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 Dec 2024
sky’s tear softly falls,
cradled in the leaf’s embrace—
whispers of the dawn.

breath of quiet earth,
awakes in the morning light,
life stirs, tenderly.
 Dec 2024
Our stomachs weren't made to be flat
They were made to keep our food

Our arms weren't made to be thin
They were made to hold the ones we love

Our noses weren't made to be small and cute
They were made to smell the world

Our thighs weren't made be skinny
They were made to help us walk

Your body is being a body
Thats what it's supposed to do
I need to remind myself that
I think so do you
Looked in the mirror last night right after my shower and thought of this.

(This note is written by the mirror you dropped and broke but didn't give you bad luck for seven years. People drop things ometimes, it's okay.)
 Dec 2024
~a companion poem to
Marry Me! -(I am-in-love-with-you) (1)
wherein was writ:

“here I stop
lest I die of  bursting, and yet I weep
for us, for you,
no longer
read my poetry”


another winter’s day cruelty,
for this wretched refuse of a
former man
once could,
who even deemed
owner of a loving teeming,
who adored kneeling,
before love’s altar,
sacrificially, heroically

once in possession of
amazing grace, (2)
but now no longer such
in his scriptures

for our save-by-day ,
appears, before my eyes,
so informing my love permit
has now time~expired

I once was found,
but not
once more,
once again,
refamiliarized with
wretched and wrenched,
so I punch up at the sky,
and the sky,
like you, my love,
doesn’t punch back,
and now we are in
aggrieved agree:

there is no returning
to where
we graced each other,
so one more poem I’ll
so let it be,
the “we”
will be momentarily -
but not ! ever lastingly

but for a well~timed
very finite infinity
be returned
to coexist
and let
grace be extended
even surreptitiously

for we
to separate,
sub divide our souls,
in a graceful manner:

why this last act,
a hallmark of
what once
stood for
and perhaps then,
you will read:

my only love poetry
once moreover,
with com-passion
and even tiny teeny seconds
of memorized affection,
and that would be an
amazing grace
Amazing grace,

how sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me
I once was lost, but now I'm found
Was blind, but now I see
'Twas grace that taught my heart to fear
And grace my fears relieved
How precious did that grace appear
The hour I first believed
Through many dangers, toils, and snares
We have already come
'Twas grace that brought us safe thus far
And grace will lead us home
When we've been there ten thousand years
Bright shining as the sun
We've no less days to sing God's praise
Than when we've first begun
Than when we've first begun
 Jun 2024
Stephen E Yocum
How many wonderful canine companions
have come through my life, I hesitate to count,
each one a dear friend that brightened my
daily existence, taught me lessons no human
could, faithfully loved me with committed
devotion and asked for so very little in return.
Yes, it is true, dogs are man's best friend.
As I near my own ending, reflection has become
a daily preoccupation. Of course, I miss and
lovingly remember my departed human family
members and work hard trying to recall their
human forms, all gone now for over fifty years,
I've mostly forgotten their voices, and their
features beyond old fading mostly black and
white photos. As I will forever honor their
memories, so do I cherish the memory of my
canine family members, there were seven in
all, I just counted them. Six Boxer dogs and
a big sweet giant Rottweiler, who looked
like he might eat your face, but instead
always preferred to lick it.
 Jun 2020
Go now, and love others unconditionally always.
Go now, and live a life of perfect love here always.
Go now, and chase after the Lord your God forever.
Go now, and repent and sin no more ever again.
Go now, and rejoice for the Lord God lives forever.
Go now, and rejoice for the Lord has saved you.
Go now, and treat others as you want to be treated.
Go now, for today is the best day of your life here.
Go now, and worship God and Praise his Great Name.
 Jun 2020
Bless are you, because you see God.
Bless are you, because you hear God.
Bless are you, because you obey God.
Bless are you, because you love God.
Bless are you, because you are trying.
Bless are you, because you know God.
Bless are you, because you seeking him.
Bless are you, because you are chasing God.
Bless are you, because you never give up.
 Jun 2020
Imran Islam
I see the happiness on your smiley face
and the river flows through my eyes
I'm so helpless and so hopeless!
and this heart weeps for missing my kins.

