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Chelsey May 2014
You didn't just break my heart.
You shattered it
Into a million ******* pieces.
Fifteen months have passed,
And I'm still struggling to put it
Back together.
  May 2014 Chelsey
i remember ice that felt like fire.
it was strong, undiluted,
  better than usual.
i stood for about ten seconds
before gravity pulled me to the pavement and tore open my skin.
two voices shouted my name
and two hands that were not mine lifted me off the ground
  and carefully sat me back down.
i saw the blood, but i felt nothing
except for the ice running through my veins.

ice isn't supposed to burn though.

i thought about that in between
being force-fed bites of a snickers bar and
  being reminded not to close my eyes
as more hands that were not mine
held damp paper towels against my damaged body.

my eyelids were so heavy and all i wanted to do was sleep,
but your voice urged me to stay awake, to talk to you.
  you laughed when i said i didn't know what to talk about
and i cried when you asked me if i was scared
because oh god i was terrified.

it's been weeks.
a part of me is still terrified,
  but another part of me craves it,
craves it like a person is supposed to crave
the oxygen they breathe.

and that is what terrifies me the most.
Chelsey Apr 2014
The best part of that night wasn’t ******* in the front seat of your mom’s car
(“I don’t want your roommate to walk in”),
with me sitting on your lap
(“turn around”)
and riding you
(“you feel amazing, babe”).
No, the best part of that night was when the security guard caught us
(“your windows are foggy, sir”)
and you blatantly lied to keep us out of trouble
(“I was just making out with my girlfriend”),
and then we sped away
(“you should probably put your pants on now”).
My heart was pounding.
My hands were shaking.
Adrenaline was pumping through my veins,
and I could barely breathe.
Yes, we got caught.
But we didn’t get in trouble.
We got away with most of our pride
and without a public indecency charge.
As we sped away,
laughing and smoking cheap cigarettes,
I felt more loved
and in love
than I have ever felt in my life.
Chelsey Mar 2014
I love the way you draw circles on my skin,
Moving from my collarbone
To my neck
To my jaw
To my lips.
I love it when your fingers
Trace the scars along my hips.
I love it when you fall asleep in my bed,
Even though you’re sober enough
To drive home.
I love how you stay with me
When I don’t want to be alone.
I love the way you hold the door,
And how even after seeing you for hours,
I’m still left wanting more.
I love all the little things you do,
But just to be clear:
*I don’t love you.
But I really, really want to.
Chelsey Feb 2014
Believe me.
I know that what we’re doing is wrong.
I guess I can’t help myself.
You make me smile.
You make me laugh.
You make me feel
Things I haven’t felt in months.
You treat me like a person, not a project,
And if wanting that makes me a horrible person,
Then so be it.
I can apologize for the way I act,
But I can’t apologize for the way I feel.
You make me feel alive.
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