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 Feb 2020
It's quickly unfolding
the death of this festering paradigm
reviling the corpse of indifference  
Change come hard
while the opposition sleeps
time is a monster in a dream
wake up!, wake up! is what it screams.
Traveler Tim

Temporal Fugue

Temporal Fugue  :(
Evil rarely sleeps
as grease upon the wheel
into mind and dreams it seeps
not chance, not fake
but real



Traveler   :E
evil is a victim scorn
an outlaw torn
a scull with horns
wicked evilness never morns!
 Feb 2020
Sarita Aditya Verma
Deciduous trees stand side by side
Branches entwined
A crow couple, cozied up on a high branch
And the sun shone upon the two
The morning light, a beautiful sight
Below I stood, watching the two
As the brown leaves fell like confetti
Smiling in hues
A great start to my day :)
Have always loved those trees, close to a grocery which i frequent :)
And today the crows and the morning sun added to the beauty:)
 Feb 2020
Satsih Verma
You filter time.
Time filters you.
I catch the words.

The empty bowl
of a fakir betrays the fabric
of life, without seeking.

Mid winter I will ask-
the moon not to freeze.
Some sounds you will not hear.

Tearing the fog, I
wanted to teach you the language
of pain, becoming cold.

Like meteor of
a melting star, you were moving
away faster than light.
 Feb 2020
Is it so hard to love
To give
More than enough
To live for

Is it so hard
To believe
You were bought
So you could willingly slave for the Lord
And reprogram your robot

You were a thought
God sought
For his army of justice

It's just us

Is it so hard to love your neighbor
Love your enemies
And labor for the love

It is

So hard

When you're flesh and human

To love
The habitat
That manufacturers demons

After the Good
Went bad
We became Man
And Woman

it's so hard to love
When it's so much easier

To give up
Words are now
as if
I never wrote

gather as an aching
lump in my throat.

They don't seek paper
only a river
to pour and mingle
in refrains of a dumb sadness
flow away
sunburned and tidewashed
to where the river is widest
deepest with sighs
of life not enough
in once only
and when just begun
ending broken on the shore.
 Feb 2020
Satsih Verma
So normal, the poverty
makes you rich.
At the same time, you cry.

Not needed to be
adored, I was my own slave.
The long journey suffers.

The big shark makes
a dive. You fall like ginger-
bread in mouth of kismet.
 Feb 2020
Once a maggot
now a barfly
 Feb 2020
Satsih Verma
Like a forgotten
love child, are you same as
I left you sleeping?

A creeper grows on
your face to steal the tears.
Why karma had failed?

At least a small kiss
of revival of dreams could
have saved the moon!
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