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  Oct 2014 Britany
Craig Verlin
There is a vague
sense of clarity in
the feeling that
one can be sad at the
passing of something
while simultaneously
sighing in relief
for the silence that
comes in it's absence.
  Oct 2014 Britany
Charles Casanova
His gaze adrift through countless windows
Dreaming far beyond his eyes will ever see
The birches wept amongst cold shadows
Reminiscing of spring and leaves of green

By a southernly breeze the moment swept
He stood wondering, why do they still weep
For that moment swept, was indeed a lifetime

Charles Casanova 10/5/14
Britany Oct 2014
Let us watch the grass grow
While momentarily forgetting the snow
A few patches here and there
Although they seemingly do not care
It's all starting to melt
my heart, that is, it's something that's felt
Drip, drop, as down goes the days
Turning to puddles while lifting a haze
Shine as the sun may will
Growing brighter with every ****
Gaining beauty with every breath
But every breath brings us closer to death
Britany Oct 2014
Can you help me
back out of the void
That calls for me to see
all that is destroyed
Britany Oct 2014
Hi old friend
With your time weathered face
And your worn out mind

I was wondering
When I'd see you again
My old friend

Not much has changed
Only the time
And our wearing bodies

I'll still be the same
If I see you again
Until next time

My old friend

— The End —