicule and disdain.

Little bits and pieces have been scattered to the wind...
Thrown into the air, as an offering of peace, to the ancient scourge that is the birds.

I guess this would probably make much more sense if I could only just find the right words….

Jan 9 (two thousand and something)
 Mar 2014
Jamie Horridge
Who are you and why do you have this effect on me?
You walked in the room and I can hardly breath
Do you make me nervous on purpose, or is it just me?
Are you doing this on purpose?
I'm falling so quickly

I don't wanna rush it and call it too soon
But if you were the sun, then I'd be the moon
Your eyes illuminate the streets with the only light I can see
I'm just a deer in your headlights when you look at me

Take me anywhere you want to go
I'd follow you into the dark in places I don't know
Wherever you are is where I want to be
You're everything I want, and all that I can see

If you have a hint of doubt about the things that I have said
Just believe me when I say, you do laps inside my head
If you leave it up to me,
I'd tell you to stick around
You be the tree,
I'll be the roots in the ground
I'll help you grow and try to give you everything you need
Darling, it'd make me happy if you grew old with me
 Mar 2014
A wrinkle in time
       born with hair gray
  and fragile bones
       jutting against feathered skin.
Black eyes cry
           for joy that day brings.
  Child of ages sings
         to Mother Earth.

r ~ 13Mar14
 Mar 2014
What a human concept- time.
The fact we choose to live our lives defined
by something so different,
all across the globe.

These passing of the hours
always "on time", meeting the next deadline
under these pressures we often cower.

look to the trees
at the seas,
in the sky
and tell me which one is worrying
over losing a little time?

Mother Nature couldn't be happier
then to plant herself down
and live every moment to it's fullest
letting days, weeks and years
slip by.
I think I'm gonna live on my own time
 Mar 2014
Dustin Matthews
I get lost in her
No other way to describe
Pure serenity
© All Rights Reserved - Dustin
 Mar 2014
Devon Leonel
I can't breathe.
Starved for oxygen
Hurling myself this way and that
Completely out of my element

Flip. No good.
In fact, the effort probably put me
Further from where I wanted to go
I wasn't designed for this

Flop. Still nothing.
I think I may be a bit closer
But the water is still out of reach
How much do I have left?

Perhaps less is more.
Frantic flip-flopping has accomplished nothing
Calm down and inch, bit by bit
Toward water, and oxygen, and life.
I **** at decisions.
 Mar 2014
Alexis Martin
if flowers can be beautiful
simply by existing,
then so can I
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