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 Aug 2015
Some say
Love is a temptress;
Luring prey into its trap,
Set so innocently
So that victims
Walk blindly into it.

Some say
Love is a trickster,
Cunning and deceitful;
That it intoxicates the soul
And hides the truth.

Some say that it
Kidnaps them,
Brainwashes them,
And leaves nothing but pain
And suffering.

I say
Love is the chance
That no one takes,
The dream
That all fear,
The ambition
That no one feels worthy of.

I say
Love is the soul;
So afraid of death
That it never learns to
 Aug 2015
Enrique Bautista
What does one need to become wise,
To marvel truth’s nature with his eyes?
Does he require to roll a pair of dice,
Or simply get up from mistakes and countless tries?
Some people say wisdom comes with age, while others say wisdom is a natural gift to some selected people.
 Aug 2015
DaSH the Hopeful
Nails to keep me held high
   Looking down at what I love
Bleed me until i'm dry
        For every moment I lost touch
          I could never be your savior
      And truthfully its my loss
I know we look good on paper
              But I feel like I'm more at home on this *
 Aug 2015
Annalise Berkeley
I am tired;
tired of waking, tired of sleeping,
tired of crying, tired of holding back tears,
tired of breathing, tired of holding my breath,
tired of working hard, tired of being lazy,
tired of living, tired of dying,
tired of love, tired of hate,
tired of dreams, tired of dreamless nights,
tired of thoughts, tired of blankness of mind,
 Jul 2015
Carla Blaschka
I had to put her to sleep
It was the humane thing to do

She no longer enjoyed her food
She could hardly move
She would growl and snap if anyone came near

I had to put her to sleep
It was the humane thing to do

She no longer cared for herself
Overwhelmed, endless
Pain we couldn’t **** had become her killer

I had to put her to sleep
It was the humane thing to do

Begging for death, her drugged eyes were
Silent, without hope
She barely swallowed water; she cried when touched

I had to put her to sleep
It was the humane thing to do

Mom gave us love and laughter, she
Gifted us with joy
She had been my life, and now I was her death

I had to put her to sleep
It was the humane thing to do
Hear it live at

— The End —