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 Nov 2017
Keith Wilson
The grass is looking
strikingly green
in the autumn sunshine
for a decent,
good-hearted person,
is heartachingly,
painstakingly beautiful;
for, even in torment,
underlying beauty
is often found...

Such a brave heart,
to withstand
such emotional destruction -
whilst their internal tears
are left to bounce
off the floor
of this soul's
shaky, unstable ground.

~ Brave Heart

By Lady R.F. (C)2017
One, may appear to be alive -
Their blood is pumping,
Their heart is beating,

But their soul has died
A thousand deaths -
Their soul is withering away -
It is slowly, but surely, fleeting.

It becomes impossible
For one to live their life,
Constantly trying to survive,
Whilst not freely breathing,

How does one celebrate their life,
When fear of living
Has buried them alive -
When their only hope 'sanity'
Is constantly threatening
That it is leaving?

By Lady R.F. (C)2017
To continuously steal
Someone's tribal sense
Of pride and dignity,

Is the lowest act
Of narcissistic bigotry!

By Lady R.F. (C) 2017
 Nov 2017
the soft light from
the room
casted a shadow
on half of you
and i thought to myself,
i am in love.
her ******* were
still swollen
from the child we lost,
she smiled her sleepy
smile and said, "i want
this moment to last forever."
and i thought to myself,
i will be okay.
i said this with more
hope than honesty.
and honestly, i gave
up on hope the day
you aborted our child.
I lost myself in
the pain of that loss
i still wish you
the best with this war
you're fighting within.
the only glimpse of happiness,
is to be without reasons
to miss you anymore.
 Nov 2017
You can’t crave for daylight
but curse the sun’s heat

You can’t adore the rain
yet cringe at the spray

You can’t love the moon
and disown her raging tides

You can’t expect the night
without living through the day
Never assume
Or answer your own questions,
Do not begin to imagine
That you know
What's in my head,

Sometimes my words
Are purposely left unspoken,
Sometimes I need to pause...
...Because my mind is too heavy
Inside my head; it's as though
My mind is momentarily blocked
And filled with lead!

My silence
Is never in motion
Without reason,
Nor is it to ignore -
It is never with arrogance
Or malcontent,  

It's just that
I tend to go numb
And get overwhelmed by life--
Due to my Anxiety -
Extracting reason
Becomes almost impossible;
Under pressure and stress, 
My thoughts,
I cannot explain or shed.

Life can be overwhelming,
Anxiety doesn't help
The situation
At all,

My mind shuts-down,
Forcing me to go into survival-mode -
Because it's better for me to pause...
...rather than to completely snap,
Break and fall.

By Lady R.F. (C)2017
 Nov 2017
What She Look Like?
…Like one
tenderly hushing
water in her lap
Elemental peace
No place to go
No more to be
…Like the ocean
in the background
of a photo on a warm spring day
and the random possible


at all guilty ******* in her path
Toss in the next sentient soul
who should happen to pass
within range
who should have seen
who should have known
what a storm could do….

Moody in the aftermath
and sorrier than rain
With the tide in retreat
grumbling excuses
Hiding out waist-deep in dusk’s Merlot
Waiting for night to sleep it off

to heal the rifts
cleanse the shame

yellow, bright— and

“What the hell happened, here?!”


Her hair
a winter’s tragedy of trees
upside down—
No wait— the wind has put her right
to ragged random branches
swaying, wet with intermittent hues
of dark and silver
caught in collar, flying inelegant and free
at the shoulders of the levee
tossed and softening shyly
sagging jaw and nose a stump of tree
All perspective changes…

if you watch a while—

She’ll raise her eyes
into the sunset
to catch an eagle

…and then you might…


She looks like—
a pudgy robin
querying grass
mud soaked
that hides the fire of her breast
tugging at a worm
more than half her length
“I will feed them, **** you!
Give it up, you son of a snake!”

...Don’t miss her hour of music though
for anything
Encroaching darkness
from the rooftops
she listens to the hearts she breaks

Remember this in winter
she can give but she will take
it out on February
when you’re longing
for her
Only male robins do the singing; females do the choosing.  

There are very few recent  photos of me.  Thus this poem.
am I become an asterisk in your life,
a small reminder of what once was soul-deep,
was the trumpet-radiance of character?
I wander, unshod, in the wilderness created of myself,
to revisit a dystopian dream, where my soul-scars
bleach white from time’s long goodbye
and my caged heart sings a canary’s song to no one

am I become Bukowski’s consummation of grief
dancing on thorns to a choreography of remorse
to a dissonancy of love?

when did I become a mere star-point in your
wintercircle, lost in the wilderness of your sky,

an asterisk abandoned in your asterism?

c. 2017 Roberta Compton Rainwater
This town wreaks of loneliness
Chipped paint and boarded brick shells
A water tower in need of repair , the bewitching
chime of the ten o'clock courthouse bells
The tapping of tin on former antebellum mansions
The lonely wail of city hounds
The sound of jet planes high above
a forgotten , country town* ...
Copyright November 9 , 2017 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
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