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 Dec 2013 Candie
borrowed time
 Dec 2013 Candie
my sister thought my mother
had died on her lap;
she walked to the bathroom
inside that depthless hospital hotel.

the putrid smell of life and death
all through-out this concrete heaven
and hell.

at the age of fifty-four
my mother's bones would
carry no more weight.

her gentle heart
her forgiving mind
her words so strong

but mine,
they are forced out
by constricted wind-pipes
and angry words

i glanced down at the cot, where my mother died
as I made contact with my mother's pale-blue eyes
she looked at me with the most helpless,
childish face I've ever seen.
as if to say:
"he isn't here.. where is he...
where could he be?"

she lived thirty more minutes.

he arrived a few hours later, asking:
"how's she doin'?"

never take for granted,
someone's borrowed time.
(C) Shang
 Dec 2013 Candie
Samantha Creek
I take the long way home
just desperate to feel
those butterflies
that I felt leaving your house
rushing to get home
before midnight would

On the way home
my lips would continue
to tingle from each
breath rolling off yours
to seep into my lungs
because you'd give me
extra air to live longer
when only you knew
that I secretly wished
away my last breaths
so I could disappear.

On the way home,
I'd actually turn down
the radio so my mind
could trace over you body
on top of mine
and I would smile
as the moon cast light
through my car.

On the way home,
my chest would continue
to beat to the rhythm
of your blood pumping
because you were my
life support
feeding me breaths
and words that
made my cheeks flush
and my stomach rise
lifting my head too
because I was once buried.

Now, on the way home,
my lips quiver to dodge
myself from yelling out
your name.

Now, on the way home,
I make the radio scream
our melodies so my
mind cannot focus
to retrace the maze
of your body.

Now, on the way home,
my heart struggles
to remember how
to beat in unison
when it used to be pressed
against your chest
and being obsessed with
that force of pressure
keeping me compacted
together so I wouldn't
set fire to my lungs
and melt away forever.

Now, on the way home,
my head refuses to listen
to my stomach
and it turns to face
your house
and I hurt.

Now, on the way home,
my eyes mist
in the presence
of her car in
your driveway
parked where my car
use to sleep at night
when we'd become on
from dusk
till dawn.

Now, on the way home,
I remember back before you,
where I'd fight my breathing
to make it stop
so I could stop forever...
You saved me
from myself,
but now, on the way home,
I cannot turn into your
driveway anymore.
 Nov 2013 Candie
soul in torment
I cling to your memory


I will forget

 Nov 2013 Candie
Elizabeth Ann
High school is like
Trying to breath underwater

At first you hold your breath
Thinking that you can make it through
But then your lungs begin to burn
And your body starts to ache
So you let out some air
Just to try and
Feel a little better
And before long
You're completely out
And your head is throbbing
And your chest is spasming
And every nerve in your body is screaming
B . R . E . A . T . H .
But you know better
So you shout back
And you swim up
With the last of your energy
With the promise of pure air at the end
But instead
You come across thick glass
And you can see
The sun in the sky
But cannot touch it
The wind in the air
But cannot taste it
The freedom in the sky
But cannot believe it
Because you are pounding on the glass
And at last you gasp
And water pours in to your unsuspecting lungs
And all you're left with is the unbelievable disappointment
For you had the promise of sunshine
Laughing on your face
And the summer breeze
Dancing in your fingers
But you are stuck
Behind that glass wall
Because you are trying
Oh, so hard to
Breath underwater
 Nov 2013 Candie
Real Love
 Nov 2013 Candie
she was lighter
and he was cigarette

she needed him to feel worthwhile
and he needed her to feel the flames

but just like every lighter
her light ran out

and just like every cigarette
his fire died

and just like that
they forgot who they are
i tried my best and this is one of my very first poems xoxo
I wore a razor on my wrist last night,
it told me of the time.
I read it like any watch,
based on all the lines.
At four o'clock comes loneliness,
that frustrating little fiend.
At nine o'clock comes guilt,
when I can't say I'm seven months clean.
At eleven o'clock comes depression,
it hits me like a gun.
At one o'clock comes fear,
all I want to do is run.
I wear it everyday,
hiding it under my sleeve.
Put a smile on my face
so everyone believes.
Even my best friend can tell I'm getting bad.
She just likes to turn away and believe the sound of my laugh.
Don't worry darling,
I won't bring you drown.
Just don't sit at my grave and weep
when I've finally decided to drown.
 Nov 2013 Candie
Allen Wilbert
Ex Partners

The last time that we spoke,
my life was such a joke.
I'm glad to see you're doing well,
my life has gone straight to hell.
I see you have become very rich,
yes my wife is still a *****.
Must be nice to have fortune and fame,
while I'm stuck in the hall of shame.
You and your trophy wife,
me grabbing for my sharpest knife.
You living high on the hog,
me so hungry, had to eat my dog.
I see you bought a brand new mansion,
they had to repo my trailer expansion.
Your kids are going to the best schools,
my kids go to school on ***** mules.
Remember when we are team,
me not knowing you had a hidden scheme.
Did you know I had a nervous breakdown,
it ****** wearing that hospital gown.
Your wife and kids I have kidnapped,
I left you a ransom note that I wrapped.
I deserve half of your money,
the longer you wait, the more they become ******.
I'm only asking for a measly million,
I think it's worth it for your wife and children.
You better not involve the cops,
I'm so hungry, I could eat them like pork chops.
Put the money in a garbage bag,
tie it tight with an old ***** rag.
Leave it at the place where we first met,
the your family you might get.
I left you a map where to find them,
you only have to eight p.m.
Everything went according to plan,
now I am a very rich man.
 Nov 2013 Candie
Growing Up
 Nov 2013 Candie
Here Lies The Teenager:
Somewhere between awkward love making
and suicidal tendencies.
 Nov 2013 Candie
the amount of times i've written i'm fine while crying,

the amount of times i smiled while i wish i was dying,

it hurts simply because,
people underestimate the kind of pain you have to be in,
to drag a blade
across your own skin,

i hide myself  under a pile of lies so no one sees,
the secrets behind
these fake smiles,

my depression is like a current pulling me under and everytine i finally have some strength to pull myself up again it pulls me down,
it is strangling my happiness out of me,
it refuses to let me breathe,
it grabs hold of my neck and is murdeing my joy,
i can't explain the pain that went across my veins,
those nights where i wish i was sober,
where poems like this made no sense,
where i smoked my pain the **** away,
those nights where a pull of the rope could of ended my night,
i don't know anymore,

all i know is that i'm getting worse and worse by the second and i don't know what to do

~d. a
 Nov 2013 Candie
Xander B
Quietly, like a stalking cat.
Sneaking up on you; unnoticeable.
One small move will be the end of you.
Its crazy how fast it can happen.

You start out fine, just another day.
But as sure as the sun will rise and set,
It will happen.
Just don't think about it.

Ropes have you tied to your imagination; ideas.
Whether they are truthful or clouded with lies.
Just don't think about it.
It shouldn't matter anymore.

Unfathomable distrust in the nature of these ideas.
Just don't think about it.
But its hard not too.
There really is no escape from reality.

Just don't think about it.
One day you may truthfully say you aren't,
But today you are trapped.
Trapped undernieth your own thoughts.

This is my advice to you.
**Just don't think about it.
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