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 Apr 2016
Lazhar Bouazzi
The palm tree died,
the blackbird sang.

how else would a blackbird hide
from an unbearable pang?

(c) Lazhar Bouazzi, Carthage, Tunisia
 Apr 2016
Lazhar Bouazzi
A crimson lighthouse in  a raving storm,
Braving the liquid progeny of dark Form,
Showed no trembling boats on the horizon.
© Lazhar Bouazzi
 Apr 2016
i like angry poetry
the kind that churns
in your gut,
with razors for teeth
and gums bleeding.
i like the violent sound
of verbs clashing
on a decaying page,
like the shot of a gun
on a quiet day.
i like the poetry that stays,
that lies in waiting
like a dog in a cage,
words that creep like
voided birds into the
wired tress of my brain,
that pay their rent
like drunken travelers
and trash the place.
i like angry poetry
the kind that sears it's
screams to my lips,
which spirit echoes and
moans for eager,
****** eyes.
words that hit like *****,
giving their reader
a killer hangover.
i like angry poetry,
the kind that leave you
with a smoky exit.
© copyright

— The End —