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The humans didn't stop there
though the words did
circa 2520 AD.

They harmonized love
into a seamless pattern
of expressions.

Once they realised
words were only confining them
they wove patterns of smile
and wove them into faces
(lips were almost discarded)
sewing as many expressions
of joy, sorrow, happiness
and not the least
despair and disappointment
patterns for which were hard to make
as men had all along learned to hide
the brokenness of unattainment.

Freedom from the shackles of words
became the most manifest expression
on their faces.

One pattern was never woven.

Men had since made redundant
the emotion of hatred.
 May 6
hazem al jaber

Just a dream...
nothing more...
dream about little cottage...
surrounded by a flowers and birds...

dream about little isle...
full of love and happiness...
which fly through it sky...
all kind of birds...
and especially the love birds...
which it supplied our souls with its love...
while no one there...
only me and you...
only my soul and yours...
to enjoy the love which we always desired about...

dream about passionately story...
which its sun, never to stay away...
and its moon, shining always...

that's all what i am dreaming about...
is that so much for me...? ? ?

can i have this dream ...
with only you ...

by: hazem
 Sep 2021
Heavy sinks the sailors heart
He pulled through sun, sea and storm on the daily
But this change of course
he could not have forseen

When the sails are singing tales
of loved ones left behind
waves come crashing down on him
His soul is swept away

Being lost at sea, now
sun rays touch his face
Beneath the surface
he rests

happily ever after
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