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 Apr 2021 Wanderer
known from history to history
and named in every age
the muse our of imagination
circles above the darkened stage

firmly held by winter's grasp
but heralding the birth of spring
starlit hope shines from afar
breathing life into eternal dreams
watching orion shine
through the moonlight
wondering how many times
these timeless star-shapes
have been named
 Apr 2021 Wanderer
I see, I see
those cold cold girls
who hide behind hoodies
and bun their curls
who line their eyes
smoky with darkness
that circles their mind
resulting from their cries
who's lips are red
due to a temper
that's so **** short
-on thin ice they tread,
who glare at every guy
just so they back off
waiting for the one who'll
dare answer their why
why? would someone
like them and love them
why? would someone
want them and need them
but everyone
keeps their distance
but everyone
stays away
and that's the reason
these cold cold girls
never let anyone in.
 Apr 2021 Wanderer
 Apr 2021 Wanderer
Morn’s lingering mist...
Silently skimming
off the water’s edge.

          Deft tendrils reach out,
          to playfully
          taunt and tease...

Digging and uncovering...
Like a slow and worn...
But trusty dredge.

          Unearthing unwelcomed
          memories of (c)old,
          like an abrupt winter’s breeze.

*** of needles,
all held together with a rubber band.
Baggies and cotton ***** and
a spoon with a blackened bottom.
A length of rubber tubing.
Shot up and nodded off,
she seemed happy that way.
Even sobbing, she seemed somehow happy.
She didn't want my help
and I didn't have help to give anyway.
She wanted blue lips
and the peace of the infinite.
She'd gone cold
and I never was a fire.
 Apr 2021 Wanderer
Jabberwocky hip hop doo ***
It don’t stop
Til the Hufflepuff huffs and puffs
And shatters the glass slipper
Watch your step on yellow brick
It may be the same advice for yellow snow
Don’t you know
If you tip the magic hat
The rabbit will jump out and hippity hoppity
To a late, very important date
With a snake offering an apple
To the fairest one in the land
Take a bite, it will be alright
You’ll see things so far out of sight
Just one bite will take you higher
Another bite might be like dancing with a sprite all night
Oh the things you’ll see and oh the things you’ll do
If you listen to my advice
And dance the jiggly jig
Of the jabberwocky hip hop doo ***
 Apr 2021 Wanderer
Bogdan Dragos
what would be the reason
to have an open casket funeral?

Why should the living
see the dead?

He addressed the questions to no one
in particular
but his dead wife answered from the
picture on the wall
"Don't you wanna see me, darling?"

"Not like that, I don't," he said. "That's
why I have your portrait. So I don't
have to look at your
dead body in the casket. But your
mom wouldn't understand..."

"Darling, I think you're the one
who doesn't
understand. And I think it's
time we talk about your therapist."

"What about my therapist?"

"You tell me. You tell me why did she have
to tell you that she's single now
and looking to settle. I thought she
was supposed to
help you cope with the premature death
of your wife, not tell you her

"Dear, please..."

"And one more thing. I don't like
the medicine she
prescribed you. Have you even read the
label? That ****'s dangerous, you

He stormed out of
the room and
went straight to the morgue
and told the morticians to seal his
dead wife's lips with glue or

They looked at him like he
was crazy

"What is it?" he asked

"Well, sir, to glue the dead's lips
for the open casket ceremony is
just... standard procedure. Else the mouth
opens and it's not a pretty sight. Did
you work with the dead or something?"

He thought a bit
"Yeah," he said. "Something. Something
like that."
 Apr 2021 Wanderer
Bogdan Dragos
You can still be good
at what you do
without liking
what you do

It’s more common than
you’d imagine

The words reflected his face
in the steamy bathroom mirror

He watched
until he felt cold in his
and shivered

reached for the towel
got out of the bathroom
put on clothes
and returned to his writing

The blank page was ugly

unlike the somewhat encouraging
words on the steamy mirror

He reached into the drawer
pulled out the pen
stuck it into his mouth
clicked it

Reached again into the drawer
pulled out the gun
pointed it at the blank page

He wrote for the remainder of
the day and the next
night around the smokey hole

It was finally
 Apr 2021 Wanderer
Bogdan Dragos
three weeks
and the shards were still there
still scattered on the tiles
of the kitchen floor

that was a thick glass
meant for classy strong drinks
like whiskey

Yeah, now that he thought about it
it was whiskey she
ordered. But he filled
the glass with milk and said,
“You know what the doctor said, mother.
No more alcohol for you. Here, try
this instead.”

And he would strongly
prefer not to remember what followed

The shards were still
on the kitchen floor

and the **** still on the side of
his neck. Stitched now
but painful nonetheless
 Apr 2021 Wanderer
Catch me like the flickering waves
Melding seamlessly into the horizontal sea
Where your memories stare back at you and
Your unconscious eyes of being seek to be

Catch me, my newfound find nearby
For I seek to live flyingly here in your eyes
For just a moment in being this order to free
And in your sight to see

Because the words are my why
Just as these mine are me
Sometimes I write and describe
Just to see if you will read
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