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I’m sorry that I’ve cursed you
Judged and criticized
Neglected disrespected you
Your feelings pulverized

I know that I took for granted
Your Beauty and your Grace
And for the times that I ignored
The tears upon your face

Sincerely I am sorry for
My ignorance and greed
I have not known the difference
Between greed, love and need

Masquerading for each other
Unnoticed in between
So many moments of beauty
I let slip past unseen

I’m sorry for the wasted time
I have not understood
My power both to hurt and help
Forgive me if you could

I make sincere apologies
Praying for the fitness
To open that inner vision
With God as my witness

If I’m to hold onto your love
The life I’ve often cursed
Though forgiveness is freely given
I must forgive me first
Reflecting on my life, all the mistakes that I'm letting go of, moving forward in love.
I've spent my whole life
Building walls all around me
My shelter's a tomb
Between the divide
You just can't get agreement
In this time and age
Waking up one morning
It's a normal kind of day
Only there are bulldozers
on their way

It goes this way:
At the end of your driveway
down to the right
in front of the picket fence
The land is graded
a horizontal drill brought in
made to feel at home

You see,
We you me may own the land
But the mineral rights are theirs

A concrete utility structure goes up,
in what do you think?
About three weeks?

Chemicals are shot
horizontally under the land
under the house
to release the gas from the sand
While the ground water
is fearfully shivering
it knows
its days are numbered.

The concrete utility chimney
pouring out chemical smoke
24 hours a day.

The  County says,
"What do you expect us to do?"
The State says
"***** You "

Cancer clusters
Sick kids
Chemical water tasting very weird

Guess what?

Whether it be our 89,000
189,000 or 889,000 dollar
American dream home
The dog is going to be
taking a **** in the backyard
claiming ownership.

Welcome to LA too
No matter where you are
Every other day
the earth is shaking
buildings tumbling
Dance Dance Dance

Dots on a map
thousands of them
all around us
coming our way.

Better take a drive
next time on talk radio
"Drill baby Drill"

All hail Exxon
Cars love Shell Gasoline

The old USA
******* gas
And it sure ain't nitrous
cars idoling on a stop and go freeway
finding our true purpose
a grounded oil derreck
for the Koch Brothers
He who pays the piper calls the tune
Oh yeah
Drill baby Drill
I'm heading up Highway 101

The Earth hot and *****
for a new life form

Welcome to the new world order
Welcome to the new USA
Purloined, poisoned, polluted
The United Petro States of America.

Hey Hey Hey
"New world order" of course, Bruce Springsteen, the Boss.
If you live near one of these friggin fracking structures, love to hear about it.

Sometimes you gotta write a protest song.
Some days there is an ache
That ripples through my soul like an echo in an empty cave.
Where it started, I'll never know
But it seems endless on my empty days.
 Dec 2016 Bronwen Griffiths
Lonely, like the ancient ocean
flooding fast upon the sand

past a fading line of footprints,
ankle deep in surf she stands

casting wishes on the water
like a sprinkling of snow,

light they land but moments after,
melt into the waves, and go..
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