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David Lewis Paget
Australia    Born in Nottingham, raised in Birmingham until the age of 13 when migrated to Australia. Served in the RAAF as an Instrument Fitter on Mirages, …
Raj Arumugam
Australia    ..been thinking in the language of poetry and scribbling verse from as early as I can recall of my days...FLASHBACK: born naked in India in …
Aditi Kumar
Bangalore, India    finding out, finding peace, finding myself
Jamie King
you know    "Having yielded up his lusts, his errors, his opinions and prejudices, he has entered into possession of the knowledge of God, having slain the selfish …
Forgotten Heart
United States    I'm more violinist than poet. I marathon comedies on Netflix, instrumentals on my I-pod, and bad poetry on my wall. I like music, and awful …
Jared Winslow
Warren    Hey
28/F/Canada    Sarah Ahmed
Marium Iqbal
18/F/New Jersey    Life goes on. Whether you want it to, or not. It just keeps moving forward.
Dawn King
Loma Rica, CA    I smoke cigarettes. I drink coffee. I am a free soul, yet unlucky in love. I sit. I wait. I watch. I learn. I do. …
calpurnia mockingbird
Cardiff    I work in mental health which is pretty stressful sometimes so my outpourings are my release. Please note that all works posted by me are …
Haydn Swan
Purgatory    Come take a walk, join me in my moonlit charade, shadows play, darkness sings, the curtain opens and the act begins ...
Crystal Erickson
beyond the veil    Between the tear that falls and the smile that brightens There is a domain I call my own A realm of fantasy and freedom Where …
Chloe's Not An Angel
23/F/UK    I don't really know what I'm doing with myself, so I'll just write poetry instead of figuring it out.
Joseph Paris
Chicago    Writer and poet. Recent to this site, hope to make valuable friendships here. The actions you are most afraid of taking are the ones that …
after 3 years, i guess, Ive decided to write again but this time im out of love. So i guess itll be things “ i …
Daisy May
Paralyzed traveler
Hey, I'm a girl who learned that picking up a pen is better than picking up a razor, so, multiple notebooks later, I've decided to …
New York    You'll know the words but you wont know who said them
kanma Oduwegwu
delta state    *loved by God **Defined by the scriptures ***the girl you think you know ~no pretense, assuming along****
Los Angeles    I see people for who they are .And not for how they look. Beauty is only skin deep. They can be rotten inside. Ugly is …
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