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  Jan 2017 Clara Melvang
Crystal June
Don't fantasize,
Close your eyes.
Your prying lies
Will surely lead to my demise,
For I was born
To be more
Than just a simple wife.

I'm not a trophy by any means,
But I see marriage in your eyes --
Two rings staring right at who you think I am,
The one you want, but I never can
Be the girl that you desire.
You've been confusing my cold shoulder
For an igniting fire.
I'm not trying to call you a liar,
If anything, I'm the one concealing the truth.

I will never be just a wife,
I will lead my own fantastic life.
I'll never wear an apron, curls, or pearls.
I will never be your one and only girl.
I will live for myself and my daughters,
For all those women to come
Who think
All they can ever be is a housewife
Clad in pink.
Honey, there's so much more to this
Than a life in which you depend on a man
For your happiness.

Be your own other half,
Fall in love with your own smile.
I wrote this about a month ago, but it seems relevant now more than ever.
  May 2016 Clara Melvang
Frederik B
mIt VÆrelSe  
                       roDEr s0M aLdRIg fØr
DeT fLydEr mEd brEve oM FreMtidsTrUsler frA p0Litiet
                            eN maSSe tøj
PenGe jeG ik ke vEd hvOrdAn Jeg hAr sKafFet [eLLer ikkE vIL vIde]

AfLeveringEr fra mIt ANdet FænGsel

MiN   moR SigER  AT jEg skAl rydDe 0p

     MeN hVad FanD en nyTter deT nÅr jEg aLliGevel Rod3r det Til  
jeg bor i mine tanker

— The End —