The world's heartless and I lost my family
Yet I have become stone hearted
How helpless I am, oh indeed!
I'm unhappy, but acting like I'm happy
I'm the darkness and your eyes are full of light!

You have a happy smile but I'm so sad,
Sometimes dream makes me scared,
Yeah, I'm so hopeless in this cruel world
How happy you are but I'm dying inside!

The morning comes to your eyes, but I'm still in shock
Many birds sing in your forest and flowers smell good
But I'm still so helpless and so thirsty for goodness.
Be with you the light of peace forever
and I have devoted my Creator.
 Jun 2020
Imran Islam
Let Your name be safe
in my heart always
Let my eyes run down
with tears for You my God!

I'll always remember you
in my youth
I'll always bow down
to you on earth
Lord, let me hold the truth.

My sins will make an ocean
if I get them together,
Please be kind oh Creator
and forgive me forever!
Let me read Your Book
every morning, my Lord!

I want to be a good person
with full faith in You,
Let me stay on the right path
with peace and love, O My God!
 Jun 2020
Traveller in time
The Buzzard swoops without a sound ,
not with love or grace ,
he can be found ,
but moves in for the **** ,
like us he  bares not guilt .

So like us who have no shame ,
must make haste unto thy grave .

For we like the Buzzards mouse ,
left in his nest for food ,
the buzzard makes play ,
then sinks it’s teeth into flesh then bone .
For If we don’t hold to account of our Godless ways ,
then the holy one will bring an end. to our thoughtless days .

Our souls are left to march one by one to the tune of Angels cries ,
O morbid sound ,
that shall arise ,
that crash without end against a sandy shaw never to be seen again ..
in new glorious bodies are we
then left to burn .
tTo roast in hell ,
like Serloin steaks ,
then hung out to dry on tender hooks all ,
like Butchers bait .

So if there is a lesson to learn ,
take notes of what the preacher says ,
that without Christ we are all condemned .
It’s only by grace that we canst make amends ,
for time is running out for Gods parade ,
of the immortal man .
 Jun 2020
O Lord, rescue those whom are hurting and scared
O Lord, rescue those whom protest innocently too.
O Lord, let people whom are looting repent from it.
O Lord, why is so much evil happening right now.
O Lord, let everyone repent of their sins right now.
O Lord ,O Lord why is so much evil happening here.
Help us to see your truths and get healed today God.
 Apr 2020
Especially now, God is always on your side.
Especially now, God shall not give up on you.
Especially now,God is for you then fear not.
Especially now, for God will not  abandon you.
Especially now, allow Christ to use you here.
Especially now, forgive those that crap on you.
Especially now, show this world that God lives today.
 Jan 2020
Faith is seeing something Beautiful that comes out of the ashes.
Of something that right now is dark, dead, and maybe even evil.
We all have something in each of our hands that God is using.
The pen , which is mightier than an sword is what he is using here.
This pen shall be use by God to write poems that he shall be using.
To reveal himself and his love to those whom are open to him.
This may be the beautiful thing that rises from the ashes someday.
I know that there are many warriors here writing poetry for God.
 Jan 2020
Philipp K J
Hi baby bread O' life so sweet
My joy you lay on hay of wheat
Hi Mary uptight yet so coy
Your eyes soar high and heart so buoy

Hi man beside the baby dear
Why the' look with so much fear?
He's the light of all the lights
Sent on earth with Gods delight

Let the world sing Gloria
Sing his praise hallelujah
The king of kings born
The might of sin is torn

Lo, herdsmen I'm lords messenger
A good-news borne I'm due here
At Bethlehem in Judea
A King of kings' born
A king for Israel you own
Go, find him on a manger
Past fence and pens and cages
Beside the Inns' passages

Let me greet the three; you sages
Seeking Lord for some ages
Caspar, Melchior, Balthazar
Come follow the guiding star

Bring frankincense, myrrh and gold
To gift the glory of the lord
The journey moves on symphony
Will end with Lord's epiphany

The king of kings born
The might of sin is torn
Let’s sing his glory and praise
And set smiles on every face

Let the world sing Gloria
Sing his praise hallelujah
The king of kings born
The might of sin is torn
A Christmas Gift to All my dear ones!
Wish you Merry Christmas and A Happy New year 2020 ahead!
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