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1.1k · Jun 2015
Carlique King Jun 2015
I thought i had already moved past this,
But apparently not.
That afternoon you messaged me
Saying how beautiful i looked and how much you've missed us.

My heart got so overwhelmed with emotions.
It felt all so strange to me; i was so confused and curious.
All those times i came back to you and repeatedly messaged you
And got shut down.

I wanted to know WHY!
But i pushed that question to the back of my mind.
The fact that you were there, made everything feel normal again.
Ha! How foolish of me to think that you were there to fix things.

Thats So Typical of You.
To come back when you see me doing better.
Saying all the right things, just to leave once again
Im so naive, i should've known  .

We all got that one person we would take back in a second
no matter how much they've hurt us
Being attached  *****.  Cant  get. Over that person , hoping one day we'll  get back together.
Carlique King May 2015
He was my kryptonite and i was his mary jane.
Our love was something, that can drive anyone insane .
You left me with unhealed scars and open wounds
But you lit up my life like the sun behind the moon.

You know i don't like when you do this,
You know i don't like when this happens.
This Finifugal kicks in and kicks my emotions all over the room.

My love is shattered, my trust is lost.
The only one to stick around was anger.
Tell me why i shouldn't use it.
The thought of you being happy with someone else,
Hurts me so deeply ,
because thats all i wanted to do.

You saw the scars that past relationships left.
But you didn't care.
You was so selfish.
You didn't even think about my happiness.
You didn't even care about the chaos that you caused.

Was she better than me?
All those things You said were false promises.
You opened me up, when i was scared to let anyone in.
Thinking you were different, but you were the same thing re-skinned.

You left me with nothing but memories,
and useless things of the past.
To me you were like the moon in the sky.
To you i was like one of the billions of stars.
731 · Jun 2015
Carlique King Jun 2015
"Happiness can exist only in acceptance"

Ive been feeling really lighthearted lately.
Things are finally falling into place.
I've came to  terms with myself that i cant really change the past.
But i can just try to better myself, and learn from my previous mistakes.

Getting my life together
and appreciating the little things.
Loving myself, because "nobody can love you
better than you love yourself."

Forever Evolving ✨
#Thoughtscurrently  #movingon
469 · May 2015
Carlique King May 2015
We pray every night,
Hoping to wake up in the morning.
We carry out the lives we despise.
We work the jobs we never wanted.
We love those who  don't  love back.
We have a nostalgia for a home we never visited.
Yet, we pray every night,
Hoping to wake up in the morning.
Old poem. I decided to share.
383 · May 2015
Carlique King May 2015
Society* has a major impact on our souls.
Society is going to take our lives but leaves us breathing.
Society forever evolves but remains the same.
Society takes away our innocence and identity and replaces it with a bar code.
They make us feel like valued members but in reality we are expendable as old shoes.
We will know peace when we can overlook each other flaws with out being judgmental.
Until we can no longer harbor hostility and anger toward one another, we will know **love.
351 · Jun 2015
Typicial Boys
Carlique King Jun 2015
"Don't throw away a diamond to pick up a rock".
He wanted a mystery
And not history.

" you'll never miss a good thing until its gone".
He left me.
Now he miss me.

That mystery he wanted wasn't so mysterious after all.
When he realized it was too late.

You're worth it baby girl❤️.
He left for someone else, but when it was nothing how he thought it would be. He realized what he had let go.
325 · Jun 2015
Carlique King Jun 2015
My dad read one of my poems
I just recently wrote.
He said "baby you sound really heart broken."
You have no idea,
My heart has been played with, trampled on and thrown away like trash.
280 · May 2015
Carlique King May 2015
I can't stop writing about you
Ughh its really annoying.
Because every time you pop into my mind
My whole mood changes.

I get soo angry.
Right now I'm angry writing this poem.
I know I should be wishing you happiness
And good fortune to come your way.

I should,
but i won't.
I know that's really selfish of me
But i don't care.

I want you to feel what i felt.
I want you feel what its like to be heartbroken.
I want you feel Whats like to feel empty.
I want you to feel so unhappy
That you cant make it throughout the day
Without breaking down.

I hope she makes you feel this way.
I didnt know how to end it.
265 · Jun 2015
248 · May 2015
Carlique King May 2015
I was going through my gallery today and i came across a photo of you.
I sat there and stared trying to remember all the good times we shared.
Like that time we were on face time and your mom came
and she was asking me what did i do to her son ,
because thats the happiest she've seen you in a long time.

Or that time we went out to the movies and talked until the show was over
Just enjoying each other's company.
What happened us ?
I remember you telling me that i meant the world to you.
But when your world was crumbling down
you were no where to be found to pick up the pieces.

You were the one always talking about not giving up
and trying to make things work when times got hard.
You're such a hypocrite .
Its funny because you were the one that left and gave up on us.
Im still trying to put my feelings into words, but im not doing a very good job

— The End —