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 Jul 2017 Cali
Jim Marchel
 Jul 2017 Cali
Jim Marchel
A river runs
While a lake stands still
And the mountains eclipse and make dwarves of the hills.
The meadow blooms,
The flowers swoon
As the sunlight of day paves a path for the moon.
As I lie here alone in a desolate state
Immersed in my senses but unfit to relate,
I can't help but notice I'm incredibly small
Surrounded by beauty and grandeur and all.
No friends to console me except the whistling pines,
No one to reach out and hold me
But the wheatgrass feels fine.
When I speak
My words fall like anchors in the sea;
The little waves of the lake that hear them
Shake their heads in disbelief.
The only truth I now hold to heart
Is that oftentimes life takes us back to the start.
A river runs
While a lake stands still
And the mountains are eclipsed by
My power of will.
 Jun 2017 Cali
I imagined myself leaving
someday.  Trading
plains for seas, exchanging
something loved for something

And maybe it's the fear
of quietly whispering
goodbye that unsettles me.
Maybe it's the inevitable
end of familiarity,
like the sun's western descent
after a day that should not
And when it does,
we all pack our bags
and say farewell.

I will trace new roadmaps on the
back of my hands;
I will find the familiar
creaks in the floorboards.

And when the sun sets,
someone will leave a light on
for me.
 Jun 2017 Cali
oh, but it's alright, matthew.

I have seen small flowers go
through concrete and morning
glories uproot trees,
I have wasted so much
time being angry and I am

buried myself
beneath the aspens and
hunkered down for
a while,

i won't haunt you
because only ghosts with
ill wills linger and

I am softening myself
like warm butter or
sun-tea, melting down
into sugar or caramel

I have a few mean bones
but they won't
be around for

so it is alright,
to do that, or be that
if they bring you peace or strength
then so be
(c) Brooke Otto 2017

pack up.
 Feb 2017 Cali
Edward Coles
 Feb 2017 Cali
Edward Coles
Somewhere, amongst the debris
of cigarettes after ***,
chemicals to induce sleep,
I forgot what it means to love.

I forgot what it means to breathe,
to sit still, and just be.

Somewhere, beneath these hooded seams
of solitude and well-versed grief,
beats a heart less cynical,
less tamed by vague distraction.

My nervous ticks and bad habits,
line of best fit for a near-hit
of satisfaction:

This is not enough, I know.
This is not nearly enough
to cool the bray of life
that still rattles meaning in my bones.

I forgot what it means to love,
what separates a house from a home.

Somewhere beyond this thirst
for brand-new words
is a gratitude for all that has been.
Every cliché holds a truth.

Every sentiment, a cocoon,
that I should lie so still inside

until I am wholesome,
until I am new.
 Feb 2017 Cali
Megan Grace
when i was little i wanted to grow up
to be a tree, did i ever tell you that?
there was an oak tree next to my house
and i loved her like she had given me
my skin, used to plant tulips at her feet
and sing to her on the coldest days
of winter so she would know i hadn't
forgotten about her as soon as the first
day got shorter. i thought if i breathed
with her long enough i would learn to
be tall, learn to be sturdy, learn that wind
is nothing but a momentary nuisance.
i would stand at her base and let the sun
that rippled through her leaves paint
freckles on my nose while i reached my
arms up toward the clouds like vines,
thought i could bend and stretch and make
a home for the birds and the butterflies.

my dad always told me there is no such
thing as something that is too far away.
there are always cars, always boats and
trains and ladders. if you want something
bad enough
, he would say, distance
doesn't exist
. but an ocean. but an ocean.

sometimes i think i could feel you in my
fingertips before i knew you. like when
i was stretching up to the endless sky,
you were pulling from somewhere else. i
wonder if the me who wanted to be a home
for the earth knew she'd grow up to want
to be a home for you.
"fate is a *****"
 Feb 2017 Cali
Daniel Magner
reaches to the end of the universe
and back.
Ever expanding, limitless,
beyond conception,
even for true hearted romantics,
of which I count myself one.
I'm pretty sure the sun goes down each day
because it's jealous of your beauty,
and it gets tired of being outshined.
Remember when we stood on a hill that night,
where you witnessed three shooting stars?
I didn't witness a single one,
my eyes intent on you.
Those missed wishes are alright,
my dreams are in the middle of coming true.
Each night we lay down together for bed,
every morning I get to kiss your forehead,
is a wish fulfilled.
Now, one year into it, I'm ever more thrilled,
to call you my one and only,
my love bug,
my world.
For Asialani with love

Daniel Magner 2017
 Jan 2017 Cali
Autumn Rose
In a midnight
whispered by spring,
I lingered to hear
the symphony
of wild roses
beyond the
wayward pines.
But now
I paint them
in marine colours
to send them
to drift among
the reckless waves,
seducing the young sailors...
I am so happy that i finally found some free time to write something...
 Dec 2016 Cali
Michael L
Your lips move slowly,
yet, in this moment
there is silence.
Your warm breath
caresses my face.

And with anticipation
I don't need words.
Everything you need to say
is whispered in your thoughts  
and echoed by your fingertips.

Your touch is thunderous,
resounding deep within us  
penetrating all my defenses,
filling that space between us.
In these moments I submit.

Powerless to resist this passion.
Ecstasy and lightning entwined,
flashes of lust and love
spark from skin to skin,
as the silent storm surges over us.

Briefly the world is muted.
Only you and I exist, fully exposed.
Vulnerable, we surrender completely,
trusting this silence to satisfy
our unquenchable appetite.
Thanks Elizabeth J for allowing me to collaborate with you on this poem. It was my pleasure!
 Oct 2016 Cali
Akira Chinen
I don't have the words to describe how beautiful you are but if you are not the definition of beauty then beauty has yet to be truely defined
And yet there is a deeper attraction than that what is pleasing to the eye
A pull that comes not from need or want or lust or desire
Not from the flickering flame or burning embers
Not the soft clouds of silk magenta skies or the mist rolling off dark blue velvet oceans
It is a drop of the pure essence and blood of the only truth found in the palm of eternity
The reason men seek to climb the trails through the mountains of madness and the echo heard throughout the asylum where the lost gods of insanity sleep
Cast and bound in human form you are everything that is love
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