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CA Guilfoyle Aug 2020
I traveled through lush greens
mountains of moss, sinking soft
wild in the woods you went
swooped and flew
singing songs
of blue water
of morning colors
in the light of sun
with dreams of moon
my bird.
CA Guilfoyle Aug 2020
Dark water
of other countries
wild northlands
the splashing sea at night
bump and rocking of water
tangle of ropes and nets
swell of waves list and blister
splinter like thorns, swelling of wood
safe a place to anchor
these stars between clouds
maps, little sparks
to guide us home.
CA Guilfoyle Jul 2020
I will wake
very soon or later
blue in the water or sky
sleep in downy feathers
plummet, I fall or fly
what is real, speak and feel
awaken from sleep
now the time
I die.
CA Guilfoyle Jul 2020
For this bird
these woven feathers into web
of silken sage your home.
Silent you sleep, soon slips
the shell and falls the day
the evening of your life
with monsoon winds
your wings of flurry flutter
tiny flash barley seen
heart of ruby
feathers of
CA Guilfoyle Feb 2020
Tonight the wind
the pouring rain through trees
hiss and whistle of kettle
water poured for tea
the lashing winter willows
this coal, dark storm that blinds
and hides away your face
and any trace of moon.
CA Guilfoyle Feb 2020
a million birds singing
the wind warm as sun
all the branches glowing
we wait the buds to come
the bending leafy willows
brush the melting pond
of blue green water
beneath the cold dark earth
roots encased and safe
breathe green where
flowers form.
CA Guilfoyle Oct 2019
The drape of blue, green vines

that hung and fell with beads of water perfume

of birds and flowers long since bloomed.

Chilly winds lift feathery fronds

of red and rust on autumn ponds.

A shadow of summer

where sandhill cranes have flown.

A fallow field hazy in its gold and brown

stiff blades and grain that brace the cold

Alas snowflakes

soft as feathers falling down.
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