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I am lost.
Something is telling me you are just like me.
We were put in the darkness
To find each other.
Scibile Definition: Something which it is possible to know.
 Jul 2014 BM Shattuck
I am but a weary minstrel
Step by step to bide my time
Looking for my one true answer
In a love that I may find

Shaded fields of hopes and wishes
Flowing stems so softly breathe
Taking all that life does offer
Forward weavings to believe

I have found the golden idol
Sitting still in chamber’d light
Reaching off for some existence
Far beneath the stars at night

With its eyes of diamond whispers
Only now it sheds my fear
Precious metals tore us under
As I search the far and near

What is this my heart now calling
Echoes play about the rim
If this line of worn endeavors
Finds the time to soon begin

Will you walk with me at sunrise
Whisper that you love me so
Count the petals of a daisy
Set aside against the flow

For you see my truth is baring
Everything that I can share
Take my hand and please remember
I am but a man who cares

In this endless dream of summer
Warming trends eternally
You are mine, my only sunshine
Won’t you walk this road with me
 Jul 2014 BM Shattuck
Jeremy Bean
When I die
  the angel will probably have your face.
From the innocent purity of white
To the hopeful friendliness of yellow

The emotional tenderness of pink
The elegant femininity of lavender

The passionate strength of red
The warm flamboyance of orange

The natural generosity of green
The royal nobility of purple

The peaceful serenity of blue
The durable simplicity of brown

The reliable dignity of gray
Or the deep mystery of black

Whatever your true colours are
Be proud and let them shine!

© Raphael Uzor
Every color has a negative side too
But I believe in seeing the good in people.
So I focus on peoples' strengths
And try to downplay their weaknesses.
I sit and stare...
As time crawls by
Anxiously awaiting nightfall.

Nowhere to go,
Nothing to do
But yawn and stretch-
All day long.

Nothing interests me today

Sleep becomes tiring
Food becomes tasteless
Nothing catches my fancy

Not the TV
Not the radio.
I take a walk outside
Not a chance!
The fierce sun drives me back.

I call my friends
But all are busy
It's a conspiracy!

I sigh,
Desperate for the day to end
Maybe a book will speed it up
I browse through my shelf
Picking one at random
I sleep off,
Before I make it through page one

Hopefully, I'll sleep away time

I awake to the barking dogs
Convinced I've slept for hours
I feel worse than before
Cos I only slept 5 minutes.
**** dogs!

I listen to a song-
Cindy Lauper's Time After Time
I feel like crying
Where is everybody?
I give up!

Nothing works for me today

It's a sad, long and lonely day
The street is quiet-
Except for the barking

I feel tired
Tired from sleeping
Tired from everything
Nothing to do but think.

Finally, I pick up my pen
I grab a paper
I write a line
And for the first time today-

I smile!

© Raphael Uzor
I lose you
like I lose my mind-

I am honest
Unbiased even
In your favor
You hate me
As you hate
A mirror
For you will
Not accept
all rights reserved
In my desperation
to understand your disappearance
ive mulled that word over in my maze of a mind
way too many times
i can no longer find its meaning.
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