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As the day is bled into the river
I watch the coming and going.

Place me in them
each one has a name like me
a home and a family
where their mind work laden
would have a heart to anchor
children to love and care for
a night to stir the fire
to burn all the bitterness
and be reborn the next morn
to shuttle one bank to the other
of the wide river.

I marvel at the chance
of meeting them once
suffering the absurd pain
of never crossing their path again.
By the river, July 9, 6pm
 Jun 2017
Laura Duran
She was like the sea
Beautiful in serenity
Mysterious and deep
Legions of secrets to keep

She was like the sea
Wild in its intensity
Vicious in her treachery
Savage as the waves can be

She was like the sea
dangerously captivating
Peaceful, strong, and comforting
Cold and yet alluring

She was like the sea
She will always be a part of me
She was like the sea
A poem about my mother.  So much about her, I found out after her death, was not what I thought.  So many much I'll never know about her.
 Jun 2017
Laura Duran
Whether I'm by your side or miles and miles away
Even when we inevitably go our separate ways
You'll be with me

I choke up at the thought of not seeing your face
But even if, I must suffer this fate
You'll be with me

When there isn't a road left to take, or mistakes left to make
When we run out of words and there's nothing left to say
You'll be with me

When I've lived out my life and find the end of my days
Until my sins are all counted and my debts have been paid
You'll be with me

You'll be in a memory, in my heart, tucked away
And my sister, I wouldn't have it any other way
You'll be with me

Until God makes me whole once again
And I'm finally back with my very best friend
You'll be with me

I promise....I and forever
You'll always be with me
For my sister on her birthday, with all my love
 Jun 2017
A fat little girl
A small little child with curly brown hair
Chubby, pink cheeks with skin so fair
Eats, enjoys, indulges and more
Everyone says "she's full for sure"

A fat little girl
A sweet little girl, with long pigtails
Sees all the girls, and wonders why she fails
They all have friends, but why doesn't she
How come they're all so happy

A fat little girl
A shy little girl, afraid to face her school
Everyone laughs, she's fat and 'uncool'
Sitting alone each and every day
Wondering why they treat her this way

A fat little girl
A mature little girl, much for her age
Looks at the number on the scale enraged
Hating herself and what she's become
Wishing to see all her bones such as some

A fat little girl
A fat little girl, no food on her plate
Determined as hell to lose all this weight
Her friends and her family, see her each day
More and more frail, withering away

A sick little girl
A skeleton of a girl, who once was happy and bright
Her eyes now dark and hollowed at night
Clinging to life with her small, bony hands
Regretting all childhood reprimands

A dead little girl
A dead little girl, now merely a corpse
Leaving everyone behind feeling remorse
A closed casket service, nothing left to show
Wants to be be remembered as we all know
She entered my life ... an angel
A gifted and troubled spirit... us two
We banned together..Nikki and I grew.
Her words of poetry spoke to my heart.
As I had made my written story ... come alive...
I received a message from a lover from a news article...
A brilliant voice ended Nikki's beautiful start...
Her spirit still speaks to me
Even after all these years
She was so brave and powerful..
Until Madness took command..
It won the demise of a beautiful hand
She was sent up to the gates of the gold that entered the promise lands
So I talk to her every dark time that this same cruel voice that speaks to me and ended her
She relights my way
I smash the monster away
Now I am the bright and fire lit author
That shines, on, through endless days.
Nikki Bacarach,kevin Michael Kappler,friendships, mental illness
A moment spent in waking day dreams
I sell a newer moment
For a newly rewritten night mare tale
Of the fall of my fate
In the newly splashed visual effects
I snap from this role in stronger and more feeling aspects.
Here he goes
Another “historic” tale of his to tell
About how one man becomes stronger when he fell
Than ever he was at his sanest or clearest of moments
Let the clinics and morals of the controlled “sane practitioners ” protest
That don’t intimately or personally know the real and inner passionate soul
That where evil society tried to wage their tolls
Upon a greater warrior
I hit them right back with huge , more powerful flames
In their hunger for games and glory
I hit hard and defend others alike me
To pry open the oppressors cells
And widely open their once locked doors
To let brighter souls who deserve brighter fates
Run free
The night sets in
I met my match
I lit the tension
I caught the flame
Now here is another self game
I battled this sin.
I write down fluid emotions
As I have timeless times with the world
As such out forth came my talents
To entertain my world
As I have kept struck devotion
In sweet and honest motions
A man , his world, and a great new new movie
Of his life never left to the ruins
Of neglectful ashes
He never strays
He goes forward
To a brighter future
It’s “groovy”
He’s true to his game
Now they sing out his name
In his own words
The songs he writes
His Entertainment history is made
He is seen, smiling, walking to another
Great destination on future’s pavement.
 Jun 2017
Would my rhythm to the stars awake the galaxy?
Nestled so sweetly in the craters of the moon
Watching time bend to see the connected
Such a crooked little maybe

Whispers far too quiet for the storm
Soft beats drown in the thunder of day to day
What if you were to listen?
The light is there to guide you home

Fire that burns throughout the night
Love's never-ending promise of next time
Would the truth burn upon your lips?
You are a wildflower

Brilliant light behind your eyes
The fall into a moment
To allow another soul to say hello
Forever searching to be seen

Quiet confessionals for the sake of lovers  
Hidden behind rose colored glasses
The path seems long to the lone traveller
Petals find a way to kiss the sun
 Jun 2017
Joel M Frye
The question is not when we meet our end,
but how, and how does not mean what you think.
Should it be fought, or welcomed as a friend?
To that I say, live to the very brink
however you have lived to now.  Each one
who walks though shadowed days finds their own pace;
some stride, some cringe, some stumble, others run.
What each can handle is what each will face.
If talking seems to help, then speak.  Or you
might soldier on, clad in your armored will.
No one can tell another what to do,
just what they've done, for better or for ill.
The path, if smooth or bumpy, is your own
and should you choose, you need not walk alone.
Some days all I can do for another is pray...and at the time, it never seems like enough.  Kol tuv.
 May 2017
Jacobe Loman
Restricted from operating.
Stuck with stagnated blood.
These bounds are limited.

Slumbering upon sheets.
Filled with ruin and decay.
Distractions drifting astray.

Spiraling down.
The past is to stay.
Old faces go away.

Yet we remain.
Broken in time.
Not afraid.
 May 2017
Jessie Taylor H
Don't be scared, Love;
show me your scars.
Give me a piece of your soul,
and maybe a glimpse of your mind.

I could show you beauty,
without a field of flowers.
And an amazing high,
without the foul aftertaste.

Just let me in,
let me feel your pain.
I'll touch your soul,
and make you go insane.
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