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 Oct 2015
Babu kandula
Story of a cycle*

Someone how we adjusted bicycle in my friend's car

went to repair shop

After fixing the flat tyre we started back

Something wrong we tried all options cannot fit the cycle back in the car

Then thought of riding cycle by own since it was just 5 miles

Didn't notice my phone is out of battery

My hands are shaking since lack of practice for years

After a for long I didn't find a pathway to ride or a shoulder

Didn't have enough courage to ride in the inter state

Cold climate .. I felt like reaching my destination is buying an iPhone in thanks giving

Fortunately found a bus shelter

My friend searched for me all over couldn't find me

Later found me in the street
Riding a cycle for almost 9 years

Made enough adventures

Highly impossible to explain though
I'm pretty sure Plato is pretty mad to find out that a ton of people have been inside his closet since nineteen ninety eight
I'm sorry man, people just can't resist your clothes!
 Oct 2015
Imagine if you would
A ***** parade

Men are walking

Some in the sun
Some in the shade

Their shorts are off
And isn't it fun

Women are watching
They stare
As if
They'd like to grab one
 Oct 2015
Mike Essig
my brain burns
and i can't sleep

too much poetry
too many difficult books

a part of my head
has popped open

i believe i have
a metaphysical hernia
brought on by
too much thinking

only one thing to do

truss it up tightly
and turn on reality TV

after a few episodes
my brain turns to mush
and the swelling

brain dead bliss
not a synapse firing

absolute relief
of no thought

perfect slumber
of the seriously
Actually, I don't own a TV. :)
 Sep 2015
am i ee
the small lad
came into the house,

inquired innocently,

" Mommy, who's jesusfuckingchrist?"

little ears, big questions.

mommy gazes out the window
at the pair of boots
lying under the car,

and sighs.
 Sep 2015
Richard Riddle
I went to a finance company to apply for a loan. Everything was going well until I was told they would be sending somebody named "Rocco" to live with me for the next five years.

richard riddle: August 31, 2015
 Sep 2015
I come from a town swallowed by the City Of London expanding
to live on an island north of Scotland.
500 or there about share this oasis in the sea.
The natural inhabitants call us 'white settlers' and have a fear of being swamped by us incomers
-complete paranoia is alive and well.
I remind them that they are here due to an accident of their birth
whereas I made an effort to get here and made a decision to stay.
 Aug 2015
Mike Hauser
First thing I do is check the date
Good thru two thousand eighty five
Haven't had a can this fresh
Since Calvin Coolidge was alive

You can call it quirkiness
Each time I give the top a thump
Best way to tell if it's perfectly jelled
To the consistency that I love

If you know what I'm taking about
Well right you are and yes I am
That delectable treat of mystery meat
Known around the world as A Can Of Spam

Spam only comes in one savory flavor
King of canned meat there is only one
You remember long after your dining pleasure
By the amount of film left on your tongue

Do as I do and save the lid
A smart move you would be making
Comes in handy after dining
To help along with the tongue scraping
With all this talk of Spam lately...I remembered this jelled jewel!
 Aug 2015

There she was chasing a rabbit
with 1 am coffeecakes and weak tea
She didn’t notice I was watching
from the branches of an olive tree
A lone smile hidden amongst
swirling smoke rings in a foreign accent

To the gazebo she ran
with its straw grass tables
and pleated cushions in hibiscus
print fabric no one would sit on

My eyes followed her as she
darted around manicured boxwoods
and cherub statues spitting water
onto sleeping lily pads

She came upon a dandelion
and asked politely, “Pardon me,
but have you seen a…”
The **** interrupted,
“Didn’t, don’t do drama dreams
dancing deliriously down
donut distracted ditches”
“That’s dumb” she replied
with a giggle and a snort  

This must be her fun, I think,
trying to catch a white ball of fur,
big, then small,
then smaller still like a
thimble seeking a thread,
when now she is stopped
in her ziggy zagging tracks
by a June bug singing,

“I see, I see, in front of me
Dessert, dessert, set out for free
A chocolate pie, a chocolate pie
in menus written on the sky”

Perplexed she climbed upon its back,
red leather shoulder pads
with black dots changing shapes,
ducking winged arches that
covered the vestibule they
soared through when a sharp turn
pitched her to the opposite side…

Landing with a thud,
her new dress now soiled
between the wrinkles in time
that had ticked away
on a clock faced sun named Ray

She cried carrot tears,
orange sherbet streams
on peach tone cheeks,
marmalade miseries
and mango miscues
piddling on her patent leather shoes,
ready to give up

When it appeared hopping happily,
jumping into her lap
and licking her face
She caressed its fur, removing
sticker burs and scratching
just the right spot, as its right rear leg
thumped with joy

Then lifting the bundled bunny
to her face, she kissed it tenderly
with wild cherry gloss lips,
or should I say…kissed me
for you see, all along, it was me

*And you thought I was nothing more than a pretty smile…..
Just letting my mind wander...I know, that's a scary thing.  :)
Actually saw bits and pieces of Alice in Wonderland last night with Depp and the **** snippets wouldn't leave me alone.
 Aug 2015
Mike Hauser
I accidentally stepped into the women's restroom
Turned around to quickly leave
Noticed there was no one there
Then turned back around for a manly peak

What the ladies do in here
Has always been a mystery
So I lurked about and scouted out
To let all the other men know what I've seen

First thing right off the bat I noticed
What appeared to be a sofa against the wall
Thinking it a pretty fancy toilet
Not to be hidden in a stall

As curiosity was killing this cat
I went over to lift the lid
The guys will never believe this
A couch is really what it is

No wonder the women take so long
When they say they'll be right back
They all head together to the restroom
To take themselves a little nap

Then over on the counter
I see bottle after bottle after bottle of perfume
I know that girls like to smell nice
But you have to wonder exactly how good

Just then I decided to crawl under the counter
A little more in depth into the mystery
That's when I heard the voices
Coming down the hallway at me

I can't tell you how many hours
I was stuck in that bathroom stall
But I can tell you it felt like forever
As the women jabbered and talked...

...and this being a holiday weekend
They shut the lights and locked the door
Which I guess is okay since I needed a break
And no one's here to hear me on the couch as I snore
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