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Jul 2015 · 625
dear fifteen year old me
c Jul 2015
your tummy is expanding
and your skin is dry as sand
your ***** are somewhat slanting
but they won't change on your command

your hair with that red glow
that gets brighter in the sun
one day it steals the whole show
and this hatred will be undone

one day, you'll find the love of your life
his love for you unjust
one day, he wants to make you his wife
and to such kindness you must adjust

love your self, dear child
before it gets out of control
your problems are merely mild
and somebody is always there to console
Jul 2015 · 775
c Jul 2015
her eyes,
once warm with love
are now empty
filled with fear and confusion

her hands
once soft and tender to touch
are now cold
grasping onto the remains of life

her body
once able to waltz with such elegance and grace
are now two distant concepts
left behind almost as an irretrievable memory

her brain
once able to acknowledge even the darkest concepts
remains clueless as
she looks blankly at the term 'dementia'
Jul 2013 · 783
c Jul 2013
Isn't it funny how you held my  hand,
told me that our love was like my favourite band.

Living forever and standing the test of time,
but all along you were never mine.

You drew gentle pictures of our future on my flesh,
I was too naive to realise these were not so fresh.

You stole these ideas from your last victims heart,
your bodies were once intertwined, refusing to part.

You see, my friend, I had to let you go,
when I found out I loved you so.

The feelings I had were not mutual, I know,
I knew it from when you ignored our song on the stereo.

The strings you had attached were just too much,
you had me under control from the very first touch.

Our infinite love was not real of course,
just a fragment of my imagination and my actions were forced.

— The End —