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 Oct 2020
Brian Turner
I see you there
Light of grace, light of air
Wings spread out
Be-clamed with the sun

Who am I to stir you?
Through my kitchen window
What have I got that can't wait?
What have I got that I can give you?

You lift a wing and clean it
You shimmer yourself in the heat
You look up to the sun
Stay happy little one
Watching birds from my kitchen window this year has been a joy
 Oct 2020
Brian Turner
Behind the waterfall
I stand tall
Time stands still
There is nothing here of ill

All is at peace
Worries have no place
Happiness on my face
More people enter with grace

Join me behind the waterfall
Hear my gentle call
Hear the water calling you
Do not miss this view
Happy thoughts from my trip to a waterfall in Wales this Summer where you can go underneath it.
 Oct 2020
Brian Turner
I want an 'almost' garden
That's amongst done
Turned over soil
Staring into the sun

Unfinished fences
Half weeded walls
Root filled corners
Plants too tall

Half finished benches
Flowers still in pots
Overgrown grass
Trees covered in moss

Almost gardens take your stand
Stay unfinished from human hand
Let your presence be unhinged
Free us from our neatness binge
Today I cleared a weeded area in the garden and plonked a bench on the bare soil. Why continue I thought?  Why do we focus on perfection always? Can we have an 'almost garden'?
 Oct 2020
Brian Turner
A conker just fell in front of me
It popped open
I grasped it fresh and warm from its shell

New life seeking new life
Warm seed seeking warm soil
I merged with nature for a second

More conkers dropped around me
More colour
More life
I went for a walk and nature jumped into my hand
 Oct 2020
Brian Turner
Thank-you green stream
Thank-you for being so green
Thank-you for being 'glean'
For the watermeal, the wolffia
and the onomatopoeia
Notes from taking 5 minutes to absorb the colour of a bright green stream brimming with life on a woodland walk this morning
 Oct 2020
Brian Turner
burnt colours on show
awaiting the possibility of snow
ochre, reds, brown and black
falling, tumbling on the track

wandering through colour
wandering through time
soaking up the colours
taking up the climb
Enjoying the leaves falling in Autumn and walks through them as they create a path
 Oct 2020
Brian Turner
Walking to the farm a fox caught sight of me
Up the lane he looked and he stopped
He sat down and waited
Right down on his hind legs like a puppy

I stopped and looked
"What is he thinking?' said the fox
'What is he thinking?' said the man

He waited, sitting there all relaxed
I moved
And he left..
Notes from today's walk. This really happened.

— The End —