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Charleen Dec 2019
Before i have met you i never knew that i could love someone so much, that i could feel so comfortable around someone.
You made me feel loved, safe and worthy.

Before i have met you i didn't think that anyone would ever fall in love with me.
Before i have met you i felt like something was missing and here we are again...
That something is not a something.
That something is a someone
and that someone is you.

I feel like a part of me is missing.
I feel like i'm half a heart without you.
I'm feeling so empty because i need you
because i miss you
because i love you.
I love you more than you could have ever imagined.

I miss what we had.
I miss your voice
your breath
your presence
your touch.

I just wish i could
hear your voice for one last time
fall asleep next to you for one last time
wake up next to you for one last time
hold you for one last time
kiss you for one last time
cuddle with you for one last time
feel your touch for one last time.

I just wish our story had a
happy ending.

Now i'm laying here alone in my bed
pouring my heart out to
someone who has hurted me so bad
someone who has left me.
Pouring my heart out to
someone who has disappointed me
someone who has pretended to love when he didn't love anymore.
You pretended
to protect me from being hurt.

I'm not going to blame you for
your feelings and your decision to leave.
I just thought we were meant to be with

Sometimes i like to daydream about
you and me
Daydreaming about
how our future would have been like.
Daydreaming about
you coming here to visit me and realising
that i'm the one
you want to spend your life with.
Then i wake up and realise it's all in my mind and you are gone.

Even though i told you i am fine and have accepted the fact
that there is not us anymore
I am not
I am not fine
I did not accept it

You fixed me when we have met
You broke me when you left
thought that i can't tell him

Feel free to comment and leave a review :)

— The End —