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 Jul 2020 Carl Fynn
 Jul 2020 Carl Fynn
Swallow your pride,
Let's go get high
And taste the sky
In each other's eyes.
Take a bunch of flowers
And our happiness and joy
Dancing away happy as can be
Listening to our heart's beat
To the rhythm of our love song
Falling in love with you all night long
Our love will always be true
Because sweetheart I'll always love you..
Our Love ❤️
 Jun 2020 Carl Fynn
 Jun 2020 Carl Fynn
Apple orchards run through mellow forests
Yellow nightingales chirp new tunes
Leaves glisten warmly in the silence
Sweet unending rivers solemnly reflect the light of the moon

But at the heart of this alluring forest
An abandoned woodshed stands frayed
Uninhabited, still, lifeless
Lost and broken amidst countless days

Yet every now and then
The creaking of a door can be heard
The sound of a lost traveller looking for sanctuary
Deaf to the calls of the absurd

Wandering inside the once forgotten cage
Slowly warming its fading hearth
Painting the abandoned woodshed with unfamiliar colors
Piecing all its prickly pieces in the dark

Giving light to the once unsightly place
Footsteps now beginning to make their way
Towards the heart of the forest
Where nothing will ever be the same
You are full of colors, both bright and dark. All along you were waiting for someone to love you for your colors, waiting to be seen beyond your  thickest walls, waiting to be understood as really just vulnerable.

And now the wait is beginning to pay off. You are changing, and you are beginning to see how much you are absolutely loved.

It's time you learn to love that person within you too.

 Jun 2020 Carl Fynn
The Untold
When I stare into your distant eyes
I wonder if you were meant for this distant love
If they'd look the same,
If we held on to hope, love
If I saw you face to face
If you saw me face to face.
Your eyes are always so distant, as if they are searching for peace so far away. I want to get lost in them, where distance doesn't hurt, but hope lightens the heart, love puts a smile across your lips.
 Jun 2020 Carl Fynn
The Untold
You're locked inside your head
Let go of the demons inside
And you'll realise you were the demons.
But demons are just fallen angels,
Heal your bruises
And rise up.
With love.
You can do this.
Though it's hard.
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