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Always continue to inspire
Teach the youth to reach higher
Guide their way to the light
In order to do what is right
They always need positivity
Be a motivational force for them to see
Simply of a didactic nature
Fill their minds with knowledge so they can be greater
Always take that chance
Believe that you can
Have the courage
That is the master plan
Go forward and conquer
Reach for that gold
It is within you
Liberate your soul
State all of the facts
That way, there are zero questions
Remove obscurity
Let there be good intentions
Nothing but bright moments
Will appear ahead
Waters are peaceful
Things sail smoothly instead
Girl, you are precious
It shows in everything that you do
Your loving personality
Glows right on through
Your beautiful face
And pretty smile
Can light up the night stars
It is peachy and mild
Just find your mark
Before time withers away
Make great usage of the opportunity
Shine that light each day
The mind is an essential tool
Utilize it accordingly
Continue on with your progress
Be effective and efficient respectfully
You need to concentrate
And raise those grades
Just study your books
There is always knowledge for you to gain
Continue to grab education
You can turn it all around
Put your mind to it
Just reach for that crown
Bit by bit
You can build yourself back up
Never lose hope
Reach for the top
Continue on each day
You may struggle at times
Go through that hazardous fire
And keep your eyes on the prize
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