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3.8k · Feb 2021
SHELL By Ixchel
gypssywind Feb 2021
I found myself waiting
for love i already own.
Found myself in every reflection.
No recollection of home.
My heart called my name and this time I recognized.
heavy rains of mother earth
washed away my masks
so i bear no disguise.
ancestors became clearer when i looked inside the mirror
i remember my true beauty
reflecting so pure
i see nothing clearer .
i love myself...
i am love
i am light
i am energy so free and abundant
i am cosmic
i am source
divine creation of masculine and feminine combined
infinite intelligence
wonder and wisdom.
everlasting love, companion to life itself.
"break free, my child"
intuition whispers to me
voice as soft and sweet as sugar cane
no longer a victim of ILLusion and strife
i root myself deep and call back in all my power
so my friend, as you read this, consider it your final hour
what will your bring with you into this new earth?
wake up.
wake up.
wake up.
2.9k · Feb 2021
Words of an ancient soul
gypssywind Feb 2021
help me be like a tree
strong and mighty healing energy
let me be like the wind
always there
no beginning or end
guide my soul
as i start again.
sacred womb filled with deep desires
divine flame that lights my fire
guarding, guiding, dodging out the dark
unique individual
creating a spark.
my sacred spider spirit guide
i come to you within the night
weaves webs of hope on my thorn pricked thighs
morning rises
dew drops
drip on my bed
water heals my worried dread
reflections of truth
act as a reminder
to soften my heart and always be kinder
may i always remember
my destiny and who i was made to be
remove my ego and pride
so now i can see,
i am u and u are me

Maya Ixchel Morales
202 · Mar 2021
solar plexus
gypssywind Mar 2021
i was born to let  my light shine
this little light of mine
this little light of mine
touch me and i hurt u
stranger dear stranger ill love u from afar
but lets see how close u can get without getting burned
which one of my favorite lessons is it that ive learned?
what good does it do for me to go through
these trials and triumphs when it seems like i always end back up in square one
rat race maze matrix whatever u want to call it im searching for a deeper meaning withing.
they like to tell me im not alone
just get over it
well i am alone.
quit trying to change my reality when i know what it is i see.
free me
free mind
perception all in the right ...time?
167 · Mar 2021
strange world
gypssywind Mar 2021
strange world strange world oh how u woo me
creator why did u make me as i am in this strange world when i alone have the desire to change all the ****** up **** i see but know that 2 is stronger than one and then multiply
could this be the butterfly affect
loving me is where ill start why am i so afraid
because i was taught
deep rooted seeds of colonization
embedded in me while at the same time resiliency and wisdom
seeing truth
poetic mind caught in her head
must release to escape the dread
128 · Mar 2021
loving you is loving me
gypssywind Mar 2021
how could i have known that in order to love you id have to love myself
love was always an escape for my wounds
battling battling hard fighting  running away until i was backed into a corner with my shadows no where no way to turn but towards myself i didnt want to do it, i had no option
failure is not an option for you my dear child, ancestors whispering to me. the pain turned into compassion now im able to veiw the world thru different eyes, my empathy is almost unbearable, learning to be at peace with the sounds around me. now i know that love is not pain. learning to train my brain. monkey mind bouncing around. could this all just be a joke? im not laughing.

— The End —