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I am found
within the longest periods
of silence.
I am found
within the stillness
of a lonely night.

I am found
within the gathering darkness
of the clouds in the heavens.
I am found
beneath the shadow
of the moon's gleaming light.

I am found
within the crevices
of your exhausted mind.
I am found
buried in the shallow waters
along the shore.

I am found
in nature's inviting,
warm, tender embrace.
I am found
within the striking beauty
of every constellation--that you adore; 
it is there I will dwell

By Lady R.F. (C)2017
 Nov 2017
Daniela Marie
There comes a moment
Fear looks differently
And my pain seeps towards you undoubtedly

I open my eyes
With reason to fight
My first chance at love is nearing in sight

Couldn't do it then
When it was just me
The quiet grew loud and I would just flee

I'm sorry my dear
I'm just not so good
Wasn't until now that I understood

I was lost before
No reason to try
Until your smile lit up my whole life

So if not for me
But for who I love
My reason to fight and lift us above
 Nov 2017
Ryan Holden
Sharing her beauty,
Mother Nature wears flowers
In her sweet green hair

Glowing with wonder
Her aura breaths through the airs
Natural essence.

Unable to fight
Her petals taken away
Replaced by buildings

Yet remains patient
Waiting for a hand to plant
Primordial touch

One tree left standing
Each leaf blowing in the wind
People walk on by

Only to receive
A fur covered paw, wet nosed
Kiss and tenderness

Where memories of
beauty once blossomed, now part
Of yesterday's past

Because nature is
a giver, a mother that
we take for granted.
Collaborative Poem by Myself and the wonderful Donna Jones! Enjoy guys :)
 Nov 2017
Composing silhouettes that choke these flames
They tremble hopelessly in my own name
Specks of twilight undress an injured mind
Echos left far behind of stars that mimic fireflies
Each molecule is a lifetime
transient and solus
Wandering slowly wearing masks
Fireflies, immersed in fragments of shattered lies
Pieces that I just couldn't hide
But I stayed, remorseless
As each one changed the stain of who I was
Continuously leaving me in a chasm shaped like the tear in the shadows of my mind
I am painted blind

Can you see the truth
A second face masks this faded flesh
And im unrecognizable to myself
Her rib cage
Her frantic beating heart,

Keeping it intact within her body -
Unleashed, it would crumble
And fall apart.

Safely tucked away,
Kept warm
By her soul's internal light,

To keep its melodic rhythm;
Distorted by Anxiety -
It is tortured day and night.

By Lady R.F. (c)2017
 Nov 2017
Karisa Brown

Forgive me for what I'm about
To do
Draw you inside of me
So now you can see
What it's like to let go
Of the World and venture
On the edge where
The girls play and shadows
Come in

Where the dark purple
Skies submit to
A land of candy canes
And butterflies
She was...



She was resilient,

Nothing short of being
Uniquely brilliant!

By Lady R.F. (C)2017
 Nov 2017
he once said to me...

                 “I would blow warm
                         moist breath through
                                          your toes...
                           I would do all the
                  wonderful things
                to your big toes
                  that you do to me.
                      And most certainly
                         all the tension would  
                             drain onto me...
                               I would draw
                                every last drop
                               from your toes
                          with little messages
                         along the way of my
                      charted course
                         to come up
                      your inner channels.
        Resting in the sensitive eddies  
      behind your knees
  we both breathe fire
    wafting up and down
                         your thighs.”

.... like drips of seduction off his tongue.

And he lingered on, saying...

                   “Flaming lips wafting
             together with desire,
       reaching and pulling
          with firey licks.
       As I slide
   my wet tongue
    on up and hover,
                     you in
                           through my nostrils
                         filling my *** senses.
                       Drunk on your fumes,
                I'm consumed.
           Circling the tip
       of my nose
your hard,
   pearly knot
       feeling the heat
             from your butterfly wings
            my parted lips surounding
          and easing the warmth
     of my soul onto you
with wet hot breath.
   And I ease the length
          of my tongue to rest
      completely over
    your fire breathing wings ,
               warm capable and ready..
                   leaving you in suspense.
                      Sliding ever so slightly
                           and slowly up your      
                              slick silky lips,
                     tightening the tip
                   of my tongue -
                      flick flick
                             flick flick...
             And I look deeply
           into your eyes,
                  into depths
                    you've never known.
                       And then I'll take you
                        all in, with a suction
                           you'll never escape
                             or ever want to.
      Never breaking eye contact
my tongue slides from bottom
        and presses, emphasis
         at the top slowly
        over and over
            settling you in.
                We fall into
                   a oneness
                        and find  
                        our groove.”

And I said...

“I wish I wasn't
still irritated with you
so I could fully
enjoy your seduction.”

It’s my 100th poem and thought I’d do something different. Be kind! XD
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